Does Your Hair Itch When It Grows

It may shock you to learn that we lose hair every day. Hair loss can happen for different reasons, including stress, poor nutrition, and sudden weight changes. Certain medications and health conditions might also cause hair thinning. Even something as simple as pulling your hair too tightly will trigger consequences in the long term.

The average person sheds around 100 strands per day as part of your hair’s life cycle. Hair typically lasts for 2 to 8 years before it falls out. The good news is that new hair grows in its place. Your hair goes through a life cycle:

  • Anagen Phase: This is the growth phase where the cells in the roots divide rapidly and form new hair. The hair will continue to grow for 2 to 5 years and beyond.
  • Catagen Phase: The hair slows down its growth during this phase while the follicle shrinks. This process lasts 2-3 weeks.
  • Telogen Phase: Hair growth drops, and it is a resting phase lasting around 100 days. New hairs are starting to form in the follicle.
  • Exogen Phase: This phase is when the hair sheds. It lasts around 100 days as the new hair pushes out and begins the cycle again.
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Are you worried about your hair not growing? Understandably, hair is an integral part of our identity, and we want to keep as much of it as possible. When our locks grow long and healthy, we can try many exciting hairstyles at the hair salon. Conversely, hair loss reduces our hairstyling options and limits the potential for self-expression.

Check out these five signs your hair is growing and not thinning:

Sign #1: Dark patch of hair on head

Take a close look at your scalp. Can you see dark spots around your hair follicles? If so, the dark patches indicate clear signs your hair is growing.

As the anagen phase produces new hairs in the follicle, pigment cells form the colour. When they emerge from the scalp, you see this dark hue on the surface. The appearance may seem unusual, but it’s an exciting transformation of new hair growth. You may also experience a tingling sensation or even itching as the new hair comes forth.

Sign #2: Baby hair on adults

Baby hair is a term used to describe fine, wispy hair strands that develop near your hairline. If you look in the mirror and see thin strands on your scalp, it’s a sign of hair growth. Baby hair strands will quickly grow once they have appeared, but they are delicate. Avoid scratching your scalp since the baby hair needs strength to grow longer and thicker.

Peach fuzz is another similar term used to describe soft, translucent hair. If you see this fuzz on your scalp, it indicates that you might grow back thinning hair. You can encourage this activity by using the best products for hair growth.

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Sign #3: Rapid hair growth

Your hair grows around half an inch per month and continues during the anagen phase. Sometimes, your hair might grow at a faster rate than usual. The rapid growth is a positive sign, signalling healthy activity in the hair follicle. The quicker and longer your hair grows, the more confident you can feel about its vitality.

The reverse is true as well. Your hair growth will slow down if the follicles are unhealthy. Your age might also influence how much your hair develops, with the growth rate slowing down as we age. However, age isn’t the sole significant factor in whether hair grows quickly or not. Consider using thin hair treatments to combat this condition.

Sign #4: Little hair shedding

Your hair gains volume and continues to grow when healthy. Additionally, the strands become more robust and less prone to shedding. If your hair has minimal breakage, you can interpret it as a sign of growth. It also means you have a healthy scalp with flourishing hair follicles.

Eating nutritious food with high-quality protein can strengthen our hair. A balanced meal allows us to take in many healthy macro-nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support hair regrowth. The best foods for hair growth include eggs, berries, avocados, spinach, leafy greens, and fruits.

Sign #5: Tingling scalp

The tingling sensation on your scalp can be a sign of inflammation, a symptom that accompanies hair loss. However, it can also be the result of new hair growth. The sensation occurs because many hair follicles are getting active simultaneously.

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Check if the itchiness starts around the same time as the appearance of dark spots, baby hair or peach fuzz. That may be a sign of you growing out thin hair. Otherwise, the tingling sensation might happen on its own, not accompanied by any signs of hair regrowth. If so, it could mean your hair is thinning instead.

Remember that you will not necessarily feel any unusual sensation on your scalp as the hair grows. Do not worry if there is no tingling at all.

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