HomeHOWHow To Clean Sweaty Boxing Gloves

How To Clean Sweaty Boxing Gloves

Anyone who has ever owned a pair of boxing gloves or borrowed a pair of boxing gloves from their local gym or boxing club will understand just how important it is to clean them. After constant use and sweaty hands locked into their confined space things can start to smell a little worse for wear.

Nobody wants to be the one in the gym that everyone is avoiding training with due to the hugely offensive smell coming from their gloves. That is why it is super important to keep on top of cleaning your boxing gloves and more importantly, cleaning the inside of your boxing gloves to stay as hygienic as possible.

Why Do You Need To Clean Boxing Gloves?

Well, would you do a hard workout and not wash your clothes? Probably not right, so why would you not clean your boxing gloves?

While boxing gloves do not have to be cleaned as often as clothing items, the principle still stands. After consistently using your boxing gloves in training sessions where you are emitting a lot of sweat, your boxing gloves will begin to develop a very unpleasant smell which if not cleaned will get progressively worse each and every time you lace your gloves up.

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If you are a gym owner or boxing club who provides boxing gloves for people to borrow then it is even more important to regularly clean your gloves. There will be a build-up of multiple people’s sweat within the gloves making them extremely unhygienic and creating an even more inhumane smell.

Cleaning your boxing gloves and boxing hand wraps on a weekly basis will keep your gloves smelling fresh and make sure that you do not have everyone in the gym trying to avoid you and your smell.

Why Do Your Boxing Gloves Smell So Bad?

The vile smell that comes from your gloves is because you are constantly wearing them during intense exercise that more often than not involves a lot of sweat. This sweat is then trapped inside your gloves and creates a very moist environment which then helps to breed bacteria.

Bacteria thrive in dark and damp environments, therefore, if you do not do anything to help clean your gloves then the bacteria will continue to breed and therefore continue to build up its horrific smell.

Yes, that is right, the horrific smell coming from your gloves is bacteria growing within your gloves. If that does not scare you into consistently cleaning your boxing gloves then I do not know what will.

How Do You Properly Clean Boxing Gloves?

There are a number of extremely effective ways that you can clean your boxing gloves to ensure that they are as hygienic and as fresh as possible even with consistent use. We would recommend washing your boxing gloves and hand wraps on a weekly basis to avoid a build of harsh odours.

These are the most common and effective ways of cleaning your boxing gloves:

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Use Antibacterial Sprays Or Deodorizers

One of the most common and effective ways of cleaning your boxing gloves and eradicating the horrific odour is through the use of antibacterial deodorizers. The deodorizers help to remove the moisture and kill the bacteria within the boxing gloves therefore leave your gloves fresh and dry.

Eradicating the moisture and bacteria inside boxing gloves help to get rid of the unwanted smells and uncomfortable damp feeling. This will make your gloves far more pleasant for you to use and keep them fresher for much longer.

Brands such as No Stink have taken the market by storm with their phenomenal deodorizers that simply slip inside your gloves, and remove the moisture and bacteria, leaving the gloves both smelling great and feeling great.

Wipe Down After Every Use

Something else that you should be doing after every use is thoroughly wiping down your gloves after every use. While this will not provide the deepest clean to your gloves it will keep on top of the cleaning and therefore help to avoid the buildup of unwanted odours.

Simply wipe down your boxing gloves with a towel both inside and out to ensure that you have gotten rid of all the moisture. This will help to stop bacteria from growing within your gloves by getting rid of all the moisture that they need in order to grow.

In addition to keeping them smelling fresh, this will also help to keep your gloves looking a lot fresher for longer.

Leave Them Out To Dry

It is super important to make sure that you are letting your gloves air dry after every use. Straight after use your gloves will often be very moist and clammy which creates a very humid atmosphere within the glove.

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If you were to put your gloves straight into your gym bag then you are not giving the gloves anytime to breathe and dry out. This means that they will remain damp and therefore be a breeding ground for the bacteria that creates the vulgar odour that often builds up within gloves.

Allowing your gloves the chance to get some fresh air and dry out will ensure that they do not become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If your gloves are dry then there will be nowhere that bacteria can grow which should therefore mean that your gloves stay fresh.

Saltwater Soak

A saltwater soak is a much more drastic approach to cleaning your boxing gloves. However, it is an extremely effective method of killing bacteria and therefore getting rid of the smell for good. This will make sure that your gloves do not become unbearable and the reason why no one will take you up on your sparring offer.

Simply create a solution of saline water in a large empty container, place your gloves in the container and then leave it to soak overnight or for an extended period of time. Then let them dry in a ventilated area for a few hours and they should look as good and smell as good as they did brand new.

Baking Soda

One of the oldest tools in the book for cleaning boxing gloves is baking soda. This method is infamous for its incredible ability to kill the odour, no matter how bad, of boxing gloves.

Simply sprinkle the magical powder around the inside of your boxing gloves and leave it to do its job for a couple of hours. After a few hours simply shake out the baking powder and enjoy your gloves. Just a few hours covered in baking soda should help to fully alleviate the awful odours and have your gloves smelling unbelievably fresh.


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