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Who Does Shinobu End Up With

Shinobu is a character from the popular anime and manga series Demon Slayer. As a demon slayer herself, Shinobu does not have a canonical love interest that has been confirmed by the creator Koyoharu Gotouge. However, there are some possibilities and hints throughout the series about who Shinobu may have feelings for or a close bond with.

Giyu Tomioka

One potential love interest for Shinobu is Giyu Tomioka, another demon slayer and the Water Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps. Shinobu and Giyu have known each other for a long time, ever since they both joined the corps. They have a close relationship built on trust and understanding, though they outwardly bicker and pretend to dislike each other at times.

There are several hints throughout the story that Shinobu may harbor secret feelings for Giyu:

  • She is one of the few people who can get through Giyu’s aloof exterior and make him show emotion
  • They have innate trust and reliance on each other’s skills in battle
  • Shinobu is one of the only people who visits Giyu and actively tries to include him
  • They both share deep grief over the loss of Sabito and later Rengoku

Some fans interpret small moments like Shinobu bringing food for Giyu as a hint of her affection. Others read their squabbling and pretend dislike for each other as hiding a deeper bond. However, because Shinobu and Giyu are both stoic, reserved characters, their true feelings are never explicit.

Evidence Against Giyuu

There are also counterpoints that suggest Shinobu does not have romantic feelings for Giyu:

  • Their bickering is genuinely antagonistic at times
  • They have vastly different personalities and fighting styles
  • Neither has outwardly shown clear affection for the other
  • Shinobu teases Giyu about lacking a wife

So while Giyu and Shinobu have a close relationship, it is unclear if it would be considered romantic by both parties. Their bond is deep but may be intended as platonic by the creator. More evidence may be needed to definitively say whether Shinobu reciprocates any potential affection from Giyu.

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Kanao Tsuyuri

Another possibility is Kanao Tsuyuri, Shinobu’s younger adopted sister who she took in and trained as a demon slayer. Some fans interpret Shinobu’s deep caring for Kanao as going beyond sisterly love into romantic affection due to their great closeness and devotion to each other.

Hints that Shinobu may see Kanao differently than a sister:

  • Shinobu is extremely affectionate physically with Kanao, holding her hand, embracing her, etc.
  • She calls Kanao cute nicknames like “Kanao-chan”
  • Shinobu gets jealous when Kanao shows interest in Tanjiro instead of her
  • She is fiercely protective of Kanao to the point of threatening others who may hurt her

However, Shinobu seems to treat Kanao similarly to her real younger sister Kanae before she died. Shinobu may simply see Kanao as a replacement sister and ward to protect. There are also no explicit romantic interactions between them.

Evidence Against Kanao

Reasons why Shinobu may not have romantic feelings for Kanao:

  • Their relationship began when Kanao was a young girl, with Shinobu as her caretaker
  • Shinobu’s interactions with Kanao mirror how she treated her late sister
  • Shinobu wants Kanao to live freely and experience the world
  • Their age gap makes a romantic relationship unlikely

While some fans see Shinobu’s affection for Kanao as romantic, it is likely intended to be sisterly instead. There are implications of a maternal dynamic as well, with no clear evidence that Shinobu’s feelings are unambiguously romantic.

Obanai Iguro

A third potential but unlikely love interest for Shinobu is Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps. Though they are both pillars and have known each other for years, Shinobu and Obanai have an outwardly antagonistic relationship.

Hints at a possible attraction or bond:

  • They have known each other a long time and understand each other’s personalities
  • Shinobu tends to Obanai’s snake Kaburamaru when he is unable to
  • She tolerates his hostile personality and tries to calm him
  • Shinobu acknowledges Obanai’s skills and power when needed
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However, their interactions are primarily of annoyance and frustration. Shinobu finds Obanai creepy while he resents her poison style and cuteness. There have been no hints of affection from Shinobu towards Obanai in any sense.

