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Who Was The Beautiful Woman In The Bible

These 10 beautiful women in the Bible show us what the Bible says about beauty and what matters more than outward appearance.

What does it mean to be a beautiful woman?

Different cultures around the world have different answers.

Some cultures consider thin women to be beautiful, while in others a woman who has some meat on her bones is thought to be healthy and rich.

Beauty is a personal preference, too.

The old saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” is true.

But what does it mean to be a beautiful woman in the eyes of God?

Just like most things, God’s idea of true beauty is far different from ours.

When considering the beauty of a woman, He doesn’t look at her outward appearance at all.

According to the Bible, the most beautiful women in God’s sight have a meek and quiet spirit, long to serve others, and have great courage to do what’s right.

What Does the Bible Say About a Woman’s Beauty?

The Bible doesn’t talk a lot about what people look like. In fact, God says it’s not the outward appearance that matters so much as what’s inside your heart.

Most of us have probably known at least one woman who appears to be beautiful. Maybe she wears stylish clothes, knows just how to fix her hair, and applies makeup like a pro.

But you don’t have to know her very long before you realize, her beauty is only skin deep.

What makes a woman appear ugly even if she has a beautiful appearance? Her actions and attitudes.

A woman who is rude to others, engages in gossip, or doesn’t show kindness, is unattractive, no matter how pretty her hair is.

The Bible says in I Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”

Does this mean God forbids the wearing of gold jewelry or the braiding of hair?

Not at all. It simply means that a woman should be known more for her good works than her good looks.

Does Appearance Matter?

When it comes to appearance, we like to quickly refer to 1 Samuel 16:7.

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

Often, people use this verse to justify dressing immodestly, or not putting any effort into looking nice. But that’s not what it means.

Yes, God does see the heart. Samuel assumed that God would choose one of David’s older brothers because they were tall, strong, and handsome.

But God said those things don’t matter as much as having a heart that honors and pleases Him.

While God sees the heart, people do see the outward appearance. The clothes you wear and the way you present yourself are important.

While the beauty of women is far more than how we look, our looks are a testimony of our faith.

We should present ourselves as a daughter of the King. A truly beautiful woman has a beautiful smile that she gives readily. She has a good attitude and is kind to others.

Her countenance should display gentility and a deep beauty that comes from having peace with God.

She has an unfading beauty that goes far beyond looks, and she uses whatever beauty she has to honor the Lord.

woman wearing a hat with ocean in the background

10 Beautiful Women in the Bible

God has given us His Word full of wonderful role models to follow in all areas of our lives.

Holy women of the past show us that women’s beauty is far more than fine clothes or braided hair.

The most beautiful woman in the Bible isn’t remembered for the color of her hair, the number on a scale, or the size of her clothes. Imperishable beauty comes from faith in God.

These ten women of the Bible prove the importance of inner beauty and serving God with a humble heart.


When we think of classic beauty in the Bible, we most often think of a woman like Esther.

Esther was a simple Jewish girl, but God had a great plan for her life.

King Ahasuerus was king of the Persian empire, and he had a temper. Once, he threw a party where he and all his friends were drunk.

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In his drunken stupor, he demanded that his wife, Queen Vashti, come to dance for them. When she refused, he immediately removed her from her position as the queen.

Then, he sent his men to find all the beautiful, single girls in the kingdom so that he could choose a new queen.

The Bible tells us that Esther was so beautiful, the king looked at her once and made her his queen.

But you can’t read Esther’s story without seeing her as a woman of unspeakable courage. In fact, we remember her courage even more than her physical beauty.

When the wicked man, Haman, made a plan to kill all the Jewish people in the land of Babylon, their future looked bleak.

There was only one person who could save them-and that was Esther.

We know that Queen Esther was afraid, but her cousin, Mordecai, told her that perhaps God had called her to be the queen for just such a moment.

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

Her bravery and courage in the face of her fear saved her people from death.


When Isaac was forty years old, his father, Abraham, decided it was time for him to get married.

He sent a servant back to his homeland to find an appropriate wife for Isaac.

The servant knew he was faced with a difficult task.

Abraham was an important man-and he was very rich. Whatever he owned would be passed down to his son.

It was vital for the future of Abraham’s family that Isaac have a good and trustworthy wife.

The servant knelt and prayed that God would give him wisdom to choose the right wife for his master’s son.

When Rebekah came to the well and found Abraham’s servant and his camels. He asked her for a drink of water.

She offered to give him a drink and water his camels, as well. The exact sign the servant had asked for.

The servant knew God had sent Rebekah to him to become Isaac’s wife.

The Bible tells us that when Isaac saw Rebekah, he loved her immediately.

