HomeWHOWho Was Guru Ji

Who Was Guru Ji

Guruji is “Shiva” – Miracles and Healing Powers

Guruji was Lord Shiva incarnate and had revealed himself in the divine form to many of his devotees. Guruji emitted the divine fragrance from his self which was akin to that of heavenly roses. Even today, long after he is no longer there in his physical form, his fragrance is felt as a proof of his presence very much in spirit!Guruji in his short journey on this earth touched the lives of millions of people, also of those who had never even met Him. He would read the persona of a devotee by looking at him and knowing all about his life – past, present and future. He would then bless the person as he thought fit for them.Guruji cured thousands of all kinds of diseases. He helped people to get out of difficulties, giving peace and happiness to all who came to him. He blessed even those who had never even seen him but their relatives and friends would come to him and beg for his help to overcome their problems.During his Sangat – as the daily congregations were called – melodious Gurbaani and Shabad would flow in the hall where the devotees would be sitting on the floor in front of him and meditating. He would bless them, not by touching them, but by altering the path of their lives merely by his spiritual powers! Often he would cure, heal or bestow upon his devotees things they did not even think of asking!There were times when he would ask a devotee to stand-up facing the congregation and relate his divine experience of Guruji’s blessing. This was also a way of inculcating faith in the supreme in case any devotee had any ‘ifs and buts’ in his mind – as he put it! This was called a satsang.Each sangat would end with a generous helping of langar served to all. Guruji’s langar had his divine blessings and there are endless incidents where devotees would get cured just by partaking in it. The same is said about the tea served as prasad during the sangat.Today, long after Guruji’s physically gone from their lives, devotees visit the Bada Mandir to receive his countless blessings. He had always said that anyone who entered his temples would be blessed in some measure or the other – something which continues to happen even today. The air is thick with all the new miracles happening especially to those who have never even seen Guruji. Lucky are those whose lives have actually been touched by him! And He heals. He heals with a mere look, showering His blessings through eyes filled with the ocean of love for all those who are troubled.Any devotee can testify to Guruji’s saving grace, which steers him away from troubled waters, in any and every hour of need. And hundreds of thousands who have come to Him – troubled by disease or mental strife, discouraged by the world – have not only found the divine healing touch but also the way out of suffering, the way to beat the strain of modern, material life.Those who have gone to Him in their hour of grave peril have found succor without their having to ask for it. Stories are legion of Guruji’s miraculous cures. Satsangs (literally, the company of truth; loosely, a fellowship in which devotional songs are listened to and experiences in faith recounted) are replete with spellbinding talks of diseases spirited away, bothersome bosses held at bay, just promotions finally obtained, and even weather made to obey Guruji’s dictates. Through satsangs Guruji allows people to share their experiences so that others too can take full benefit of Guruji’s being.While many preachers in this world help a person progress on the path of salvation, Guruji is into action. His is an entirely practical approach that leaves no room for doubt. He takes the burden of His devotees upon Himself. Their problems become His and He spirits them away. Like a loving father, He stands guard over the faithful, He brings smiles into not only the devotee’s face, but also into the lives of those whom the devotee holds dear. Thus, for those in His sharan, miracles are a norm, with every devotee being in a position to claim having experienced life-altering instances that can only be called miracles. Yet, nothing under Guruji’s protective umbrella is by chance, everything is by His choice alone. And His choice, revealed through His hukm (order), assuredly drives you towards the brightest destiny possible, one that is often beyond the limits of the devotee’s imagination itself.To have Guruji’s darshan is to be blessed forever. To take refuge in Him is to touch the hem of Immortality, which grants you the courage to laugh off worries and diseases. To be led by His guidance is like being in a fort, protected against all odds, unscathed by the bad times. To be granted to follow Him is to touch the wellspring of life itself, of love, of sweet sanity; it is to walk the humble road of service and devotion.


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