HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Networks Use Store-and-forward Switching Operation

Which Of The Following Networks Use Store-and-forward Switching Operation

Coursera Fundamentals of Network Communication – quiz answers to all weekly questions (weeks 1-5):

  • Week 1: Communication Networks and Services
  • Week 2: Layered Architectures
  • Week 3: Socket API & Digital Transmissions
  • Week 4: Error Control
  • Week 5: Course project – fundamentals of network communication

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Coursera Fundamentals of Network Communication quiz answers

Week 1: Communication Networks and Services quiz answers

This module discusses the evolution of three example networks and their associated services, how services are influencing the evolution of modern networks, and examples of protocols and services.

Practice Assessment – Communication Networks and Services

1. Which of the following networks use store-and-forward switching operation?

  • Telegraph networks
  • Wireless Networks
  • Computer networks
  • Telephone networks

2. There are similarities between message switching and packet switching. Which of following that applies to packet switching but not to message switching?

  • Variable length of information block
  • Supporting multiple applications
  • Store-and-forward
  • All of the above

3. Which of the following networks can be connection-oriented?

  • Telegraph networks
  • Computer networks
  • Telephone networks
  • All of the above

4. A protocol is a set of precise and unambiguous rules that governs

  • How two or more communicating entities in a layer are to interact
  • Messages that can be sent and received
  • Actions that are to be taken when a certain event occurs
  • All of the above

5. DNS is a domain-name-service that responds to queries of domain name to IP address or IP address to domain name. DNS uses services provided by

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • HTTP
  • None of the above

6. A network used to join the individual networks at different sites into one extended network is called

  • PAN
  • LAN
  • SAN
  • VPN

7. Upon receipt of a bad segment, UDP?

  • It does error control
  • Retransmission
  • It does flow control
  • It does not do flow and error control

Graded Assessment – Communication Networks and Services

1. Which of following protocol is HTTP built upon?

  • IP
  • SMTP
  • TCP
  • UDP

2. Which of following requirements are necessary for packet networks to support multiple and diverse applications?

  • Transfer arbitrary message size
  • Low delay for interactive applications
  • Packets have maximum length
  • All of the above

3. What was the concern of the telephone system that motivated the ARPANET design?

  • Scalability
  • Vulnerability
  • Efficiency
  • None of the above

4. Which of the following is an application layer protocol?

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • DNS
  • HTTP

5. Which of the following are features of ARPANET design?

  • Connectionless packet transmission
  • Routing tables at the packet switches
  • Destinations identified by unique addresses
  • All of the above

6. Bluetooth is an example of

  • Wide Area Network
  • Local Area Network
  • Metropolitan Area Network
  • Personal Area Network

7. In the layer hierarchy as the data packet moves from the upper to the lower layers, headers are

  • Modified
  • Removed
  • Rearranged
  • Added

8. The ________ is the physical path over which a message travels

  • Medium
  • Path
  • Route
  • Protocol

9. Three or more devices share a link in ________ connection

  • Unipoint
  • Multipoint
  • Point to Point
  • None of the above

10. Which of the following is true for Transport Control Protocol

  • Connection oriented
  • Process to Process
  • Transport layer protocol
  • Connectionless
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Week 2: Layered Architectures quiz answers

This module discusses the OSI reference model and show how the overall communication process can be organized into functions that are carried out in seven layers, and introduces the TCP/IP architecture with a detailed routing example.

Practice Assessment – Layered Architecture

1. Which OSI layer is responsible for providing end-to-end communication with reliable service?

  • Network layer
  • Transport layer
  • Session layer
  • Data link layer

2. Which OSI layer is responsible for dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames?

  • Application layer
  • Transport layer
  • Network layer
  • Data link layer

3. Which OSI layer is responsible for determining which route through the network to use?

  • Network layer
  • Data link layer
  • Transport layer
  • None of the above

4. Which feature does the data link layer and transport layer have in common?

  • All of the above
  • Medium access control
  • Congestion control
  • Flow control

5. Which protocol glues the network of networks together as the Internet?

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • IP
  • None of the above

Graded Assessment – Layered Architecture

1. In a LAN, which address is used to transfer frames to appropriate destination?

  • IP address
  • Physical address
  • Domain name
  • None of the above

2. Suppose an application layer entity wants to send an L-byte message to its peer process, using an existing TCP connection. The TCP segment consists of the message plus 20 bytes of header. The segment is encapsulated into an IP packet that has an additional 20 bytes of header. The IP packet in turn goes inside an Ethernet frame that has 18 bytes of header and trailer. What is the bandwidth utilization in terms of the percentage of the transmitted bits in the physical layer corresponds to message information if L = 500 bytes?

