When Does Gothorita Evolve

#575 Gothorita General Location Attacks Stats Egg Moves Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex This Pokédex entry is for Generation VII Pokémon games. For Generation IX Pokémon games. Check out Gothorita Pokémon Scarlet & Violet data Picture Name Other Names No. Gender Ratio Type Gothorita Japan: Gothimiruゴチミル French: Mesmérella German: Hypnomorba Korean: 고디보미 National: #575 Central: #- Coastal: #- Mountain: #127 Hoenn: #- Male ♂:25%Female ♀:75% Classification Height Weight Capture Rate Base Egg Steps Manipulate Pokémon 2’04” 0.7m 39.7lbs 18.0kg1005,120 Abilities: FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag (Hidden Ability) Frisk: Reveals the foe’s held item. Competitive: Raises Sp. Atk stat by two stages whenever a stat is lowered Hidden Ability (Available): Shadow Tag: The opponent cannot run nor switch while this Pokémon is in play. The opponent may still switch by using Baton Pass, U-turn or Volt Switch, if it is holding a Shed Shell or is a Ghost-type. Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned Eligible for Sky Battle? 1,059,860 PointsMedium Slow 70 2 Sp. Defense Point(s) Not Eligible/Known Damage Taken *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *1 *1 *1 *0.5 *2 *1 *2 *1 *2 *1 *1 Wild Hold Item Egg Groups Human-likeAbraKadabraAlakazamMachopMachokeMachampDrowzeeHypnoHitmonleeHitmonchanMr. MimeJynxElectabuzzMagmarHitmontopMakuhitaHariyamaSableyeMedititeMedichamVolbeatIllumiseSpindaCacneaCacturneChimcharMonfernoInfernapeBunearyLopunnyLucarioCroagunkToxicroakElectivireMagmortarTimburrGurdurrConkeldurrThrohSawkGothitaGothoritaGothitelleElgyemBeheeyemMienfooMienshaoPawniardBisharpPanchamPangoroHawluchaDittoHuman-like Evolutionary Chain Locations – In-Depth Details X Route 20, Pokémon VillageFriend SafariDetails Y Route 20, Pokémon VillageFriend SafariDetails Omega Ruby Evolve Gothita Alpha Sapphire Evolve Gothita Flavor Text X Starlight is the source of their power. At night, they mark star positions by using psychic power to float stones. Y According to many old tales, it creates friends for itself by controlling sleeping children on starry nights. Omega Ruby Starlight is the source of their power. At night, they mark star positions by using psychic power to float stones. Alpha Sapphire According to many old tales, it creates friends for itself by controlling sleeping children on starry nights. Generation VI Level UpLevelAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % — Pound 40 100 35 – The target is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc. — Confusion 50 100 25 10 The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused. — Tickle – 100 20 – The user tickles the target into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats. — Play Nice – – 20 100 The user and the target become friends, and the target loses its will to fight. This lowers the target’s Attack stat. 3 Confusion 50 100 25 10 The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused. 7 Tickle – 100 20 – The user tickles the target into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats. 10 Fake Tears – 100 20 – The user feigns crying to fluster the target, harshly lowering its Sp. Def stat. 14 Double Slap 15 85 10 – The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row. 16 Psybeam 65 100 20 10 The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also cause confusion. 19 Embargo – 100 15 – It prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it. 24 Feint Attack 60 – 20 – The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail. 25 Psyshock 80 100 10 – The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This attack does physical damage. 28 Flatter – 100 15 – Flattery is used to confuse the target. However, it also raises the target’s Sp. Atk stat. 31 Future Sight 120 100 10 – Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target. 34 Heal Block – 100 15 – For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP. 39 Psychic 90 100 10 10 The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target’s Sp. Def stat. 43 Telekinesis – – 15 – The user makes the target float with its psychic power. The target is easier to hit for three turns. 50 Charm – 100 20 – The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. The target’s Attack is harshly lowered. 53 Magic Room – – 10 – The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon’s held items lose their effects for five turns.TM & HM AttacksTM/HM #Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %TM03 Psyshock 80 100 10 – The user materializes an odd psychic wave to attack the target. This attack does physical damage.TM04 Calm Mind – – 20 – The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.TM06 Toxic – 90 10 – A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.TM10 Hidden Power 60 100 15 – A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.TM12 Taunt – 100 20 – The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.TM16 Light Screen – – 30 – A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.TM17 Protect – – 10 – It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.TM18 Rain Dance – – 5 – The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.TM20 Safeguard – – 25 – The user creates a protective field that prevents status problems for five turns.TM21 Frustration ?? 100 20 – A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.TM24 Thunderbolt 90 100 15 10 A strong electric blast is loosed at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis.TM27 Return ?? 