HomeWHYWhy Does My Cat Lick Himself After I Pet Him

Why Does My Cat Lick Himself After I Pet Him

DEAR JOAN: Whenever I pet our loving tabby cat, she immediately cleans herself in the area where I petted her.

Should I be offended because she doesn’t like my scent and is trying to remove it, or flattered because she likes my scent and is enjoying it?

Rebecca, Walnut Creek

DEAR REBECCA: As with a lot of things involving those wonderfully mysterious and perplexing felines, there’s more than one answer.

The first, frankly, is the most positive for our egos. Your cat is not trying to rub away your strokes in the same way a young child wipes away your kisses. Far from it.

Cats regard us as other cats. Large, strange looking cats, but catlike beings that are neither above nor below themselves. When you pet your cat and she then licks the same spot, it could be her way of performing mutual grooming, an act that occurs between close and loving cats.

In this scenario, you are another cat grooming your cat. Just be thankful you don’t have to use your tongue.

Another possibility is that you are petting her in a place that isn’t as easy for her to get at, and she’s trying to help you reach the sweet spot. This happens most often near the base of a cat’s tail, where she can’t quite reach. It’s akin to scratching a dog and having it start gyrating its rear leg. The cat often will lick at the air, as if she is licking the hard-to-reach spot.

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A third reason could be that your cat has a sore or itchy spot caused by a skin irritation, either from a food or insect allergy. Your touching that area makes it itch or tingle and your cat tries to sooth or quiet the itch. If it happens in the same place every time, then you should have your cat checked by a veterinarian.

The last reason experts have identified is called feline hyperesthesia syndrome, a condition where your cat’s skin becomes hypersensitive. Your stroke could be causing discomfort and pain.

This is another instance when a trip to the vet is call for, but as you didn’t mention any negative reaction from your cat, I suspect there’s nothing wrong and nothing for you to be offended by. Keep on petting.

Giving to two good causes

Thousands donate blood every year, which saves countless lives, especially in emergencies. Taking part in a blood drive is always a good idea, but this January, giving a pint will also mean donating to help care for homeless pets.

Stanford Blood Center will launch its annual Give Good campaign on Jan. 1, and for every donation throughout the month, the center will donate to Humane Society Silicon Valley. Money raised during the drive will be used to pay for vaccinations and other medical care for animals at the shelter.

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Make an appointment or plan to visit the center’s mobile unit when it sets up shop at the shelter from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 19, Humane Society Silicon Valley Community Room, 901 Ames Ave., Milpitas.

In past Give Good campaigns, the center has donated to Good Karma Bikes, Bay Area Cancer Connections, Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley and BayKids Studio. In 2013, a three-week campaign to support Humane Society Silicon Valley drew 3,294 donations.

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