  • 70%
  • 90%
  • 80%
  • 100%

3. Of the following services, which service(s) does the IP layer provides?

  • Error control
  • Flow control
  • Connection-based data transfer
  • None of the above

4. Which of the following is true about the ways in which the OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model differ.

  • TCP/IP model does not have presentation layer, but OSI model has
  • TCP/IP model does not have session layer, but OSI model has
  • All of the above
  • They differ in the number of layers

5. Which of following statements is true about how the data link layer and transport layer differ?

  • Data link layer is concerned with framing and the transport layer is not
  • Data link layer is concerned with flow control and the transport layer is not
  • Data link layer is concerned with multiplexing and the transport layer is not
  • All of the above

6. This layer is an addition to OSI model

  • Application layer
  • Presentation layer
  • Session layer
  • Presentation layer and Session layer

7. The functionalities of presentation layer includes

  • Data compression
  • Data encryption
  • Data decryption
  • All of the above

Week 3: Socket API & Digital Transmissions quiz answers

This module introduces BSD sockets, which allow the student to write applications that use the service provided by the TCP/IP protocols. It also introduces some fundamentals of digital communications.

Practice Assessment – Socket API & Digital Transmissions

1. Which of the following applications would you select TCP protocol for?

  • File transfer
  • Web browsing
  • Domain name service
  • None of the above

2. In BSD socket API, which type of socket is used to create a TCP socket?

  • None of the above

3. In BSD socket API, which type of socket is used to create a UDP socket?

  • None of the above

4. In BSD socket API, which system call is used to assign a network address to the socket?

  • listen()
  • connect()
  • None of the above
  • bind()
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5. In BSD socket API, if a client knows the server name but not server’s network address, what system call should the client use to get server’s network address?

  • Connect()
  • gethostbyname()
  • gettimeofday()
  • None of the above

6. In a transmission system, which of the following statement is true for a receiver

  • Receives energy from medium
  • Converts information into signal suitable for transmission
  • Converts received signal into a form suitable for delivery to user
  • All of the above

7. In digital transmission, long distance digital communications require the use of a generator to recover original data sequence and re-transmits on next segment

  • True
  • False

8. In twisted pair, a category 5 UTP cable can support a data rate of up to 16MHz

  • True
  • False

9. Which of the following statement is true for optical fiber

  • Plentiful bandwidth for new services
  • Dominates long distance transmission
  • Distance less of a cost factor in communications
  • All of the above

10. Which of the following are advantages of optical fiber

  • No corrosion
  • Extremely low bandwidth
  • Wavelength dependency
  • Noise immunity

Graded Assessment – Socket API & Digital Transmissions

1. In BSD socket API, which call is usually used for transmitting data in the connectionless mode?

  • accept()
  • connect()
  • sendto()
  • None of the above

2. Which of following statement about TCP/UDP sockets is wrong?

  • TCP socket is stream oriented
  • UDP socket is block oriented
  • TCP is faster than UDP
  • All of the above

3. Which of following are commonly used as digital communication medium?

  • Optical fiber
  • All of the above
  • Coaxial cable
  • Twisted pair

4. Consider a network link that has distance of 100 meters, and signal traverses at the speed of light in cable 2.5 x 10^8 meters per second. The link has transmission bandwidth of 100 megabits/second (100 x 10^6 bits per second). The packet size is 400 bits. What is the signal propagation delay?

  • 4 x 10^-7 seconds
  • 4 x 10^-9 seconds
  • 4 x 10^-6 seconds
  • None of the above

5. Consider a network link that has distance of 100 meters, and signal traverses at the speed of light in cable 2.5 x 10^8 meters per second. The link has transmission bandwidth of 100 megabits/second (100 x 10^6 bits per second). The packet size is 400 bits. What is the packet transmission delay?

