Which Boarding Schools Allow Phones

In today’s digital age, mobile phones have become an integral part of most teenagers’ lives. For parents sending their kids to boarding school, a common question arises: do boarding schools allow phones? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide a detailed look at phone policies at boarding schools.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: most boarding schools do allow students to have phones, but often with strict rules and limitations in place.

Background on Boarding School Phone Policies

Boarding schools have traditionally had strict policies when it comes to allowing phones on campus. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards allowing students to have phones with them. This change is largely due to the increasing importance of technology in education and the recognition of smartphones as valuable learning tools.

Shift Towards Allowing Phones in Recent Years

In the past, boarding schools often implemented a complete ban on phones, with the aim of minimizing distractions and fostering a focused learning environment. However, as technology has become more integrated into our daily lives, schools have started to embrace the educational benefits that smartphones can offer.

Many boarding schools now allow students to have phones, but with certain limitations and guidelines in place.

Goals of Limiting Phone Use

The primary goal of limiting phone use in boarding schools is to ensure that students are fully engaged in their academic and social experiences. By setting boundaries on phone usage, schools aim to encourage face-to-face interactions, promote a healthy work-life balance, and prevent excessive screen time.

This approach helps students develop crucial interpersonal skills and allows them to fully immerse themselves in the boarding school community.

Typical Phone Rules at Boarding Schools

While the exact phone rules may vary from school to school, there are some common guidelines that many boarding schools follow. For example:

  • Phones may be allowed during specified times, such as in the evening after classes or during designated free time.
  • Phones may need to be stored in a designated location during specific periods, such as during meal times or overnight.
  • Certain areas of the campus, such as classrooms or study areas, may be designated as phone-free zones.
  • Some schools may have restrictions on certain phone features, such as camera usage or access to social media platforms.
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It is important to note that these rules are put in place to ensure a balanced and productive environment for the students. By having clear guidelines, schools can strike a balance between allowing phone usage for educational purposes and minimizing distractions that may hinder academic and personal growth.

If you are interested in learning more about specific boarding school phone policies, you can visit Boarding School Review or Association of Independent Schools in New England, where you can find detailed information on various boarding school phone policies.

Examples of Boarding School Phone Policies

Very Restrictive Policies

Some boarding schools have very restrictive policies when it comes to allowing phones on campus. These schools often believe that minimizing phone usage helps students focus on their studies and build stronger interpersonal relationships.

As a result, students in these schools are typically not allowed to have personal phones with them during school hours. Instead, they may have designated times during the day when they can use communal phones or access computers for communication purposes.

This strict approach aims to create a more immersive and distraction-free learning environment.

One example of a boarding school with a very restrictive phone policy is Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, USA. The school prohibits the use of personal phones by students during academic hours and has designated communication centers where students can make phone calls or use computers under supervision.

Moderately Restrictive Policies

Other boarding schools adopt moderately restrictive phone policies that strike a balance between limiting phone usage and recognizing the practicality of having access to technology. These schools understand that phones can be valuable tools for staying connected and accessing information.

Therefore, they may allow students to have personal phones but impose certain restrictions on their usage. For example, students may be required to hand in their phones during class time or specific study hours, but they are allowed to use them during designated free time or after school hours.

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Eton College in the United Kingdom is an example of a boarding school with a moderately restrictive phone policy. While students are allowed to have phones, they must deposit them in a secure location during class time and retrieve them during designated breaks or after school hours.

More Flexible Policies

Some boarding schools have more flexible phone policies that recognize the importance of technology in the modern world. These schools understand that smartphones can be valuable educational tools and may allow students to have personal phones with them at all times.

However, even with this flexibility, there are still guidelines in place to ensure responsible and appropriate phone usage. Students may be required to keep their phones on silent during class or use them only during designated breaks.

United World College (UWC) is a network of international boarding schools that generally have more flexible phone policies. UWC schools believe in fostering a global community and recognize the importance of technology in facilitating communication and collaboration among students from different countries and cultures.

It’s important to note that while these examples provide a general overview of boarding school phone policies, each school may have variations and exceptions based on their specific rules and philosophies.

It’s always recommended to review the official policy of a boarding school before making any assumptions.

Pros and Cons of Allowing Phones at Boarding Schools

Benefits of Allowing Phones

Allowing phones at boarding schools can have several advantages for both students and the institution itself. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Enhanced communication: Having access to phones allows students to stay connected with their families and friends, providing a sense of comfort and support.
  • Emergency situations: Phones can be invaluable during emergencies, providing a quick and efficient means of communication to seek help or notify authorities.
  • Convenience and organization: Smartphones can serve as powerful tools for organization, with features such as calendars, reminders, and note-taking apps that can help students manage their schedules and assignments.
  • Access to educational resources: With the internet at their fingertips, students can use their phones to access a wealth of educational resources, research materials, and online learning platforms.
  • Preparation for the real world: Allowing phones can help students develop responsible phone usage habits, preparing them for the technology-driven world they will encounter after graduation.

Potential Downsides of Phone Use

While there are benefits to allowing phones at boarding schools, there are also potential downsides that need to be considered:

  • Distraction and decreased focus: Phones can be a source of distraction, diverting students’ attention away from their studies and social interactions.
  • Social isolation: Excessive phone use can lead to social isolation, as students may become more engrossed in their virtual connections rather than building meaningful relationships with their peers.
  • Cyberbullying and inappropriate content: Allowing phones increases the risk of cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate online content, which can have detrimental effects on students’ well-being.
  • Sleep disturbances: The use of phones before bedtime can disrupt students’ sleep patterns, impacting their overall health and academic performance.
  • Unequal access and disparities: Not all students may have access to smartphones or the financial means to afford one, leading to potential inequalities among students.
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It is important for boarding schools to strike a balance between the benefits and downsides of allowing phones. Implementing clear guidelines and fostering responsible phone usage can help mitigate the potential negative effects while maximizing the benefits.

Tips for following phone rules at boarding school

Understand the school’s policy

Before sending your child to a boarding school, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the school’s phone policy. Each institution may have different rules regarding the use of phones by students. Some schools may allow limited phone usage during specific times, while others may have stricter restrictions.

By understanding the policy, you can ensure that both you and your child are aware of the expectations and can avoid any potential conflicts.

Set expectations with your child

Communicating clearly with your child about the rules and expectations regarding phone usage is essential. Discuss the reasons behind the school’s policies and the importance of adhering to them. Encourage your child to view this as an opportunity to focus on their studies, build social connections, and develop important life skills.

By setting clear expectations, you can help your child understand the importance of following the rules and make their boarding school experience more enjoyable.

Use appropriate phone storage solutions

As most boarding schools have restrictions on phone usage, it is essential to find appropriate storage solutions for your child’s phone. Many schools provide lockers or designated areas where students can safely store their phones during restricted hours.

Alternatively, some schools may collect phones and return them at specific times. It is important to ensure that your child’s phone is secure and easily accessible during permitted times while also complying with the school’s rules.

For more information on boarding school phone policies and tips for navigating them, you can visit websites such as Boarding School Review or Peterson’s. These websites offer valuable insights and advice on how to effectively manage phone usage while at boarding school.


Mobile phones are now a fixture of teenage life, requiring boarding schools to grapple with setting appropriate policies. While most boarding schools do allow phones, strict limitations are typically in place.

Understanding the phone policy at your child’s boarding school and setting clear expectations can help ensure a positive experience.

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