HomeWHENWhy Does My Cat Drool When She Purrs

Why Does My Cat Drool When She Purrs

Have you noticed your cat drooling recently and are you worried about what might be causing her to drool like this? Do you want to get to the bottom of the issue in case your cat needs your help? Cat drooling can be a very common behavior, but it can also be caused by an underlying health problem. By knowing what the cause is, you’ll be able to take appropriate action for your cat’s care.

If any of the above questions sound like your situation, you’ve come to the right place. In the article below, we’ll walk you through some of the most common causes of drooling in cats and what you can do to help your cat if she’s dealing with this. With the help of this information, you can determine when a visit to the veterinarian may be a good idea, too.

6 reasons for cat drooling include, but aren’t limited to:

1. Cat Purring

Purring often causes cats to start drooling. Some cats may drool just a little when purring, while others may drool copious amounts when they are happy and content. This is completely normal behavior that is well within the realm of everyday cat activities, and it’s nothing to worry about.

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If you don’t want your cat to drool on you while she’s purring, consider using a small blanket between the two of you for cuddle time. Otherwise, there’s no cause for concern from a cat who only drools when she’s happy and relaxed.

2. Repeated Sniffing

Some cats who smell something strong may drool a little bit from sniffing the same smell repeatedly. For example, if you get a new cat and your existing cat spends a lot of time smelling the litter box after your new cat uses it, this may cause your existing cat to drool excessively for a few minutes afterward.

If your cat’s excess drool seems to occur only when she sniffs a strong smell and eases up within a few minutes afterward, this is nothing to worry about. She is behaving normally, and you don’t have to worry about taking her to the regular vet or the emergency vet for this behavior.

3. Dental Disease in Cats

Dental disease is a common cause of cat drooling. If your cat has severe gum disease to the point of abscesses and rotting teeth, she is likely to drool often as a result of the pain associated with this condition. Even mild or moderate dental disease can sometimes cause drooling.

If your cat has dental disease or other mouth problems, take her to the veterinarian. She will likely need to undergo a dental cleaning and, if the problem is very serious, she may need to have some of her teeth extracted under anesthesia too.

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4. Stress

Stress can lead to frequent cat drooling if your pet is suffering from this. If you have a cat who is very anxious a lot of the time or if you know you’re going to be experiencing a stressful event for your pet—such as moving to a new home—you can prepare for the possibility of excess drooling in your future.

If your cat is anxious and stressed all the time, she may need to go on antidepressants or-anxiety medication. Only your vet can prescribe this type of medication for your cat; do not give your pet human medication under any circumstances.

5. Heatstroke in Cats

Heatstroke may cause severe, excessive cat drooling as one of its earlier symptoms. This symptom occurs when cats are overheated to the point of dehydration. It is often accompanied by other symptoms of heatstroke, including panting and elevated heart rate. Cats are at risk of heatstroke when left outside on very hot days or left alone in a vehicle even on a mild day.

If you think your cat is suffering from heatstroke, even mildly, take her to the emergency vet right away. She will need IV fluids to help her recover fully from this serious, life-threatening condition.

6. Ingestion of a Toxic Substance

Toxin ingestion can cause severe, sudden drooling in cats. This problem occurs when your cat eats something that is toxic to her, such as household cleaners, houseplants, or certain types of human foods. This problem may also happen if your cat tries to swallow a foreign body that gets lodged in her mouth or throat.

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Take your cat to the emergency vet right away if you know or suspect that she has ingested a toxin or swallowed a foreign object.

When in Doubt, See a Veterinarian for Your Cat’s Drooling

As you can see, there are some mild causes of drooling in cats that are nothing to worry about. If your cat’s drooling seems to come and go, or eases up in a short amount of time, you probably don’t need to take her to the vet.

If, however, her drooling seems to be more severe, it’s a good idea to go to the vet to get this checked out. If you have any additional questions or concerns about cat drooling, contact OrlandoVets by calling any of our locations or make an appointment online. Our team of talented and compassionate veterinarians are dedicated to providing your cat with the best care.


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