HomeWHYWhy Don't Indians Wear Deodorant

Why Don’t Indians Wear Deodorant

‍Did you know deodorant is the second-most commonly used personal care product globally? In fact, a whopping 767 million people across the world use deodorant on a daily basis. Even though Indians account for just 1% of the global population, they are among the world’s most prolific consumers of natural and organic personal care products. This is because Indians have very unique and specific needs when it comes to body hygiene products. Moreover, as more and more Indians become aware of the hazards posed by artificial fragrances and additives in conventional deodorants and antiperspirants, demand for chemical-free alternatives has surged. A lot of Indian men do not wear deodorant because of their religious beliefs or simply because they don’t think it’s necessary. But even if you don’t share that sentiment, there are numerous good reasons why you might consider avoiding traditional antiperspirants and deodorants on a day-to-day basis – as well as some great alternatives to them!

Why Don’t Indians Wear Deodorant?

I don’t know why do Indians not wear deodorant, but I think it is good for health. Deodorant contains dangerous chemicals. Sweat contains purifying enzymes. The more we sweat, the more detoxifies our bodies. Thus, I would suggest avoiding deodorant if possible and trying to stay in the fresh air as much as possible.

What Is The Reason Indians Don T Wear Deodorant?

1. We Don T Need Deodorant

Indians have only one use for deodorant – to stop body odor. But we don t sweat enough. So, deodorant is not needed. We can easily cover our body odor with clothes, scents, and oils.

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2. Deodorant Is Bad For Health

Deodorants contain dangerous chemicals like aluminum and parabens which can cause cancer, inflammation, and hormonal imbalance in the body. These chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and enter the blood stream which can cause allergies and other diseases.

3. Deodorants Are Bad For the Environment

In spite of being a cheap product, it is one of the most polluting products on the market today because of its plastic packaging and aerosols used to distribute it to reach the maximum number of people in a short period of time. It takes around 9 million plastic water bottles every year to supply 2 billion people with deodorants across the world (source: check out this great resource from it of global warming, deodorants are a great contributor to the environment. These deodorants contain chemicals that are not good for nature.

4. Deodorant Is Expensive

To buy deodorant means to buy unnecessary things. We can easily cover our body odor with clothes, scents, and oils. So, we do not need deodorant but we need those unnecessary things which are made by animals or plants and they cause pollution in the air.

5. Deodorants Are Bad For The Health

Deodorants contain aluminum and parabens which can cause cancer, inflammation, and hormonal imbalance in the body. These chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream which can cause allergies and other diseases.

6. Deodorants Are Bad For the Environment

In the spirit of global warming, deodorants are a great contributor to the environment. These deodorants contain chemicals that are not good for nature.

How To Fight Body Odor Without Using Deodorant

1. Showering:

This is the most effective way to prevent body odor.

2. Avoid Synthetic Fragrances:

It is suggested to avoid wearing perfumes and colognes, which contain chemicals that may cause body odor.

3. Moisturizers:

Apply moisturizers to keep your skin soft and supple. These will also help in preventing skin irritation caused due to drying of the skin. Moisturizers are also an excellent way of reducing oily skin and acne breakouts, as it keeps your pores clear and prevents clogging of pores that could cause acne breakouts.

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4. Antiperspirants:

Antiperspirants are used for stopping sweat from going into the underarm area and thus preventing bacteria from growing there, which causes body odor or sweat stains on clothes when you sweat or have a fever or infection in your system/body. It is not recommended to use antiperspirants on sensitive areas like armpits as they may cause irritation or rash.

5. Avoid Too Much Heat:

If you are sweating a lot, you should avoid hot and humid places, as it can cause body odor due to sweat that puts bacteria into your body. If you are feeling sweaty for no reason, try to change your clothes and take a cool bath instead of running around in the summer heat.

6. Avoid Stuffy Nose:

If you have a stuffy nose and sneeze frequently, it may cause body odor due to excess mucus that gets accumulated in the nasal passage and causes a bad smell from there. You should try to avoid sniffing too much or blowing your nose repeatedly as this can cause a bad smell from inside the nose quickly because of excessive mucus accumulation that is not removed by the sinuses due to frequent sneezing or other actions like coughing etc.

7. Avoid Bad Breath:

Bad breath is a common problem among people. It is usually caused due to the bacteria that lives in your mouth. If you have bad breath, it is suggested to rinse your mouth frequently with warm water and use an antiseptic mouthwash to fight the bacteria that causes bad breath before going out in public or at work, etc.

4 Reasons To Stop Wearing Deodorant

1- Deodorants Cause Breast Cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization declared that the use of antiperspirants causes breast cancer. The evidence is very strong and many studies have been conducted to prove this fact. According to the IARC, the use of antiperspirants increases the risk of breast cancer by 50% and this risk is present even if you are not overweight or obese. The main ingredient in most deodorants is aluminum chloride, which can be absorbed by our body and thus increase our risk of getting breast cancer.

2- Deodorants Contain Carcinogens

Most deodorants contain different ingredients, some of them are toxic to your health and some others are known as carcinogens. Some of them can be harmful to your skin, such as triclosan, which has been found to promote estrogen levels in women who use it regularly. Other ingredients include parabens (which can cause cancer), propylene glycol (which is also a skin irritant), and many others.

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3- Deodorants Can Cause Acne, Body Odor, And Other Skin Problems.

Deodorants can completely ruin the health of your skin by causing acne, body odor, and other skin problems. Most deodorants contain alcohol, which is drying for the skin and causes it to become dry as well as sensitive. Alcohol can also cause irritation on your skin, which then leads to acne or blemishes.

4- Deodorants Make You Smell Bad

When you sweat after applying deodorant on your armpits or any other part of your body, it will leave a white residue that smells like antiperspirant on your clothes or even on your own body. Another reason why you will smell bad after using deodorant is that antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, which actually causes bacteria growth in the underarm area of our bodies. The bacteria will then start to grow in your armpits, and will make you smell bad.

4 Effective Strategies To Fight Body Odor

1. Change Your Diet

Diet is the most important factor in body odor. If you want to get rid of body odor, you need to reduce your intake of foods that cause it. Foods high in sulfur, such as garlic and onions can cause body odor by causing the skin to produce more sweat. Exercising regularly will also reduce body odor because it increases the amount of sweat produced by the skin.

2. Use A Deodorant

Deodorants work with sweat glands to prevent the buildup of toxins in underarm pores that contribute to body odor. Deodorants can be purchased at any drugstore or grocery store and cost between $3 and $10 for a bottle under 100 ml (3 ounces). However, most people do not use deodorants effectively because they are ineffective in blocking moisture from reaching the skin and therefore do not prevent sweating or prevent bacteria from accumulating on the skin’s surface.

3. Keep Yourself Clean

Do not skip washing your armpits after every shower or workout. Sweaty armpits can cause body odor and they can also be a breeding ground for bacteria.

4. Try A Natural Deodorant

There are many natural deodorants that are effective in fighting body odor, but most of them are ineffective because they do not block moisture from reaching the skin and therefore do not discourage sweating or prevent bacteria from accumulating on the skin’s surface. However, some of them work well on the skin surface and help to reduce sweat production and their effectiveness depends on the type of deodorant used.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, the decision to wear or not wear deodorant is entirely up to you. While many Indians do not wear deodorant due to religious or cultural beliefs, there are a number of other benefits associated with the decision to forego deodorant. These benefits include better overall health, a reduced risk of breast cancer, a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, and a reduced risk of contracting other serious diseases.


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