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Where To Donate Baby Items

Infants are the most vulnerable members of society. They can be significantly affected when their parents lose their jobs from a pandemic or economic crisis, move to another country or state, or make a sudden transition from one standard of living to a lesser one. They are also the most likely to be handed over to members of their extended family, like aunts, uncles, and grandparents, when their parents can’t care for them anymore. But there’s something you can do to help.

Donating your baby’s old clothes, strollers, and toys is one of the most practical and generous deeds you can do in life. Leaving these reusable items in your storage closet and letting them gather dust will waste what are otherwise useful assets for someone who may not be able to afford them.

Many charities await generous souls who want to help the disadvantaged by clearing out a few items from their children’s closets. If you’re planning to donate, there are some factors to consider. Although most items are accepted, make sure they are in usable condition and non-hazardous to kids.

What’s Allowed?

You can donate all baby items to charity as long as they are designed for infants and have no history of manufacturer recalls. Parents who are surviving on welfare or living within a tight budget will appreciate your donation. Unused items like unsolicited Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, and baby shower gifts are also welcome.

Items That Babies Need for Sleep and Hygiene

Donate baby items like beddings, crib sheets, and changing tables. Although these are some of the most common items that parents throw away due to wear and tear, they can end up in the hands of someone with a genuine need. As long as these items are not visibly stained, torn, or in the case of furniture, cracked, charities will happily accept them and pass them on to struggling families.

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We recommend washing your donations one last time before calling us to pick them up. If they have mold or mildew growing on them, this might infect other articles of clothing. You can skip this step if you’ve used your items in the past three months, but when items have been in storage for a long time, washing them will also remove that musty storage smell.

Items That Babies Need for Play

Children’s old playthings are famous for taking up a lot of space in the house. Stepping on them can be painful, and finding storage space for them can be a hassle. Donate your kids’ old rocking horses, dollhouses, and matchbox cars to charity, and rediscover breathing spaces in your home that you haven’t seen in years.

Toys have a mysterious way of doubling in number. No matter how often you clean your kids’ room, den, and living room, there’s always the inevitable toy soldier or misplaced dollhouse furniture that you might step on when you’re not paying attention. If you observe the corners of your kids’ rooms, you might notice a hill of stuffed animals that will soon turn into a mountain.

Reclaim some living space by donating toys your kids have outgrown to charity. Better yet, teach your kids generosity by having them wrap up their unneeded toys themselves.

For some old toys, we recommend that you look up whether they still conform to current laws designed to ensure a child’s safety during playtime. It’s better to toss some toys into the recycling bin, such as discount plastic trinkets that may contain high lead content and are choking hazards.

Items That Babies Need To Feed

Babies have developing stomachs and palates that make them sensitive to the temperature, texture, and taste of milk. Not all parents can breastfeed, and many mothers in underprivileged communities need help weaning their babies off breastmilk and training them to eat more solid foods. Donate feeding supplies and bottle warmers that will help these infants obtain the sustenance they need.

Many charitable organizations are sending aid to countries in Africa and the Middle East, where it can be a struggle for families to find enough food for their children. Your donations will help infants in refugee camps, homeless shelters, and foster homes survive by providing nutritious food and clean water. With proper nutrition early in life, these children can develop, grow, and thrive to their full potential.

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Clothes That Babies Need To Keep Warm

Children can be so picky about clothes that they will outgrow in a year or two. As you put away the onesies, pants, and shoes that your children haven’t worn in years, you might notice they are beginning to form a pile that is slowly eating up your closet space.

Giving your children’s old clothes to charity will help provide babies from underserved communities with a way to keep warm at night. Not everyone is fortunate enough to sleep with a roof over their heads. Donating your kids’ old jackets, washcloths, towels, and baby clothes, will help impoverished children to not only sleep better but to stay dry and healthy as well.

Items That Children Need for Education

Experts recommend that parents read to their children every day from at least age four to age 10 to provide adequate mental stimulation. Unfortunately, not all parents have time to spare, and not all children have people they can call parents. Donating your kids’ old educational DVDs, books, videos, and study materials will help provide them with a better education.

Underprivileged kids in America’s foster system often go into overloaded public schools where they may not get the attention they require. Pupils who can’t keep up at school sometimes cause trouble and turn to a life of crime later in life.

Nipping the problem in the bud by providing them with the educational materials they need will help them develop an early interest in schoolwork and academics. When disadvantaged kids can read, write, and do mathematical operations as well as their classmates from more stable households, they will be far more motivated to keep up with the rest of their peers until they graduate.

What’s Not Allowed?

baby Once upon a time, charities released everything into the public, from car seats, cribs, and even baby formula, that people sent them. The government has since developed guidelines on what charities can give back, and the charities themselves have devised self-imposed rules to ensure safety by avoiding substandard donations.

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Here are some items you might want to verify are donatable with your local laws or by calling the charity of your choice before donating.

Car Seats and Cribs

Cribs and car seats are notorious for frequent recalls and product revisions. It seems like every few years, some flaws in their designs surface, and regulators respond by making new laws to iron out these issues.

If you’re donating a car seat for children over four years old or a crib, especially if it’s an old model, check with the charity of your choice to see if they accept that particular version. Better yet, look it up on the internet to see if it has been subject to a recall or product update.

Video Games With Violent Content

Even though violence is the norm today in all forms of American media, charities are working to stave off violent behavior in children by minimizing their exposure to on-screen brutality. Adventure novels, coloring books, and movies are fine, but games and all media with a rating above E or “for general audiences” might not be accepted.

Large Backyard Toys and Play Structures

Aside from taking up more space in a warehouse than a charity can afford, large backyard play structures come with bolts, screws, and pipes that might go missing in transport. One missing board and they might be rendered useless. These structures also might endanger kids who are too young to play on them, and not all underprivileged kids have constant supervision.

Religious-Themed Material

Religious-themed material can be encouraged or disallowed depending on the charity you choose. Catholic and Protestant churches form some of the biggest charities in the world, and they welcome all materials with a religious message, even if they don’t completely align with their beliefs.

Where Can You Donate Baby Items?

If you’re wondering where you can donate baby items, our experts at easydonationpickup.com will help you track down a charity that serves underprivileged families. We also serve American veterans.

We have over 34 years of experience in connecting people with charitable organizations, and we’re only growing stronger as more people are starting to recognize the value of helping the needy.

All your items will go straight to a charitable organization that will then deliver them to the doorsteps of foster homes, impoverished families, and families that are currently having a tough go with the recent pandemic. Our services are completely free.

Schedule a pickup today by calling 1(855) 628 8387 or sending an email to [email protected]. We service most areas in Orange County and Los Angeles, and we accept everything that can be carried by one person off your doorstep.


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