HomeWHYWhy Won't My Deceased Dog Visit Me

Why Won’t My Deceased Dog Visit Me

Losing a dog can leave an ache in your heart that words struggle to heal. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve asked yourself, “Will my dead dog visit me?” That deep sorrow of saying goodbye to your loyal companion might have you yearning for a connection that transcends the boundaries of life and death.

What if I told you that the possibility of your departed pet’s presence isn’t as distant as it seems?

This blog post aims to explore heartwarming stories from real people who have experienced moments that go beyond mere coincidence. These anecdotes aren’t meant to be ghost tales but rather glimmers of hope in the darkness of grief.

So, if you’ve been wondering, “Will my dead dog visit me?” – join us on this journey of warmth, comfort, and the possibility of a continued connection that transcends the boundaries between this world and the next.

a dead dog visiting her owner, at night, in a beddroom

The Immortal Soul of Dogs: Exploring the Possibility of Visits After Death

Our dogs hold a special place in our hearts, and as we navigate the painful path of their departure, questions about what happens to them next often arise.

Many ancient beliefs, spanning various cultures and religions, hold a common thread – the idea that animals, including our beloved dogs, possess immortal souls.

In these ancient teachings, it is said that animals embark on a journey beyond this earthly existence.

They’re not lost; instead, they enter a cycle of reincarnation, a timeless process where they may return as dogs, other animals, or even different beings. If you find this concept intriguing, we invite you to explore more in our Animal Reincarnation post.

But what about the time in between? Before they embark on their next adventure, these souls are believed to rest. It’s during this phase that some believe our our dog spirits might have the ability to come home to visit us.

The unbreakable bond we share with them could transcend the boundaries of the living and the departed, offering moments of solace and connection.

The stories we’ll delve into in this section aim to capture the essence of this belief. They speak to the idea that, during this resting period, our dogs may find a way to reach out and comfort us from the other side.

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So, let’s explore these heartening tales that touch upon the potential for a visit from your dog’s spirit during this transitional phase.

will my dead dog visit me?: a dog and its owner walking in a forest, illuminated by golden rays of light

Stories of Deceased Dogs Visit Their Humans

The stories I’m sharing in this post about the spirits of their dogs coming home to visit are taken from Reddit. That means that they are stories written by people who have experienced these situation themselves, and are sharing them in response to other people’s experiences and questions.

I personally believe that these stories aren’t concocted strategies for coping with grief. Nor that they are made-up stories. Instead, they reveal the strength of the bond between humans and their dogs.

The notion that our dogs may still visit us after death offers not just solace but a deeper understanding of the impact these beloved companions have on our lives.

A Visit From a Dog That Passed Away To Cuddle With Their Owner

In this Reddit post, the author tells us about her dog, gone for six months due to cancer. This pup wasn’t just a pet; he’d been part of the family since she was 10, and the ache of his absence still lingers.

Half a year after his death, one night, as she slept, something extraordinary happened: she received a visit from her dead dog. Out of nowhere, she felt a pressure on the bed. And a moment after, she felt how it leaned into her legs just like her old dog used to. Even the new dog sensed it, but there was no fear, just a calm acknowledgment.

The quiet moment felt like a scene from the past. The unspoken reassurance, the familiar weight against her legs—it was as if her old dog had paid a visit. What adds an extra layer to this unexpected reunion? It happened on his birthday. A bittersweet but comforting encounter, like he came back, if only for a moment, to say, “Hey, I’m still here with you.”

A Visit From the Spirit of a Dog, While Going to Sleep

As a reply, another woman tells us how once she heard the familiar sound of her deceased dog’s nails on the floor. The sound continued, and she felt the weight at the end of her bed, as if her dog had jumped up and curled up, just like they used to.

Dog Spirit Coming Home to Visit Mother and Children

Interestingly, another woman tells a very similar story. She tells how when she goes to bed, she sometimes hears the paws of her dog, who died a year before. She also feels her snuggle up in the same place where she used to, against her knees.

What makes the story more interesting, is that her kids have also felt the dog snuggle up with them too. One of her kinds mentioned it, without ever the woman having mentioned that she could feel her dog to anyone before.

A Visit From a Deceased Dog and Cat

In this other Reddit reply, another woman tells yet a very similar story. In this case, she tells that both with her dead cat and dog had come to visit her at different moments. She has felt her cat snuggling with her, in a very similar way to the stories mentioned above.

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And about her dog, she mentions she once heard his nails on the floor, his nose on her feet, and felt him laying down next to the bed at his usual place.

A Visit from Two Deceased Dogs During Sleep Paralysis

This person mentions that they have received visits from their two decesead dogs. The visits usually happen in a limbo between being awake and asleep, specifically during sleep paralysis, a state in which one is fully aware of their surroundings but can’t move their body. Many of you might be familiar with sleep paralysis, so you can probably relate to it.

