HomeHOWHow Long Do Softball Gloves Last

How Long Do Softball Gloves Last

Very few pieces of equipment are as personal to a baseball player as their gloves. As odd as it may sound, most baseball players will say that their gloves are like an extension of their hand. And if you are dedicated to the sport, then I know that you know what I am talking about.

But regardless of how much you love your baseball gloves or how much you spent on them, they will need replacing in the end. Whether it is one season or even two seasons, after a certain time, the glove will run out of time eventually. Typically, any decent baseball glove should last you at least one season of heavy use.

Here, I will talk more about how long you can expect your baseball glove to last and also discuss ways to figure out when it is time to replace it.

How Long Should a Baseball Glove Last?

Since there’s no actual expiration date on a baseball glove, there’s no telling how long it will last. Even if you bought a top-tier baseball glove but got unlucky or did not take care of it as you should have, it can start to wear out a few months in.

How Long Should a Baseball Glove Last

However, if you take care of your glove and maintain it from time to time, even if it is cheap, it should last you quite a while. That being said, any baseball glove that you buy should last you one season minimum before you need to think about a replacement for it.

The material of the glove is the main thing that contributes to its overall durability, though. If you buy a glove made of high-quality material like Kip or Steerhide, it should last you more than a season. But you need to take good care of it and store it properly after each game.

How Long Should You Use a Baseball Glove?

Well, it’s a pretty simple question. And the answer is equally simple – as long as you can. You see, baseball gloves need a lot of care and attention from the player. Before you can use your new baseball glove, you need to break it in and also need to condition it regularly to keep it game-ready at all times.

How Long Should You Use a Baseball Glove

So even if you ignore the price of your glove, the level of attention it demands leaves its mark. Most players I talked with, including myself, say that they feel a personal connection with their gloves. And so they try to get as much use out of them as possible before thinking about getting a replacement.

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But as tough as it may be, at one point, there is no way around it. Once a glove is passed a certain threshold, there’s no coming back. The best thing you can do at that point is to stow it away in a locker and start again with another baseball glove.

How Do I Know if My Baseball Glove is Worn Out?

Thankfully, there are some telltale signs that show if your baseball glove is worn out beyond use. If you notice any of these cues, it’s probably a good idea to start looking for an alternative. Of course, you might still be able to use it for the next couple of games. But beyond that, it would be pushing things.

How Do I Know if My Baseball Glove is Worn Out

With that said, here are some of the signs that you will notice if your baseball glove is worn out.

· Ripped surface

If you notice a tear anywhere on the surface of the baseball glove, it’s usually an indication that you need to replace it. You might be tempted to stitch up the tear and call it a day, and the funny thing is it might even work – until it doesn’t anymore.

A small rip on the surface might not seem like a huge deal, but it can easily affect the overall quality of the gloves. Over time, the rip will spread, and it will start impacting your game performance. And the last thing you would want is for your glove to rip completely in the middle of a game.

· Cracks in the leather

Baseball gloves are typically made to last quite a while, but a small crack in the leather is all it takes to send it on a downward spiral. Even if your glove has no rips or holes in it, even if you notice a simple crack in the leather, you might have to consider getting a replacement soon.

Cracks in the leather

You see, cracks have a tendency to spread pretty quickly. And that small line you see in your glove can easily expand exponentially. It will only get worse from here, and there is absolutely no reason for you to subjugate yourself to using a baseball glove with cracked leather. Replacing it is always the better solution.

· Non-existent padding

The level and quality of padding that comes with your new baseball gloves can vary depending on what glove you are buying or what position that glove is meant to be used in. For example, a catcher’s mitt will almost always feature a better level of padding compared to an infielder glove.

But that’s not the point here. The thing is, as you keep catching baseballs with your glove, the layer of padding inside the leather starts wearing out. Towards the end of its lifespan, the padding in the gloves will feel almost non-existent. If you keep using it beyond this point, you can easily injure yourself. So replacing it is the only option.

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· Damaged form

When you buy a new baseball glove, it should feel stiff. However, as you play with it over time, it molds comfortably to the shape of your hand. This is what people mean when they say “breaking in a baseball glove.”

One of the main signs that your baseball glove is worn out is the form gets damaged. It will not feel as good in your hands as it did before, which would naturally affect your game performance. And if your performance starts declining because of the glove, it is best to get it replaced as soon as possible.

