HomeWHATWhat Happened To Antipas In The Bible

What Happened To Antipas In The Bible

I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

Revelation 3:9 (King James Version — Public Domain)

My blogging on Revelation is behind my reading as today on 23 March 2022, I just finished Revelation 6 and the beginning of the Seven Seals; however, I am just now writing about the martyrdom of Antipas in Revelation 2. I supposed I will eventually catch up, but I thought the message of this simple verse is just too important to pass up without a simple thought or two.

This will be the only time you will see Antipas’ name in Scripture and unless you are Catholic or Orthodox, it might be difficult to discover anything more about Antipas except that he was a faithful martyr of Jesus and would need to wait until Heaven to find out the whole story. There is nothing mentioned about Antipas in Foxe’s Book of Martyr’s and even going to the more scholarly online site Christian Classics Ethereal Library (ccel.org) did not reveal much additional information beyond this noteworthy but older source — Martyrs Mirror by Braght, Thieleman J. van (Thieleman Janszoon) (1625-1664). Ergo, what we know of Antipas is left to mystery and tradition until we meet him in Heaven one day.

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So … what do we know of Antipas for certain is based on Revelation 2:13. He was a part of the church of Pergamum. We can safely assume that Antipas (1) “held fast” (took hold/seized strong with all his might) the name of Jesus even in the face of mighty opposition; (2) “hast not denied” (denied himself/disregarded his own interests) his faith; even though (3) he was in the center of Satan’s territory (Amy paraphrase version) as Pergamum was a hotbed for emperor worship and loyalty to Emperor Domitian (ruled the empire [AD/CE 81-96 ]).

Would that we today who profess to be believers in Messiah be considered as worthy as Antipas whether we are ever called to martyrs or not? In order to do so, we must (1) hold fast whether the opposition be easy or harsh; (2) never deny our faith whether circumstances be tempting or not and (3) recognize that the world everywhere today appears to be the hotbed for “Satan’s seat” and so the temptations to not hold fast and to deny our faith will be greater than we might realize in the days to come.

Jesus does not ask everyone to be martyrs as Antipas was required to become. However, Jesus does ask us to hold fast and never deny him. Can you and all of us be Antipas today? Even when the fires (whatever they may be) become hot and the desire to “cut and run” grow more desirous than we might like to admit? Will be faithful or faithless when it comes time … a question we all need to answer and perhaps sooner than we might like to admit?

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FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE TRADITIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF ANTIPAS — https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2013/04/11/101052-hieromartyr-antipas-bishop-of-pergamum-and-disciple-of-saint-joh


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