HomeWHENWhen Do Calories Reset

When Do Calories Reset

I think what you are looking for is a ‘running total’ of your calories burned vs consumed. But I’m not sure that’s the healthiest way to manage your diet.

Let’s say for example you went 3 days in a row eating 500 calories more than you burned. You would have a calorie ‘overage’ of 1,500 calories. It would be demotivating (and potentionally unhealthy) to try to reduce your intake for that day by 1,500 calories.

In the opposite, let’s say you eat 500 calories less than you burned for 3 days.You would have a 1,500 calorie deficit. You wouldn’t want to lose valuable ground by thinking you could ‘splurge’ and eat an extra 1,500 calories that day.

Besides, the fat is either stored or burned by then. I think it’s best to look at your history to see how you are doing, and treat each day as a new day. Let’s look at mine as an example, here is a capture from my dashboard…

I’ve had a small breakfast, and quite a few calories left to eat today. If I click on the ‘left to eat’ tile, this comes up…

The top of the chart shows I didn’t quite eat my food plan yesterday (My target is set at -250 cal, so if I’m -500 or so I just smile). The ‘average’ of calories burned / eaten of 1904/1453 is based on this week (So, just Monday and 8 hours into Tuesday). Then below is a chart which includes last week.

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As you can see last week I went ‘over’ my plan on eating Friday (Wine and Pizza for dinner, so worth it!). But I was under the other days, and under the calories burned in total. I’d say last week was a good week, even the day I ‘overate’ I had hit the gym hard and burned those calories, so my deficit was -200, which is close enough to my target that I won’t try to compensate.

Now, if I start stringing together multiple days like Friday, I know I need to make some changes. But directionally this gives me the info I need to make improvements to my eating / activity levels. If the deficit i’m running works, and I’m losing weight all is good. If I used a ‘running total’ I’d see that I’ve consumed 3,200 calories less than my plan last week. I think my Friday night splurge was enough, I’m feeling good and nourished. No reason for me to think I can eat an additional 3,200 calories this week. (Although it’s an easy enough number to compute based on the history).

If you were to do as you suggested and ‘add’ yesterday’s overage to today’s breakfast, the history would count that as ‘new’ consumption and it would look like you were eating even more calories in a week than you are. Keep in mind the only thing that ‘resets’ at midnight is the daily count. The data still exists on your account for you see anytime.


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