Why Is Sales The Worst Possible Career

Recently I got a call from a friend from college. He was looking for a job and asked if I could refer him to my company. I said, yes definitely, they are looking for new people in sales. And the moment I told sales he said STOP. He said ill do anything other than sales. Sales is one of the most important departments in an organisation. Salespeople bring the money onto the table. Whereas, other departments mostly keep spending it. But still why this bad reputation? And that’s when even I realised no one plans or dreams to get into sales.

Okay, maybe somebody started out their career wanting to be a salesperson, but I haven’t found that someone yet. When you ask a kid, “What do you want to be when you grow up”, have you ever heard, “When I grow up, I want to be a salesperson!”?

Why is it so??

Here are a few reasons that I understand

1) The Impact of Movies:

When I ask people to name their favourite sales movies, they name Wolf of Wall Street or Boiler Room. Those are the absolute worst sales movies. They show everything that’s wrong with selling. They depict selling is an effort to convince people to do things they don’t want to do.

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But that’s not true. The first thing taught in any sales job is to find if a person is a “ Suspect or Prospect”. A suspect is someone who lingers in the sales process without any actual intention of buying your products or services. A sales prospect is someone who fits your ideal customer persona and is a potential buyer.

So we don’t sell random things to random people.

2) Stereotypes of dishonest salespeople:

Yes, I agree with you. All of us have seen some used car seller, door-to-door seller who promised us and sold us something and then disappeared. That’s because many people have fallen into sales without any real training. The “do anything for a commission” mentality is still the dominant perception. Their entire entry into their first sales job consisted of, “Welcome, here’s your quota(revenue target), good luck.” That’s it, no training on fundamentals.

Whereas sales really is: Understanding clients’ needs and showing them why you genuinely believe that what you’re offering can solve a problem they’re facing.

3) Phone scams and unwanted telemarketing calls

Understand this, If I want to reach out to you and offer my services/ product there are very few effective ways. A cold call is a quickest, most direct and most effective way. If you receive an unwanted telemarketing call learn to say a clear NO on the call. Why I say this is because your contact has come to the company at a cost. So the company will not let the sales rep stop calling you until they are 100% sure you are not interested.

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In my experience, once the customer has made it clear that they are not interested no manager has unwantedly called them again because it’s a waste of my time. The maximum they do is drop a mail and maybe text back when some offer is running in the future.

These are just a few there are many misconceptions about sales that I have realised after I started to work.

Now, what’s the problem with this?

What’s the matter if Sales has a poor reputation??

Here are the consequences :

  • There will come a day when there will be a scarcity of highly knowledgeable marketing and sales leaders
  • A general lack of support for quality research and education by universities ( How many universities can you find with sales majors? )
  • Anything relating to sales within many firms might be considered to be unworthy of one’s consideration.
  • The reputation will act as a barrier stopping the talented workforce from coming into the profession.
  • And when the flow of talent stops slowly research and innovation reduces which will stop the field from evolving.

So its high time we fix the reputation

Sales is the best profession in the world when done right, and one of the worst when done wrong.

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