And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. (Genesis 24:67)

This beautiful woman became Isaac’s wife by Divine intervention, and she was the perfect choice to become a mother of the nation of Israel.

Related: The Story of Esther Coloring Pages (free printable)


Perhaps Isaac knew exactly what he was looking for in a wife because he had a beautiful mother. Sarah’s beauty was well-known and much-praised in her day.

Abraham’s wife was so beautiful that he pretended she was his sister to keep kings from taking her as their own wife-twice!

The second time this happened, Sarah was well over sixty years old.

Even though she was older, the wife of Abraham was still a woman men desired to see.

God promised Abraham that he would become a father of many nations, and Abraham waited for many, many years for God to keep that promise.

However, we tend to forget that the promise was made for Sarah, too.

She was a barren woman until she was over ninety years old.

Along with her husband, Sarah believed God’s promise, although she apparently doubted that she would actually give birth.

But Sarah never stopped trusting God. Finally, when she was ninety years old, Sarah gave birth to Isaac-the answer to her prayers and the reward for her faith.

When we think of the story of Sarah in the Bible, we don’t usually think of her physical beauty. We remember her faith and courage and she truly was the mother of many nations.

Mary the Mother of Jesus

While the Bible never tells us how old Mary was, it is likely that she was very young. Perhaps even a teenager when she gave birth to the Son of God.

The Bible also doesn’t give us any description of her physical appearance.

However, she is renowned her her inner beauty and unwavering faith.

As the mother of Jesus, she had a special task to complete. She knew she was raising her son so that He could die for the sins of the world.

The angel Gabriel appeared to her, telling her that she was highly favored among women.

From that time, she played a crucial role in the spreading of the Gospel around the world.

Mary was not only Jesus’ mother, she was a faithful follower.

The book of Matthew tells us that she stood at the foot of the cross as He was being crucified. Luke writes in the Book of Acts that Mary was gathered with the disciples in the upper room after Jesus ascended back to Heaven.

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Mary’s beauty was far beyond external beauty or a beautiful figure. Even two thousand years later, her faith speaks to us, reminding us that we can trust our Heavenly Father in all things.

Related: 10 Courageous Women in the Bible Who Inspire Us to Be Brave

woman wearing a headscarf and holding a young boy


The Bible never speaks to us about Hannah’s outward appearance.

But it would be hard to find a woman who was more devoted to the Lord than Hannah.

We read Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1-2. She was married to a man named Elkanah.

But she was not his only wife. His other wife was named Peninah, and she did not like Hannah.

Peninah had several children, but Hannah had none. In those times, a woman who was unable to have children was often considered to be cursed.

Although Hannah had no children, her husband loved her, and he couldn’t understand her desire for a child.

Hannah prayed in the temple and asked God to give her a son. She promised that she would return her son to the temple to serve God all the days of his life.

God heard Hannah’s prayer, and by that same time the next year, she had a son.

She did give her son, Samuel, back to God and he became a great prophet for the Lord.

Hannah was a beautiful woman because of her faith and devotion. It was because of her good deeds that the nation of Israel was blessed with one of its greatest prophets.

We don’t know what Hannah looked like, but she played a significant role in the history of God’s people. And that’s beautiful.


The Bible tells us that Abigail was the wife of a man named Nabal. She was “a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance.”

But Abigail had a problem-namely, her husband.

Nabal was a hard and stubborn man, and when we read about him, he was about to make a foolish decision.

David was on the run from Saul, and he and his mighty men had been in the fields near Nabal’s shepherds.

David sent his servants to ask Nabal to give them some provisions. He pointed out that he and his men could’ve been harsh to the sheep shearers, or taken advantage of them.

But they hadn’t.

But Nabal didn’t answer kindly. He refused to help David.

When David heard the news, he was angry. He gathered some of his men-four hundred, in fact, and went to take care of Nabal.

When Abigail heard that David was coming, she took action. She prepared a meal and took it to David.

Abigail begged David to have mercy on her husband, even though he was a wicked man.

David was impressed with Abigail’s wisdom and had mercy on her husband.

However, when Nabal found out what his wife had done, he was angry. Even though we’re not sure what happened, it appears his anger caused him to have a heart attack and he died.

David admired Abigail so much, that he made her one of his wives after her husband’s death.

Abigail’s beauty and intelligence spared her household from destruction and made her the wife of King David.

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Although we know that Boaz was attracted to Ruth’s character and kindness, he must’ve also noticed her beauty, too!

Ruth was a Moabitess, not even a descendant of the house of Israel.

But she was the widow of an Israelite man. She left behind her land, people, and pagan ways to follow her mother-in-law back to the land of Judah.