· Heavier weight

Although rare, sometimes gloves can start to weigh a lot more than they used to when you first bought them. At one point, it would feel as if you were holding a 10-pound dumbbell in your hand instead of an actual baseball glove. If this happens, then your baseball glove requires immediate replacement.

Typically, this condition occurs if you wet your gloves frequently. Overuse of leather oil can also lead to overweight baseball gloves. Whatever the reason, though, at this point, it is better to replace the gloves as there are no easy ways to fix them.

How Often Do Baseball Players Change Gloves? (Pros)

Considering how easy it is for baseball players to get new gloves, you might think that they change their gloves every season. Well, the truth is, most Pros prefer not to change their gloves unless they absolutely have to. Most MLB or Varsity-level professional players keep the same gloves for three or four seasons at a stretch.

Image Source: canva.com

It’s exactly what I said before – don’t change your gloves unless you have to. If your glove feels comfortable and shows no signs of damage, there is no reason to change it. Even the Pros have to break in their new baseball glove, and once their hand gets used to the new glove, they do not want to switch to a new one and go through the entire process again.

When Should I Replace My Baseball Glove?

Nobody likes the thought of replacing their baseball glove. But once its time is up, you really have no other choice here. Here are a few signs that you need to think about replacing your old baseball glove.

When Should I Replace My Baseball Glove
  • If the glove doesn’t feel as comfortable in your hands as it did before or feels heavier than usual, then it’s a clear indication that you should replace your baseball glove.
  • If you start noticing a decline in your performance with the glove, for example, you are failing to catch easy drive-bys or ground balls, or if your hand hurts when you try to scoop the ball up off the ground, you should replace your gloves.
  • If you are having trouble transferring the ball to your throwing hand after catching it, then it might mean the glove is not right for you. Statistics show that about 70% of the mistakes during ball release are caused by the glove.
  • At an amateur level, such as high school or youth baseball, you can use one glove for different positions. However, if you are switching between an infield or outfield position in high-stakes competitive baseball, it’s best to replace your glove with one that is tailor-made for that specific position.
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How Do I Make My Baseball Glove Last Longer?

Unless you are literally swimming in money, you should aim to make your glove last as long as possible. A new glove means the start of a whole new battle of breaking it in and getting used to it. But you cannot do that if you do not set some time aside for its maintenance.

How Do I Make My Baseball Glove Last Longer

Here are a few tips to help you get the most use out of your baseball gloves.

  • Keep your gloves clean before you store them. That means any time you come back from practice or a game – you need to clean the dust and debris off of it using a small brush or a rag.
  • When storing your baseball glove, keep a ball in the glove’s pocket. This would help the glove retain its shape. Alternatively, you can get a Glove Care Kit that comes with shaping balls for your gloves.
  • When a baseball glove is used frequently, it can start to feel dry. At the first sign of dryness, you want to rub some conditioner on the leather. But don’t go overboard with it, though – use only a small amount and spread it over the entire surface.
  • If a baseball glove gets wet, maybe from playing a game in the rain or whatnot, make sure you cover the entire glove’s surface with a glove-approved leather conditioner. That way, the conditioner will fill in the empty spaces in the gloves as the water evaporates.
  • Make sure you store your glove in a climate-controlled locker. Tossing it in the trunk of your car or garage is a strict no-no. Personally, I put mine in a locker with a dehumidifier in it to control the humidity.
  • When you are stowing away your gloves for a long while, during the off-season, for instance, you should take them out of the locker every other week and play catch with them. This will shake off any dust that can accumulate over time and will also keep the leather soft.

Now That We’re Here

Baseball gloves, as well made as they are these days, do not last forever, nor are they meant to. While it may hurt to say goodbye to your favorite glove that got you through a tough season, it is inevitable. And once its time is up, there is no point in trying to salvage it for a new season.

While minor scuffs and scratches on your baseball glove can be repaired, once it’s beyond a certain threshold, you cannot restore it. The best thing you can do is get a new glove that offers you an equally good performance.

Now that you know how long a baseball glove typically lasts, you can plan out your investment, identify the signs, and save up for a new glove once your glove is nearing the end of its lifespan. Cheers!


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