Evidence Against Obanai

Reasons why Obanai is an unlikely love interest for Shinobu:

  • Their personalities and values clash too much
  • Shinobu finds Obanai unpleasant and weird
  • Obanai is obsessed with Mitsuri, not Shinobu
  • They have no positive intimate moments together
  • Shinobu does not demonstrate any care for Obanai beyond basic collegiality

Based on their limited and disconnected interactions, Shinobu and Obanai have no chemistry as a potential romantic pairing. There is no evidence Shinobu feels anything but annoyance and contempt for Obanai most of the time. Their relationship remains professional at best.

Sanemi Shinazugawa

The Wind Pillar Sanemi Shinazugawa is another fellow demon slayer who Shinobu interacts with but has no romantic chemistry with. Though they respect each other’s contributions to the corps, Sanemi and Shinobu do not get along.

Reasons why Sanemi is not a likely love interest:

  • They argue and insult each other frequently
  • Shinobu criticizes Sanemi for his brash ruthlessness
  • Sanemi considers Shinobu’s compassion a weakness
  • He threatened to kill Nezuko when they first met
  • Their personalities and philosophies are opposed

While Shinobu acknowledges Sanemi’s passion for destroying demons, she does not agree with his cruel methods. And Sanemi sees Shinobu’s more nuanced perspective of demons as dangerous naivete. They have no friendly interactions that would imply Shinobu has any deeper affection for Sanemi.

Evidence Against Sanemi

Reasons why Sanemi is clearly not Shinobu’s love interest:

  • They have negative chemistry and constant arguments
  • Shinobu has shown no warmth or care for Sanemi as a person
  • Sanemi threatened Nezuko who Shinobu wants to protect
  • Their worldviews are diametrically opposed
  • Shinobu is repulsed by Sanemi’s cruel bloodlust

Based on all interactions and character dynamics, there is no indication Shinobu has any affection for Sanemi beyond obligatory collegiality between pillars. Sanemi is certainly not a viable love interest for Shinobu in any capacity.

Tomioka Giyuu

Tomioka Giyuu, the Water Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps, is another colleague Shinobu has known for a long time since joining the organization. Though they bicker often, Giyuu and Shinobu have a deep trust and understanding of each other as pillars and demon slayers.

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Evidence that suggests they may have affection or chemistry:

  • They are one of the few people who can make each other emote and express themselves
  • They have belief in each other’s combat skills and abilities
  • Shinobu brings Giyuu food and checks on his well-being
  • Giyuu is protective of Shinobu in battles when needed
  • They both grieve for Sabito, Rengoku and others they have lost

However, much of their relationship dynamic stems from mutual respect and trust rather than overt affection. They outwardly pretend to dislike each other as well. It is unclear if there is romantic intent or chemistry beneath their stoic exteriors.

Evidence Against Giyuu

Reasons why romantic feelings between Shinobu and Giyuu are uncertain:

  • They have contrasting personalities that often clash
  • Neither has shown clear overt signs of attraction towards the other
  • Their bond has developed from years as colleagues more than passion
  • Shinobu makes fun of Giyuu for being single
  • They both seem more dedicated to their duties than relationships

With their restrained natures and focus on their slayer roles, Shinobu and Giyuu’s true thoughts and feelings for each other are nebulous. While their bond runs deep, it may be intended as purely platonic by Gotouge rather than romantic.


In summary, Shinobu Kocho does not have any definitive canonical romantic relationships or love interests within Demon Slayer. There are hints and fan speculation about possible affection or chemistry with characters like Giyuu Tomioka and Kanao Tsuyuri. However, Shinobu’s interactions with them and others seem intended to be platonic bonds of sisterhood or colleagues rather than romantic.

As a stoic, reserved and duty-driven character, Shinobu may simply not be interested in romance. Her primary motivations are protecting her adoptive sister Kanao and helping people as a demon slayer. Developing an overt love interest would go against her established characterization.

Shinobu’s relationships provide emotional support, mutual understanding of loss, and shared purpose. But they lack conclusive evidence of romantic intent. While fans continue to theorize about potential affection for certain characters, Shinobu herself remains dedicated to her slayer role above all else.


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