One episode happened just a couple of days after their dog had passed away. The person was napping on the couch and found themselves in a sleep paralysis state. Meaning, he or she was aware of their body, but the only thing they can move is their eyes, to look around. They can see the dog there, who looks very excited to see the person. With a lot of effort, they reach out to pet the dog. This visit lasts for a minute, after which the sleep paralysis state starts to vanish and the person transitions to regular reality.

The second episode happened some years after, when their other dog passed. On the third day the exact same thing happened: sleep paralysis and the feeling of a presence in the room. The person could feel the dog moving around the bed, wich hest and ears up, as if he felt there was some kind of danger. It’s as if the dog felt that his owner was in a vulnerable state at that moment.

Dog Spirit Comes Home Sporadically to Visit

This post is a bit more enigmatic. The author tells how their deceased dog comes sometimes to visit and comfort them during difficult times, and to enjoy their time together during good moments. They mention that the dog appears apparently when he decides to, since the author can’t call him and make him come at will

A Visit from a Deceased Dog with a Complete Sensorial Experience

A girl shares on Twitter a remarkable and heartwarming encounter after her dog’s passing. Following a diagnosis of terminal kidney failure, she found herself wishing for him to pass away peacefully at home, surrounded by family.

One day, after the dog returned home from a positive visit to the vet, her dog’s gaze seemed to convey, “You’re finally here. I can go now.” Dancing with him in the backyard, he peacefully left the world in her arms, just as she had hoped.

Amidst the nightmares that followed, a profound experience brought unexpected solace. At 3:30am one night, she awoke to a weight on her arm, as if her dog was beside her.

Astonishingly, she not only felt the presence but even sensed the softness of his fur against her face. She could even hold his collar (which was not physically in the room). She found comfort in his familiar scent, bringing a sense of peace and closure. What an amazing tale of love transcending beyond the boundaries of life and death.

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A Deceased Dog Scratching the Door

Another user shared on Twitter the experience of losing their dear rat terrier. Now, with just them and their alive dog, a peculiar incident unfolded. A few days after his rat terrier’s passing, while lounging on the couch with his other dog, both heard distinct scratching at the door.

That was what the departed dog used to do when he wanted to be let out. Initially dismissing it, the sound could not be ignored when the other dog fixated his gaze at the door.

Intriguingly, the scratching noises mirrored the distinctive paw sounds of a rat terrier. Despite the eeriness, the user found a sense of comfort in the experience. It served as a gentle reminder of his departed dog’s enduring presence, a subtle yet touching connection that transcended the boundaries of time and loss

Will My Deceased Dog Also Come and Visit Me?

Reading all of these Reddit posts, we can see that there are several stories of visits from a deceased dog. So if you are wondering if your dead dog will come and visit you, there are are chances that it will be like that.

Still, I think that it is likely that not everyone has that extra sensory perception open to be aware of the dead dog visiting.

So the next time that you think “why won’t my dead dog visit me?” think about this: your dog might be there, but you aren’t necessarily be able to realize it.

You being able to perceive the presence of your deceased dog would be unrelated to how much you loved your dog, and how much your dog loved you. It’s just that some people are more open to feeling presences, spirits or ghosts, than others, and the visit of a deceased dog would not be an exception.

a dog in heaven, with a sun on the background.

When Will My Dead Dog Visit Me?

If your deceased dog visits you and if you are open to perceptions coming from a paralel reality or dimension (the spiritual dimension), there are two factors that you would need to take into account about the timing of a possible visit.

Shortly After Passing Away

It’s possible that the visits of departed dogs can only take place a short time after they have passed away. Though there could potentially be exceptions but they wouldn’t be the rule.mBecause it’s likely that not that long after, they will have already reincarnated.

After reincarnation, maybe, they will come and visit you, but in a different form. For example, as a new pet or as another animal that you might meet. Or even as a human.

Night Time

One fact that is common to most stories, is that people receive the visit of their dead dogs especially while going to sleep.

When we go to sleep, our mind is usually in a more relaxed state. If you have any sensitivity for extra-sensorial perceptions, it’s possible that your mind will be more open to them during that time.

Also, according to several spiritual traditions, the night time is when people can usually see or feel more the spirits of deceased ones.

a Goden Retriever sitting on a cloud, with a starry background

Before You Go…

As these captivating stories unfold, may they kindle a comforting flame within your heart, reassuring you that the connection with our furry friends endures.

If you want to learn more about what can happen to dogs after death, besides them possibly visiting their humans, we invite you to explore the concept of animal reincarnation in our dedicated post.

Also, while the possibility visit of your deceased dog might bring warmth to your heart, discover why the idea of keeping your pet’s ashes at home may add a unique dimension to the conversation.


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