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Which Zodiac Represents Karma

Saturn is the planet of work, lessons, structure, tangible rewards, tenacity, delays, limitations, responsibilities, rules and regulations, fear, control and denial — just to name a few of the significant parts of life it governs. Astrologers call Saturn ‘the taskmaster’ for a reason. When we are going through rough times, Saturn is frequently involved.

On the other hand, Saturn is capable of delivering real growth and success if we heed the lessons the planet teaches, and herein lies the key to dealing with Saturn. Without Saturn, there would be no structure or permanence in life. Without ‘the taskmaster’ we would have no control, government or progress in life. Saturn brings about maturity and forces us to learn patience and control.

Saturn is also considered the planet of karma, and if we have misused our personal power, the planet that comes back to bite.

According to astrologer Candice Childress, there are three signs that have karmic protection, and “if you screw them over karma will be served,” she explains in a TikTok video, adding that if these signs are acting inappropriately, the karma will “boomerang right back at them.”

Zodiac signs with karmic protection

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1. Libra

“Libra is associated with fairness, equality, diplomacy and justice,” Childress says. “Libras tend to think twice before taking action that’s less than honorable,” she continued, “because they are able to see both sides of the coin.”

Saturn is considered at its exaltation in Libra. This means it is very comfortable in this sign, and very powerful. Those who are born under this sign find it easier to deal with Saturn than others. And since Saturn is the planet of karma, those who treat Libra in a way they shouldn’t are basically dealing with Old Man Saturn who always comes back to those who have acted inappropriately, usually when they have a harsh Saturn transit themselves.

“Saturn knows that Libra is a fair judge, so if you do a Libra wrong Saturn’s got their back,” Childress says. You can’t escape karma!

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2. Aquarius

“Although Aquarius is currently ruled by Uranus the sign was traditionally ruled by Daddy Karma himself; Saturn,” Childress explains. Most astrologers recognize both Saturn and Uranus as the rulers of Aquarius, meaning Saturn is at home in this sign. Like Saturn, “Aquarius is logical and rational and intellectual and has the ability to remove emotions from a situation,” Childress continues.

Aquarians are much more tolerant than other people and it takes a lot to make one mad. That said, Childress explains that “Aquarius is like the teacher’s pet to Saturn, so watch out for some swift karma if you are crossing an Aquarius.” With this sign, you are dealing with not only Saturn but Uranus as well, so in this case, karma could come at you in or from a totally unexpected quarter or place when you least expect it.

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3. Capricorn

Saturn’s “golden child,” as Childress calls this sign, “Saturn rules Capricorn.” Saturn in Capricorn is considered to be at its home base or the most powerful in this sign. Saturn in Capricorn is about structured learning and Saturn can wait for a very long time to finally dish out karma. “Capricorn is associated with discipline, responsibility and wisdom,” Childress says, noting that “no weapon formed against Cap shall prosper.” It could even take years, but Old Man Saturn will always come back at you and make sure you reap your Saturnine rewards if you mess with him.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, and Zoom.


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