HomeWHOHow Do Changes Around Us Reveal Who We Are

How Do Changes Around Us Reveal Who We Are

Dramatic change — whether we hoped and worked for that change or didn’t see it coming and it blindsides us — happens to each of us at one point or another in our lives. The question is, “Are we growing stronger, happier and more of who we really are through this big change, or are we breaking ourselves against it?”

In today’s episode, Kathy shares her deeply personal experiences with dramatic change in her life and career, and explores dramatic change from two perspectives:

  1. What dramatic change reveals about who you really are, what you are capable of creating and achieving, and who is truly supportive in your life


2) Four helpful ways to leverage dramatic change (even if you think it’s “terrible” and “unfair”) so that it enriches your life, and makes you feel more of who you really are, and very grateful to have faced it.

Highlights from this Episode:

  • How coaching can assist people looking to drastically change their lives [7:12]
  • How to determine who your true friends are, who will help you through the hardest times in your life, versus just “fair-weather” friends [8:55]
  • Why you need to be prepared for judgments from others when doing something brave [9:30]
  • What happens when you address change in a life-affirming way and welcome it [12:50]
  • The very first thing to work on when you’re faced with dramatic change [14:17]
  • Why the concept of “fairness” doesn’t work well in life and what we can do instead of being a victim [16:22]
  • What you can do to heal your inner pessimist and why you should take the steps to do this [19:02]
  • Tips and strategies for confronting change head on, along with the powerful questions we need to ask ourselves
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Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Kathy’s posts:

5 Ways Dramatic Change Can Boost Your Happiness and Success

How to Tell When NOT to Listen To Advice

Kathy’s book Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman’s Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power and Purpose

Finding Brave Facebook page:


Kathy’s Amazing Career Project online course

Amazing Career Project – Winter 2024


“It’s always interesting when I’m experiencing things in my life that echo the challenges my clients are facing.” [2:26]

“Even when you have actively pursued and wanted some form of significant change, it still rocks you.” [3:28]

“People will put onto you all sorts of things they think is right, but really none of it has to do with you.” [11:04]

“When we’re petrified of change, then we stay way too long in situations that hurt us and that’s where the real damage comes.” [13:21]

“I feel that if you say all the time “it’s not fair,” it’s really important that you shift out of that.” [18:33]



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