HomeWHATWhat Was Hitler's Favorite Color

What Was Hitler’s Favorite Color

In blustery arguments, some radical conservatives have been known to vehemently denounce President Obama and compare him to Hitler or even the anti-christ. Such an outburst may cause you to politely chuckle, and shake your head and silently thank God for not allowing you to be one of the republican/conservative rabble. After all, there is clearly no comparison between the two! Hitler was a madman and Obama is a progressive. But maybe those that compare President Obama to Hitler are on to something. Now, I am not comparing Obama as a person to Hitler, nor am I suggesting that their character is similar. I am merely going to draw some provocative parallels between the two, mainly regarding their ideology and policy making based on my observations and research.

But first, I had to know: why is this green issue such an epic phenomenon and what sort of position will I take in my writing? So, when I first decided to start this blog, this is how my internal dialogue went as I thought over the obsession that everyone had with going green and how my blog would tackle the issue. Wow. Whats with being assaulted by the Green Peace people almost every afternoon that I go out to get a mango smoothie? I mean, why are they wasting an entire afternoon to hand out posters about sad polar bears floating away on icecaps? Yeah, it looks convincing, but when I asked them why they believed global warming was true, they had no answers. And they never even heard about the British High Court rejecting Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth.” In fact, they looked shocked when I told them his documentary was found to have 9 glaring scientific flaws! Someone should really inform people about this issue so they have their facts straight and realize whats going on underneath the surface.

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And then I realized that I could be that “someone.” So an idea began to percolate in my mind. Global warming and green initiative issues seemed to be sweeping the nation, and everyone was getting caught up in the hype, and meanwhile, amidst the green craze, socialistic policies were being slipped into the political arena with little fanfare, because people were so engrossed in the green frenzy. Coincidence? I think not!

But it gets even better. As I tried to think of a witty, memorable name for my blog, Hitler came to mind. Why? Because the man made a huge impact during his time,(and I want this blog to make an impact) and his actions are still continuing to affect the modern world. As I mused on the general evil nature of Hitler, I thought about his charismatic influence: it took incredible talent and a strong personality to cause an entire nation to swallow such blatant lies and convince them it was scientific truth.

Now consider our current leader: he too, is incredibly charismatic, a smooth-talker, and has these intitatives that sound phenomenal because they involve change! And change is good! But, when the shiny veneer of his policies wears off, the rotting infrastructure of support will be revealed, but by then it’s too late. So the name of the blog was a complete stab in the dark. After making mild comparisons between Hitler and President Obama, I thought, “Hey, I’ll bet Hitler was a big fan of green initiatives too! I’ll call it, Hitler’s favorite color was green. ”

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Imagine my surprise when I began to look into Nazi Germany’s green policy intiatives and found that Hitler was indeed fond of green policy and stressed the importance of green inititatives. In fact, the term ecology was first coined in Germany by Ernst Haeckl, a German zoologist, who also held rooted beliefs in socialism! And this is only touching the surface. I couldn’t believe my eyes! My stab in the dark had caused me to stumble across a wealth of information that supported my thesis: that global initiatives are often used to usher in socialistic policies to gain power and influence over the people.

It would be one thing if I formed this thesis without any previous examples. But I will prove to you, using a prominent example in history (Hitler’s Nazi Germany) that the same tactics that Hitler used (introducing green initiatives) to seduce the German people into giving up their freedom are being used today, by President Obama’s administration to usher in a new wave of socialism into America: what once used to be the land of the free.


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