Why Do I Keep Seeing Dragonflies

No matter what religion you prescribe to (if any), it’s human nature to gravitate toward things that have special meaning to us. For many, this can be a certain place, song, or book. For others, it can be a meaningful angel number or even an animal or insect, like a dragonfly.

While the exact meaning of seeing a dragonfly might vary person-to-person, there are spiritual ties and stories connected to the insect. Whether you keep seeing dragonflies in your everyday life, or you come across them in your dreams often enough that you’re beginning to wonder if it means something, exploring the symbolism of the dragonfly certainly can’t hurt, whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not.

And who knows? It may even help you get in touch with a new side of yourself, or access a certain memory that you haven’t recalled in a while. There’s a reason so many people take note of butterflies and birds in the weeks after losing someone close to them — their light and airy presence is often taken as a sign of a deceased loved one stopping by and checking on us. There’s certainly something lovely about that, but does this apply to dragonflies, too?

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Dragonfly Spiritual Meaning

One thing that most animal symbolism has in common is that you can find multiple definitions, meanings, and explanations as to what a certain creature means, and dragonflies are no different. As an article on the Hindustan Times website points out, one of the more universal explanations of dragonfly symbolism is that the creature signifies change and transformation.

What It Means if You Keep Seeing Dragonflies

The meaning of seeing a dragonfly repeatedly is not set in stone. Depending on your cultural background and beliefs, the meaning of the animal’s appearance in your life could mean a variety of things, but meditation teacher Laura Saltman points out: “Dragonflies have wings, so they remind us we can fly (metaphorically) in any situation if we open up to it. So if you are filled with anxiety or worry, that might be your nudge to let go and trust your own wings. Dragonflies are skilled hunters and catch prey midair making them resourceful and master manifestors who are fearless. So if you are working towards a goal or dream it could be how you are being pushed to get out of the fear zone and just do the thing which scares you.”

Dreams About Dragonflies

While some might take the recurring appearance of a dragonfly as a reminder to move toward change, or a symbol of change to come, there are more specific ways to interpret its presence in your dreams, according to Journey Into Dreams, a website that catalogs dream meanings. For example, harming a dragonfly in a dream could mean that you’re avoiding change, while dreaming of a dragonfly flying over a body of water could mean “something in your life has become stagnant.”

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Much like determining meaning from seeing a dragonfly in real life, how you interpret the dragonfly’s presence in your dreams is very much up to you. If you feel yourself drawn toward believing the dragonfly is a symbol to change something in your life, or that you’re avoiding change, maybe this is the world’s way of having you face hard truths you had been avoiding. In other words, it’s not the dragonfly that holds meaning, but what you think it might mean – or, more pointedly, what you want it to mean.

What to Do If You Keep Seeing Dragonflies

Because there are so many varying cultural and spiritual definitions of dragonflies, what to do when you see one is very much up to you. If seeing a dragonfly is the thing that helps you assess a big change you’ve been wanting to make in your life, or one you’ve been avoiding, then by all means: Take it as a little nudge from the universe to make some big moves. If you want to think of it as a little blip of good luck during a hard time, then that’s ok, too. If you have cultural connections to Japan or certain Native American tribes, and the dragonfly inspires you to dive deeper into your own culture or that of your ancestors, then that could also be a positive reaction.

No matter what, if you find yourself thinking in-depth about what a dragonfly might mean, you’re likely in a place where you are looking for spirituality, direction, and heightened self-awareness, so discussing any or all of the above with friends, family, or a licensed therapist can’t hurt, either.

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And if you’re looking for some spiritual guidance, consider Bly’s advice. “If you are repeatedly seeing dragonflies, whether in real life or in your dreams, the Universe could be trying to tell you that you are too worried about the future, so you should try your best to stop and enjoy the present moment more often,” Bly says. “Appreciate life’s journey, and don’t just focus on the destination that you’re trying to get to.”

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