HomeWHENWhy Fear When I Am Here Shirdi Sai Baba

Why Fear When I Am Here Shirdi Sai Baba

Sairam friends,

Sai never feared anyone during his lifetime in Shirdi.

Once the Masjid’s roof was falling down when devotees were having food. All the devotees ran away accept four who believe that Sai is there to protect them and Sai did stop the woods in ceiling from falling down.

On another occasion, There was plague in the near by villages of Shirdi. There was a rule in village that no Cart with goods must be allowed to enter the Shirdi Village border. Sai wants woods so that his sacred fire – Holy Dhuni will burn forever. So Sai went to the cart carrying wooden logs and made sure they come in. No body can question Sai and Sai din’t feared the Village people.

Shirdi Sai baba’s beatings can turn to be a blessing:

Once Sai was sleeping after lunch in holy Dwarakamai. A cart man who just dropped a devotee from Kopergoan was shouting and demanding his wages. This is the time no body is supposed to disturb Saibaba. Sai woke up and throw stones at him. Sai never feared to do it to a man who disturbed him. ( The message here is, We must not speak as we wish even if our money is at stake. You will get what you deserve but be polite)

The cart man was bleeding as he got hurt in his head. Buti and Kakasaheb being a well to do devotee wanted to make sure he doesn’t make it as a big issue and did some first aid to him. The cart man was pulling people and earning a living by Renting a cart. Buti or Kakasaheb ( I forgot) came forward to get the cart man his own Cart. They offered him 200 Rs.

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You see Sai actually din’t hurt the Poor cart puller. Sai has taken away the past bad karma of the Man in one stroke and made his devotees to help the poor man get rid of his poverty once for all. After few days the Cart man too realized the greatness of Shirdi Sai Baba and came to shirdi for darshan once in a while.

There are many such Leela of Saibaba where Sai beats a devotee to take off his past karma and lead a simple life.

Once Saibaba was interrogated by Goverment official in relation to a theft that was committed by a devotee who came to Shirdi to hide. Sai never feared to answer questions of the officials and remained very relaxed.

If Saibaba has feared to throw Stone on a man who disturbed him, his life would have not changed. Saints never fear for anything as they are detached. Their hearts melts like wax for welfare of devotees but no one can hurt them or their devotees as their ring of blessings always surrounds a devotee and his/her family.

I was writing something this morning in my other websites and suddenly heared my Mom shouting and going out of home. I too went out and found the 2 guys with huge stick trying to beat the Poor Dog which we are trying to protect past few days. The Dog does barks at everyone but these guys are the reason for it. They keep throwing stones and beating the Dog with huge stick.

I never get into argument with strangers especially these kind of guys but I felt If I can’t say a word to protect a little Dog then how am I going to do lots of Good deeds to millions of people who might come to StarSai in future.

So I also shouted at the guys and warned them not to beat the Dog here after and they have no rights to throw stones inside gate of our neighbors house. One of the guy was listening but the other one rudely said he will only beat the Dog and its his wish.

I just came inside my home but prayed Saibaba to make sure they don’t harm my parents when they walk in the colony. These are stupid guys who seem to do anything and we only must not interfere with them. At times, We can’t stop our self and have to speak up. The problem with me is I get so emotional and felt bad for all that happened.

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May be this is Sai’s own way of telling me not to fear for anything. I can’t assume that these guys will harm my parents. May be they feared for me and ran away from the place.

I fear for little things in life especially when it comes to my dear ones and probably Sai want to teach me my fear is actually my own imagination and hindering my growth.

For example, When I made the Matrimonial Site where people can list their profiles, I got a mail from a girl who had issues with a guy whom she met in Online Matrimonial website. So I instantly feared what if people meet the wrong guy/girl in our site too. So its better to prevent anyone from listing profiles and simply make it as a Wedding planning site. Thankfully no one lists there as the script is not so user friendly and am only happy about it.

Although such fear has a positive side in assuming what wrong might happen it also hinders one’s goal in life, It stops me from doing what I wish to do for myself, my family and welfare of Sai Devotees.

May be Sai wants me to be more positive because Sai himself is taking care of everything.

Sai also at times gets angry with bad deeds of people who come to him and used to shout at them and even beat them with his satka. ( Though Sai’s beating will turn out to be a blessing for the devotee). So I must believe that its Sai in me who argued.

Patience and Tolerance are the Key to be Bold:

I also got another message from Sai that we must cultivate Patience and Tolerance. Sometimes, We have to tolerate such people and inconvenience in day to day life and be calm. Have patience and be relaxed remembering Sai will take care of things. Gradually this Patience and Tolerance

I was very calm for past 10 days these guys were coming with huge stick to beat the Dog and it was getting habitual. Today situations were bad, I felt pity for the Dog and if at all the Dog dies in the hands of these guys I don’t want to regret that I din’t speak a word supporting a its rights to “Live”.

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Every Life has right to live as long as its not disturbing as we must never harm them. Even if it does disturb, we must first cultivate Tolerance.

Anyway, I prayed Sai to make me a better person and eradicate such fear in me and make me more positive. I have lots of Vision to fulfill on behalf of Sai and my country. I have a dream to build Star Sai sometime in my life – A place where people come to realize how holy are saints and how they can lead a more meaningful, peaceful life.

I don’t want to fear Sai. I at times fear for my parents, at times for my sister and at times for my close friends. When ever I do something for Saibaba also, I think so much especially because I fear about the negative consequences.

Sai Make me more positive and bold so that I lead a more enriching life.

Nine years after Star Sai, I realized one of the famous assurance of Shirdi Sai Baba

“Why Fear When I am here”

May be the Dog, These two Guys and my Mom’s anger on the guys are all Sai’s work as it made me realize my innermost heart. I can’t be too soft if I have to do good deeds Sai. I have to be believe Saibaba will protect me no matter what happens and remain strong – Internally and externally. I went to talk for the Dog as the guys are using the Dog as a reason and going around their house. That aunty has two daughters and must not feel none of us are coming to help them when they face any problems.

Sai give sudh budhi to Men and safe guard the girls. They are your children.

Show me a way Sai

I was side by side working on another Article friends. Its one of the article that really makes me feel divine and honestly this time, I spread the message of lighting lamps with Love, with a Song and with Romance


Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Sai Baba

Edit: I usually forget about the articles I wrote years back. When I see this article, I still believe its such a beautiful quotes of Shirdi Saibaba. Sai assured that he is there for you and hence you should not fear for anything in your life.

So be confident. Shirdi Saibaba’s grace will be on you. Wake up little early in the morning and meditate remembering Sai Baba. Say to yourself that Sai has said “Why fear when I am here”.

Sai will stay near you in all calamities and safeguard you.

Om Sai Ram


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