100 20 – A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer.TM29 Psychic 90 100 10 10 The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target’s Sp. Def stat.TM30 Shadow Ball 80 100 15 20 The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def stat.TM32 Double Team – – 15 – By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.TM33 Reflect – – 20 – A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.TM39 Rock Tomb 60 95 15 100 Boulders are hurled at the target. It also lowers the target’s Speed by preventing its movement.TM41 Torment – 100 15 – The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.TM42 Facade 70 100 20 – An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.TM44 Rest – – 10 – The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the user’s HP and heals any status problem.TM45 Attract – 100 15 – If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.TM46 Thief 60 100 25 – The user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. It can’t steal if the user holds an item.TM48 Round 60 100 15 – The user attacks the target with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.TM53 Energy Ball 90 100 10 10 The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def.TM56 Fling ?? 100 10 – The user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.TM57 Charge Beam 50 90 10 70 The user attacks with an electric charge. The user may use any remaining electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat.TM63 Embargo – 100 15 – It prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.TM66 Payback 50 100 10 – If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.TM70 Flash – 100 20 – The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target’s accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.TM73 Thunder Wave – 100 20 – A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.TM77 Psych Up – – 10 – The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target.TM80 Rock Slide 75 90 10 30 Large boulders are hurled at the opposing team to inflict damage. It may also make the targets flinch.TM85 Dream Eater 100 100 15 – The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the user’s HP.TM86 Grass Knot ?? 100 20 – The user snares the target with grass and trips it. The heavier the target, the greater the damage.TM87 Swagger – 90 15 – The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also sharply raises the target’s Attack stat.TM88 Sleep Talk – – 10 – While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.TM90 Substitute – – 10 – The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user’s decoy.TM92 Trick Room – – 5 – The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.TM94 (ORAS) Secret Power 70 100 20 30 The user attacks the target with a secret power. Its added effects vary depending on the user’s environment.TM97(ΩRαS) Only Dark Pulse 80 100 15 20 The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It may also make the target flinch.TM100 Confide – – 20 100 The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.Egg Moves (Details)Attack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect % Captivate – 100 20 – Details If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target is charmed into harshly lowering its Sp. Atk stat.Dark Pulse 80 100 15 20 Details The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It may also make the target flinch.Heal Pulse – – 10 – Details The user emits a healing pulse which restores the target’s HP by up to half of its max HP.Mean Look – – 5 – Details The user pins the target with a dark, arresting look. The target becomes unable to flee.Miracle Eye – – 40 – Details Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by Psychic-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.Mirror Coat ?? 100 20 – Details A retaliation move that counters any special attack, inflicting double the damage taken.Uproar 90 100 10 – Details The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. Over that time, no one can fall asleep.Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Move Tutor AttacksAttack NameTypeCat.Att.Acc.PPEffect %Covet6010025-The user endearingly approaches the target, then steals the target’s held item.Foul Play9510015-The user turns the target’s power against it. The higher the target’s Attack stat, the greater the damage.Gravity-5-Gravity is intensified for five turns, making moves involving flying unusable and negating Levitate.Heal Bell-5-The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon.Helping Hand-20-The user assists an ally by boosting the power of its attack.Magic Coat-15-A barrier reflects back to the target moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status.Magic Room-10-The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon’s held items lose their effects for five turns.Recycle-10-The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.Role Play-10-The user mimics the target completely, copying the target’s natural Ability.Shock Wave60-20-The user strikes the target with a quick jolt of electricity. This attack cannot be evaded.Signal Beam751001510The user attacks with a sinister beam of light. It may also confuse the target.Skill Swap-10-The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.Snatch-10-The user steals the effects of any healing or stat-changing move the opponent attempts to use.Snore501001530An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.Trick-10010-The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.Uproar9010010-The user attacks in an uproar for three turns. Over that time, no one can fall asleep.Zen Headbutt80901520The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. It may also make the target flinch. Stats HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Base Stats – Total: 390 60 45 70 75 85 55 Max StatsHindering Nature Lv. 50 120 – 167 45 – 87 67 – 109 72 – 114 81 – 123 54 – 96 Lv. 100 230 – 324 85 – 170 130 – 215 139 – 224 157 – 242 103 – 188 Max StatsNeutral Nature Lv. 50 120 – 167 50 – 97 75 – 122 80 – 127 90 – 137 60 – 107 Lv. 100 230 – 324 95 – 189 145 – 239 155 – 249 175 – 269 115 – 209 Max StatsBeneficial Nature Lv. 50 120 – 167 55 – 106 82 – 134 88 – 139 99 – 150 66 – 117 Lv. 100 230 – 324 104 – 207 159 – 262 170 – 273 192 – 295 126 – 229 <- #574Gothita #576Gothitelle ->

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