HomeHOWHow To Make A Ice Pack Glove

How To Make A Ice Pack Glove

Dear Reena: I need a solution for making cold packs. I work in a school doing a lunch program and need some on hand if a child gets hurt.


My favourite trick for this is to use a rubber glove and fill it with one part rubbing alcohol (or vodka) and two parts water. Secure with a rubber band and freeze. Once frozen, the hand fits well around the neck, leg, arm or head.

Dear Reena: How can we prevent mice from entering a farm truck or combine that is stored in a machine shed? We have tried Bounce sheets but that did not work for us.


Unless you have cats lingering nearby, it is difficult to prevent mice from coming into farm machinery. One farmer told me that he keeps bars of original Irish Spring bar soap in the cab and hasn’t had a problem since. Another farmer said he bought a bunch of rubber snakes and keeps them in his combine and no longer had mice visit. The smell of oil of peppermint or shaving cream on cloth are also options for repelling mice.

Dear Reena: We live on a farm and the flies seem to invade our home every fall. What can I do?


Before you exert any energy in getting rid of flies, you must do some detective work to find out where they are entering. Even a tiny entry point or outside door gives opportunity for flies to come inside.

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After all food is put away and all entrances are sealed, fill half of a plastic sealable bag with water and a few pennies and hang it in the sunroom. Year after year people tell me that this reduces the population of bothersome flies. The theory behind this weird-sounding solution is that the reflection of the water disorients flies and diverts them away. I wonder if a large vase full of water with pennies in the bottom would work in the same way.

House-fly eggs are laid in almost any type of warm organic material, so you may want to get rid of decorative plants. If you are interested in displaying plants, choose species that repel flies such as: citronella grass, catnip, rosemary, marigolds, peppermint, garlic, eucalyptus, tea tree, basil or lavender.

Lastly, in a saucepan, combine 2 cups of milk, half a cup of sugar and one quarter cup of ground pepper. Simmer for eight to 10 minutes. Cool and pour into an un-lidded empty two-litre pop bottle. (Taken from Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets.)

Reader feedback

Dear Reena: Here’s our foolproof method of cleaning grease off concrete or paving stone driveways. Cover the stain with a liberal amount of dishwashing liquid. Immediately cover completely with sand. Allow to dry completely. Leave for as long as you can, trying not to drive over it. A few days later you can brush the sand away and the stain will be gone. Works like a charm and is so easy. Joan

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Fabulous tips

• The best thing in the world for removing sticky residue from price tags, stickers, masking tape etc. is Avon Skin-So Soft bath oil (original). It is amazing, and works every time. I have been using it for years. I keep a bottle just for that purpose. You should pass this onto your readers; it is better than any commercial preparations out there. Donna

• Remembrance Day is just around the corner; to hold a poppy in place on a shirt or sweater, cut a 1-inch piece of wide elastic band. Lay the elastic on the clothing and pin the flower through the elastic.

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