HomeWHYWhy Does My Dog Freak Out When I Sneeze

Why Does My Dog Freak Out When I Sneeze

Dogs are empathetic creatures. They often react to our emotions- they are sad when we are sad, and happy when we are happy. However, sometimes these reactions don’t make a lot of sense to us. For example, simply sneezing. When we sneeze, our dogs tend to freak out, either rushing to your side or fleeing in terror. Read on to find out what causes this behavior, and what you can do to change it if need be.

Why Does My Dog Freak Out When I Sneeze?

The short answer is: they don’t understand what you are doing. Sneezing comes out of nowhere, and while other humans understand what human sneezing behavior looks like, dogs don’t. They see their owner making a strange face, and a sudden loud sound. Because they are empathetic creatures, they will investigate the source to see if something is wrong, just like they would check on a pack leader in the wild.

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Why Does My Dog Act Weird/Panic When I Sneeze?

Some dogs are naturally more high-strung than others. They may react to thunderstorms, cars honking outside, or any other sudden, unexplained sound with fear. Their owner sneezing is no different- your dog might not understand what is happening, and think you are hurt or afraid, or that something frightening is happening.

Why Does My Dog Rush Over To Me When I Sneeze?

In the wild, dogs live in packs with a pack leader. All members of the pack check on each other, and check in with the pack leader. If the leader is hurt, the other dogs try to comfort them. When your dog rushes over after you sneeze, it’s because you are their pack leader. They want to be sure you are okay, and to check that nothing scary or bad is happening.

Why Does My Dog Run Away When I Sneeze?

Humans have primitive fight or flight responses, and dogs are the same way. When you sneeze, your dog might have a flight response and flee just out of fear of the sudden, loud noise you make. If you want to stop this fearful behavior, offer your dog a treat or toy after you sneeze so they associate the sound with something good, instead of frightening.

Why Do My Dogs Jump All Over Me When I Sneeze?

Dogs do not know what the sound of human sneezing is- some flee in fear, some think their owner is injured, and some think it is an invitation to play. If your dog jumps on you after you sneeze, it might be because they think you are hurt and want to check on you. Your dog could also think that your sneeze is the human equivalent of a play bark- a loud, sudden bark dogs use to initiate play.

Why Does My Dog Try To Console Me Whenever I Sneeze?

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If your dog rushes over to comfort you after you sneeze, it is because they assume you are injured. They think the contorted face and loud, sudden noise that comes along with a sneeze is a pain response. They may also whine, lick you, or jump up on the couch next to you to try to comfort what they believe to be pain.

Why Does My Dog Attack Me When I Sneeze?

Dogs don’t know what a human sneeze means, and because of that they might interpret their owners sneezing as aggression and react accordingly. This is really undesirable behavior for obvious reasons, as your dog should view you as a member of the pack and not a potential threat. If your dog responds to you sneezing with aggression, consider attending some training courses to strengthen the trust and bond between you and your dog.

Why Does My Dog Get Excited When I Sneeze?

Does Fido get excited when you sneeze, such as barking, jumping up on you, or running around the house (zoomies?) If so, it is because your dog thinks that sneezing is an invitation to play. This is because dogs often bark at each other once to initiate play, and they sneeze during play fights to let other dogs know that they are not being aggressive.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me When I Sneeze?

Dogs who rush over to lick you after you sneeze are trying to comfort you. They do not understand that the noise you made was involuntary, and they think you are in pain or distress. You may enjoy the extra attention, but if the licking annoys you, train your dog to not be alarmed by giving them a treat after you sneeze to show them it’s nothing to be afraid of.

Why Does My Dog Bark When I Sneeze?

To a dog, a sneeze looks very much like a bark. So when you sneeze, especially loudly, your dog thinks that you are alerting them to some kind of trouble and that they should bark too. Your dog may also just be surprised by your sneeze, and react to the loud sudden noise without really knowing what it is.

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How To Get My Dog To Stay Calm When I Sneeze?

If your dog’s over-the-top reaction to your allergies is a problem, consider using positive training techniques to keep your dog calm when you sneeze. Give your dog a treat or a toy after you sneeze to build a positive association. If your pooch is really fearful or even aggressive when you sneeze, they may be overly reactive. Consider taking your dog to training classes to build trust.

Why Does My Dog Become Very Unsettled When A Person Sneezes, But Not Another Dog?

In a way, dogs speak their own language. They use sounds and body language to communicate with each other, and they innately know what those signals mean. When a dog sneezes, another dog knows that it is an involuntary reaction. It could also be a “play sneeze”- which is when a dog sneezes during play fighting to alert their partner that they are just playing, not actually fighting. However, when a human sneezes, dogs do not recognize the sound and facial expressions, and therefore often react with alarm or fear.

Why Does My Dog Sneeze On Me?

Does your dog sneeze on you when you are playing with them, or when they are excited? This is because dog behavior is different from human behavior. Dogs often sneeze during play- it is a way to communicate to the other dogs that they are just playing, and no aggression is meant. If your dog is sneezing on you during playtime or excitement, it is because they are trying to tell you that they don’t mean to hurt you.

Why Does My Dog Come To Me When I Cough?

Dogs are very in tune with human emotions, and can differentiate normal behavior from abnormal. If you have a cold and are coughing, you are making a noise that is unusual, and your dog is likely coming over to investigate. It is also possible that your dog senses that you are feeling poorly, and is trying to comfort you.

Why Does My Dog Freak Out When I Sneeze?

Dogs are funny creatures, and while they generally understand human emotions, they don’t get all of it. Sneezing is one of those things that confuses dogs, and often causes them to act strangely. But it is not a cause for alarm- just a communication breakdown. Over time your dog will learn that these involuntary sounds are nothing to be afraid of. In the meantime, take comfort in the fact that your dog wants to comfort you!





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