  • None of the above
  • 4 x 10^-9 seconds
  • 4 x 10^-6 seconds
  • 4 x 10^-7 seconds

6. An API allows application programs to access certain resources through a predefined interface?

  • True
  • False

7. In transport protocol, which of the following statements is true for User Datagram Protocol

  • It enables best-effort connectionless transfer of individual block of information
  • It enables connection-oriented reliable transfer of individual block of information
  • It enables best-effort connectionless reliable transfer of a stream of bytes
  • None of the above

8. Which of the following sentences are true for connectionless stream mode of service

  • No setup overhead and delay
  • Destination address with each block
  • Send/receive to/from multiple peer processes
  • Multiple write/read between peer processes

9. In transmission delay, in order to reduce the number of bits in a message we use data compression

  • True
  • False

10. Which of the following is true of data compression algorithms

  • Represent the information using fewer bits
  • Recover information approximately
  • Modify data headers
  • Recover original information exactly

Week 4: Error Control quiz answers

This module presents coding techniques that can be used to detect errors that may occur during digital transmission. These coding techniques form the basis for protocols that provide reliable transfer of information.

Practice Assessment – Error Control

1. Given a 7-bit information frame (0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1), what is the even parity bit?

  • 1
  • 0
  • None of the above

2. Which of following statements are true for single-bit parity error detection?

  • It can detect all single bit errors in an information frame
  • It can detect all double bit errors in an information frame
  • It can detect all tripe bit errors in an information frame
  • None of the above
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3. Which of following statements are true for two-dimensional parity error detection?

  • It can detect all single bit errors in an information frame
  • It can correct all single bit errors in an information frame
  • It can detect all double bit errors in an information frame
  • All of the above

4. Assume bit errors occur at random. If each bit has 50% probability to be in error by transmission. What is the probability of a four-bit frame to be in error by transmission?

  • 1/4
  • 1/8
  • 1/16
  • None of the above

5. What is the binary sequence that corresponds to polynomial code X^3 + x^2 + 1?

  • 0111
  • 1101
  • 111
  • 1110

6. Block codes are generated using _____.

  • Generator matrix
  • Generator polynomial
  • Both of the mentioned
  • None of the mentioned

7. Which of the following is true for two-dimensional parity check

  • Arrange information in columns
  • Arrange information in rows
  • More parity bit to improve coverage
  • Add multiple parity bits to each column

8. Polynomial codes are implemented using shift register circuits

  • True
  • False

9. What is the binary equivalent of the following polynomial arithmetic

x7 + x6 + x5 + x2 + 1

  • 11100111
  • 11011101
  • 11101101
  • 11100101

10. Using Euclidean Division, what will be the remainder of 70 by 999 where 70 is the divisor and 999 is the dividend

  • 14
  • 19
  • 21
  • 17

Graded Assessment – Error Control

1. Given an information polynomial code I(x) = X^7 + x^6 + x^1 + 1, which is its corresponding per-bit information frame?

  • 11000011
  • 01100011
  • None of the above
  • 10100010

2. What is the remainder obtained by dividing x^7 + x^5 + 1 by the generator polynomial x^3 + 1?

  • x^2 + x + 1
  • x^2 + x
  • x^2 + 1
  • None of the above

3. Given a generator polynomial g(x) = x^3 + x + 1. Consider the information sequence 1001. By CRC method, what is the resulted codeword for transmission?

  • 1001000
  • 1010110
  • 1001110
  • 1001111

4. Which of following generator polynomial can detect all single bit errors in an information frame?

  • g(x) = x
  • g(x) = x^2
  • g(x) = x + 1
  • All of the above

5. Internet protocols use check bits to detect errors, instead of using CRC polynomial. The primary rationale is

  • Strength of error detection capability
  • Simplicity of implementation
  • CRC polynomial cannot work for Internet protocols
  • None of the above

6. The two basic approaches in error control are error prevention and detection, and error correction and re-transmission

  • True
  • False

7. Find parity bit for 1001011

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • None of the above

8. The divisor in a cyclic code is normally called the _________.

  • Degree
  • Redundancy
  • Generator
  • None of the above

9. The checksum of 0000 and 0000 is

  • 0101
  • 1010
  • 1111
  • 0000

10. In ASCII, a single parity bit code can detect ________ errors.

  • An even number of
  • No errors
  • An odd number of
  • Two

Week 5: Course project – fundamentals of network communication quiz answers

This is a comprehensive peer review assessment.

Peer-graded Assignment: Fundamentals of Network and Digital Communication

Project Title: Give your project a descriptive title

Download the answer file here.

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