HomeWHYWhy Do Dogs Bark When You Leave

Why Do Dogs Bark When You Leave

What is Separation Anxiety in Dogs?

Understanding why your dog barks when you leave is probably the most important part of it all. You can’t fix something without having a thorough grasp of what the underlying cause is. Dogs bark when left alone for a multitude of reasons, the most common of which is separation anxiety.

To put it simply, your dog is attached to you and may become stressed when you leave. They want to be by your side all day and all night. They want to get up when you get up, go out when you go out, walk three feet when you walk three feet. (Or maybe that’s just our dogs?)

Separation Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs

The most common separation anxiety symptoms in dogs include:

  • Excessive vocalization: This can involve barking, howling, whining, or whimpering when left alone.
  • Destructive behavior: Dogs with separation anxiety may chew on furniture, doors, or household items in an attempt to escape or alleviate their anxiety.
  • House or crate soiling: Some dogs may urinate or defecate indoors, even if they are otherwise house trained, when left alone.
  • Pacing and restlessness: Dogs with separation anxiety often exhibit repetitive movements, such as pacing back and forth or continuously circling a specific area.
  • Escape attempts: Dogs may attempt to escape from crates, rooms, or enclosed areas in an effort to find their owners.
  • Excessive drooling and panting: This can occur even in the absence of physical exertion or hot weather.
  • Loss of appetite: Some dogs may experience a decreased appetite or even refuse to eat.
  • Overattachment: Dogs with separation anxiety may follow their owners around the house excessively and display clingy behavior, seeking constant attention and physical contact.
  • Depression or lethargy: Some dogs may become withdrawn, display a lack of energy, and show signs of depression when left alone.
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It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary in intensity and present differently from dog to dog. For example, some dogs will only bark when their owner leaves them alone, whereas others will bark, be destructive, and try to escape.

There is no conclusive evidence as to why dogs have separation anxiety, but it could be for a number of reasons. Shelter dogs are typically prone to more extreme separation anxiety than puppies that are taken in at a very young age. Other reasons include a change of a guardian, a change in routine or even moving into a new house or apartment.

Whatever the case, separation anxiety is known to trigger barking in dogs that are left alone.


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