HomeWHYWhy I Love My Wife

Why I Love My Wife

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This list of “reasons I love my wife” can help you be super romantic in showing your wife how much she means.

Your wife is amazing – that’s why you married her. But sometimes when marriages exit the honeymoon phase, we can forget to show the appreciation to our partners that they deserve.

text reads "reasons I love my wife" with photo of couple hugging outside.

But your wife not only deserves appreciation, she needs it. And a little appreciation can go a long way.

So write her a love letter. Scatter all the reasons you love her on post-it notes throughout the house. Create a “reasons why I love you” jar. It doesn’t matter how you tell her – just be sure that you do.

RELATED: Reasons I Love My Husband

Things I Love About My Wife

Here are some reasons why you love you wife to get you started:

  1. I love your eyes
  2. I love your body
  3. I love your smile
  4. I love your laugh
  5. I love that you still make me laugh after all these years
  1. I love that you never gave up on us when times got tough
  2. I love how you always put my needs before your own
  3. I love how you always make our relationship a priority
  4. I love how much you love me
  5. I love how much you love our children
  1. I love the way you look at me
  2. I love that you remember everyone’s birthday and all of our appointments
  3. I love how thoughtful you are
  4. I love that you’re always prepared for whatever life throws our way
  5. I love watching you sleep
  1. I love your snuggles
  2. I love the way your hair falls on your shoulders
  3. I love your sincerity
  4. I love how you can make friends wherever you go
  5. I love your bum
  1. I love your silent confidence
  2. I love that you trust me with your whole heart
  3. I love that you give me your whole heart
  4. I love your energy
  5. I love that you would give anyone the shirt off your back
  1. I love that you have made me a better person
  2. I love that you make me a better person each and every day
  3. I love that you forgive my flaws
  4. I love that you accept me for my flaws
  5. I love your strong will
  1. I love how your hands fit perfectly in mind
  2. And how my arms wrap perfect around your body
  3. I love the compassion that you have for others
  4. I love that you are my best friend
  5. I love that we have chosen each other forever
  1. I love your ability to stand up for what you believe in
  2. I love how giving you are
  3. I love your passion
  4. And your passion for life
  5. And your passion for me
  1. I love your intensity
  2. I love that you are a born leader
  3. I love that you always make time for me
  4. I love how you always listen to me when I need to talk
  5. I love that you laugh at my jokes (even when they’re not funny)
  1. I love when we go for walks together
  2. I love that we can finish each other’s sentences
  3. And that I always know what you’re thinking
  4. I love that we always find each other in a crowded room
  5. I love that you are still the person I want to wake up with every morning
  1. And I love that I get to go to bed with you every night
  2. I love reminiscing about our past together
  3. And I love the memories that we have made
  4. I love thinking about future memories that we will make together
  5. And talking about our plans for the future
  1. I love the way that other people speak of you (always in a positive way)
  2. I love that there is literally nothing bad that can be said about you
  3. I love your voice
  4. I love the life lessons that you teach me
  5. And the life lessons that you teach our kids
  1. I love how you always have the ability to see things from other people’s perspectives
  2. I love how empathetic you are
  3. I love that you don’t know how beautiful you are
  4. I love that you make heads turn when you walk in a room
  5. I love our date nights
  1. And our Netflix and Chill nights
  2. I love the nights that we spend with family
  3. And I love how family oriented you are
  4. I love your charm
  5. I love that we always work for the same team
  1. I love all of the adventures that we go on together
  2. And how organized you are when we travel
  3. I love that you are my shoulder to cry on
  4. And that I am your shoulder to cry on
  5. I love your gentleness
  1. I love your kisses
  2. I love eating dinner together
  3. And our late night chats
  4. I love that I get to be the person who makes you smile
  5. I love how kind you are
  1. I love how smart and witty you are
  2. I love that out of everyone in the world, you chose me
  3. I love the balance that you bring to me
  4. I love how understanding you are
  5. I love how patient you are
  1. I love that we can talk about anything together
  2. I love that you are always striving to be a better version of yourself
  3. And always pushing me to be a better version of mine
  4. I love your high level of emotional intelligence
  5. I love that you aren’t afraid to put me in my place
  1. I love how passionate you are about your work
  2. I love that you are always strong enough to speak your opinion
  3. I love how much you value our marriage
  4. I love the commitment that you have to our family
  5. I love that you put up with all my crazy
  1. And my crazy family
  2. I love that you have strong morals and value
  3. I love that you live life with integrity
  4. I love the way that you talk to yourself
  5. I love that you have always been fully supportive of me and my career choices
  6. I love you for you!
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Of course, you don’t have to use all of these, and you will certainly have your own unique points to add too.

-What makes your wife unique?

-Why did you fall in love with her in the first place?

Recapture all of the things you love about your wife and show her your appreciation for her by letting her know.

Make your very own “Reasons Why I Love You Jar” with these!

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