HomeWHENWhen Do Regents Scores Come Out 2023

When Do Regents Scores Come Out 2023

The DOE shares test results to help families and educators understand the performance of New York City schools in recent years. Keep in mind that test results are just one measurement of student achievement.

You can find more information on the tools, resources, and reports the DOE creates to measure school quality on our School Quality Overview.

Test results are available for grade 3-8 state assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, New York State Regents exams, SAT, Advanced Placement exams, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The availability of reports vary by school-year due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation of exams.

These results along with the results from previous years can also be found on NYC Open Data.

English Language Arts and Math State Tests

Every year, students in grade three through eight participate in the English Language Arts (ELA) and math state assessments. Math and ELA results for 2020 and 2021 are not shown. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exams were not administered in 2020 and were optional for students to take in 2021. For an overview of 2023 ELA and Math assessment participation and results, see the 2023 English Language Arts and Math Results Summary.

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ELA and Math test results are available at the city, borough, district, and school levels. Test results can be found below. Each Excel file contains results for all students tested, as well as results by student characteristics including disability status, English Language Learner (ELL) status, race/ethnicity, and gender.

ELA Test Results 2013 to 2023

  • City (Excel file)
  • Borough (Excel file)
  • District (Excel file)
  • School (Excel file)

Math Test Results 2013 to 2023

  • City (Excel file)
  • Borough (Excel file)
  • District (Excel file)
  • School (Excel file)

New York State Regents Exams

High school students, and some middle school students, take Regents exams on a variety of subjects.

Regents exam results are available at the school level. Results include all administrations of Regents exams in each school year and reports the highest score for each student for each Regents exam taken in each school year. Test results can be found below. The Regents Excel file contains results for all students tested, as well as results by student characteristics including disability status, English Language Learner (ELL) status, race/ethnicity, and gender.

Regents Exam Results

  • 2015 to 2023 (Excel file)


Starting in 2017, the SAT is administered to all grade 11 students on SAT School Day. Students may also take the exam on their own during weekends. The College Board administers the SAT and provides the DOE with results for NYC students.

A summary report of SAT results is available below. For school-level SAT results, please see the School Quality Reports.

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SAT Results

  • 2023 SAT Results (PDF)

Advanced Placement Exams

Students may take Advanced Placement (AP) exams in order to earn the potential for college credits. The College Board administers AP exams and provides the DOE with results for NYC students.

A summary report of AP exam results is available below.

AP Exam Results

  • 2022 (PDF)

National Assessment of Educational Progress

Each year, a sample of New York City schools participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Trial Urban District Assessments.

Summary reports of NAEP results in reading and math are available below. NAEP results are only available at the citywide level.

NAEP Results

  • 2022 (PDF)


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