She went out to a field to glean barley to feed herself and her mother-in-law, Naomi.

When Boaz saw her, he immediately asked who she was. He told his workers to make sure they dropped enough barley on purpose to fill her basket.

In one of the most beautiful and romantic stories in the Bible, Ruth expressed her interest in Boaz becoming her kinsman redeemer.

Boaz was honored to take her as his wife-even though his decision might have been unpopular.

Ruth is known not only for her beauty but also for her loyalty and kindness. Her inner beauty earned her a place in the lineage of Jesus.


We don’t know much about Rahab’s physical appearance, however, the Word of God does tell us that she was a harlot. We can assume from that knowledge that she must’ve been an attractive woman.

But when we read her story, we don’t really consider her looks.

We remember that Rahab was brave.

When the Israelite spies came to Jericho, the people were terrified. They had heard the stories of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and how God had brought them safely through the desert.

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But Rahab wanted to know more about this powerful God.

She took the spies into her home and hid them from the soldiers. When the city was locked up tight, she helped them escape over the wall.

They left her with the promise that they would save her and her family if she would tie a scarlet cord in her window.

Rahab tied the scarlet cord to her window and brought her whole family into her house.

When the walls of Jericho fell, Rahab’s house stayed standing, even though it was part of the city wall.

Rahab, another beautiful woman who was not an Israelite, also earned a place in the lineage of Jesus. In fact, she was the mother of Boaz, who was the grandfather of King David.

Her faith and courage were the most beautiful things about Rahab, and that’s what we remember.

beautiful woman wearing a headscarf

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was a faithful and devoted follower of Jesus.

We don’t know much about her life, except that she was possessed with seven devils, and Jesus cast them out.

In Luke 7:37, the Bible tells us that a woman “who was a sinner” came to Jesus while He sat in a Pharisee’s house. Many believe this woman was Mary Magdalene.

She knelt at Jesus’ feet and washed His feet with her tears, drying them with her hair.

Then, she broke open an expensive bottle of ointment and poured it on Jesus’ feet.

She was ridiculed for this act, but not by Jesus. He understood her love for Him. He knew the depths of her despair before He found her.

Her heart was full of beautiful love for Jesus Christ, and it played out in her life and actions.


It’s pretty obvious from reading the Bible that David liked beautiful women! Even though he had multiple wives, including Saul’s daughter Michal, and Nabal’s widow, Abigail, he wasn’t satisfied.

One day he was walking on the rooftop of his home when he saw a beautiful woman bathing herself. He immediately had her brought to him.

David didn’t even care that Bathsheba was already married. When they conceived a child together, David made a plan.

Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, was a soldier, out fighting with David’s army. David sent for Uriah to come and give him a report of the battle.

He hoped that Uriah would lie with his wife, and would think the child was his. But Uriah was a man of great character, and he refused to go and sleep in his bed while his men were sleeping outdoors.

When David’s plan didn’t work, he ordered his general to put Uriah in the worst part of the battle. Uriah was killed in the battle.

Bathsheba became David’s wife and gave birth to a son. Because of David’s sin, their son died when he was a small child.

David repented of his sin and God blessed him with another son, Solomon.

But her story didn’t end there. David promised that Solomon would become the king when he died.

At the end of David’s life, his sons began to fight over who would gain the throne, and one of Solomon’s half-brothers nearly stole it from him.

Bathsheba, in her wisdom, gathered a prophet as her ally and went to David to secure the throne for her son.

While we do remember Bathsheba as beautiful, her courage and wisdom far outweighs her looks.

More Than Outward Appearance

These women were all beautiful, but not necessarily because of their looks.

They are noted more for their faith, courage, and character. We remember their actions far more than their physical beauty.

That’s how it is in God’s kingdom. He can use anyone to carry out His plan, no matter how they look on the outside.

He cares more about the hidden person of the heart than any kind of outward beauty.

These women from the Bible exemplify beauty in different ways, showcasing qualities such as courage, kindness, loyalty, and wisdom. Their stories continue to inspire and teach valuable lessons to people of all generations.

You Are a Beautiful Woman

Many times when we’re moms, we don’t consider ourselves to be beautiful. Moms put their families first, and sometimes neglect themselves.

But in God’s eyes, you are beautiful.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

In his wisdom, God knew that women would struggle with our physical appearance, so He gave us these words in Psalm 139:14:

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Never forget that you are made in the image of a mighty God, and in His eyes, you are perfectly beautiful, just the way you are.

Remember that His idea of beauty is far different from yours. Live out a life of faith, courage, and kindness which displays a far more lasting beauty than outward adornment or elaborate hairstyles.

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