HomeWHICHWhich Muscles Stabilize The Pectoral Girdle

Which Muscles Stabilize The Pectoral Girdle

Similar to the muscles that position the pectoral girdle, muscles that cross the shoulder joint and move the humerus bone of the arm include both axial and scapular muscles ([link] and [link]). The two axial muscles are the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi. The pectoralis major is thick and fan-shaped, covering much of the superior portion of the anterior thorax. The broad, triangular latissimus dorsi is located on the inferior part of the back, where it inserts into a thick connective tissue shealth called an aponeurosis.

The top left panel shows the lateral view of the pectoral and back muscles. The top right panel shows the posterior view of the right deltoid and the left back muscle. The bottom left panel shows the anterior view of the deep muscles of the left shoulder, and the bottom right panel shows the deep muscles of the left shoulder.
(a, c) The muscles that move the humerus anteriorly are generally located on the anterior side of the body and originate from the sternum (e.g., pectoralis major) or the anterior side of the scapula (e.g., subscapularis). (b) The muscles that move the humerus superiorly generally originate from the superior surfaces of the scapula and/or the clavicle (e.g., deltoids). The muscles that move the humerus inferiorly generally originate from middle or lower back (e.g., latissiumus dorsi). (d) The muscles that move the humerus posteriorly are generally located on the posterior side of the body and insert into the scapula (e.g., infraspinatus).
This table describes the muscles that move the humerus. The pectoralis major is an axial muscle that brings the elbows together and moves the elbows up (as during an uppercut punch). It originates in the clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1 through 6 or 1 through 7, and the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. The latissimus dorsi is an axial muscle that moves the elbow back (as in elbowing someone standing behind you) or spreads the elbows apart. It originates in the thoracic vertebrae (T7 through T12), the lower vertebrae, ribs 9 through 12, and the iliac crest. The deltoid is a scapular muscle that lifts arms at the shoulder. It originates in the trapezius, clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula. The subscapularis is a scapular muscle that assists the pectoralis major in bringing the elbows together and stabilizes the shoulder joint during movement of the pectoral girdle. It originates in the subscapular fossa of the scapula. The supraspinatus is a scapular muscle that rotates the elbow outwards, as during a tennis swing. It originates in the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. The infraspinatus is a scapular muscle that rotates the elbow outwards, as during a tennis swing. It originates in the infraspinous fossa of the scapula. The teres major is a scapular muscle that assists the infraspinatus in rotating the elbow outwards. It originates in the posterior surface of the scapula. The teres minor is a scapular muscle that assists the infraspinatus in rotating the elbow outwards. It originates in the lateral border of the dorsal scapular surface. The coracobra chialis is a scapular muscle that moves the elbow up and across the body, as when putting a hand on the chest. It originates in the coracoid process of the scapula.

The rest of the shoulder muscles originate on the scapula. The anatomical and ligamental structure of the shoulder joint and the arrangements of the muscles covering it, allows the arm to carry out different types of movements. The deltoid, the thick muscle that creates the rounded lines of the shoulder is the major abductor of the arm, but it also facilitates flexing and medial rotation, as well as extension and lateral rotation. The subscapularis originates on the anterior scapula and medially rotates the arm. Named for their locations, the supraspinatus (superior to the spine of the scapula) and the infraspinatus (inferior to the spine of the scapula) abduct the arm, and laterally rotate the arm, respectively. The thick and flat teres major is inferior to the teres minor and extends the arm, and assists in adduction and medial rotation of it. The long teres minor laterally rotates and extends the arm. Finally, the coracobrachialis flexes and adducts the arm.

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The tendons of the deep subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor connect the scapula to the humerus, forming the rotator cuff (musculotendinous cuff), the circle of tendons around the shoulder joint. When baseball pitchers undergo shoulder surgery it is usually on the rotator cuff, which becomes pinched and inflamed, and may tear away from the bone due to the repetitive motion of bring the arm overhead to throw a fast pitch.


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