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What Is Good Bait For Mice

Rats and mice are widely recognised among the worst pests that you can have and for very good reason. They can cause damage to your property and possessions, spread disease and risk the health and well-being of your family. The best way to reduce the likelihood of these issues is to use preventative pest control to try and keep rodents out. But, you may already have these pests nesting in your home.

If you suspect that you might have a rodent infestation, one of the best steps to take if you are unsure is to contact Expert Pest Control. We can come and inspect your property and take care of your problem for you. There are many signs that can help to show if you do indeed have rats and mice in your home.

To determine if you have a rodent infestation, keep an eye out for the following signs:

    • Droppings – little black pellets that can be found near the skirting boards, in cupboards, and under the sink for example. These can cause contamination and spread disease by themselves. So make sure that you always wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with them.
    • Grease Marks – if you notice grease marks on the skirting boards, roof timbers or small holes this is generally caused by rodents brushing up against them while they’re out searching for scraps.
    • Urine – much like droppings, this can also cause contamination and issues, and should be thoroughly cleaned before cleaning your hands.
    • Scratching & Squeaking – a giveaway sign is hearing scratching noises at night-time in the walls or in the ceiling. If you listen closely at night with your ear to the walls and you can hear suspicious noises, it is evidence that you’ve got some unwanted lodgers.
    • The Smell of Ammonia – rodents have a very distinct smell, particularly their urine. If your home is beginning to smell rather musty despite your efforts to keep it clean, then you’ve likely got an infestation.
    • Gnaw marks – rats and mice both are destructive pests, and you are likely to see shredded paper and fabric as well as gnaw marks in furniture and any food or food packages left out. The size of the marks left can clue you in as to whether you have rats or mice, but either will need to be tackled as soon as possible.
    • You find a nest – perhaps a rather obvious sign if you know what to look out for, rats and mice may create nests somewhere that you can see. Check inside warm places like cupboards for these nests.
    • Live Rodents – if you spot a mouse or rat during the day in your home then you can bet that you’ve got a rather heavy infestation. Spotting one rodent can often be a sign that you have several more waiting in the wings. Now is the time to take the situation seriously and start taking big strides to deal with your infestation quickly.
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Rodents Spread Disease

Rodents are notorious for carrying infections and spreading disease. They can trigger allergies, carry other pests like fleas and contaminate food with their leavings and saliva. Some of the diseases that rats are directly known to spread include:

  • Salmonella – a bacteria that can cause stomach pain, diarrhoea, fever and pain
  • Typhus – a bacteria that causes fever, a rash and headaches
  • Leptospirosis – a bacteria causing red eyes, jaundice and flu-like symptoms
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome – a respiratory disease that has flu-like symptoms, dizziness and shortness of breath

If you are concerned about this and want to take every step you can to prevent rodents in your home or place of business, contact Expert Pest Control. We can tackle the problem for you immediately. If, however, you’d like to use your own traps, we have compiled a list of some of the most successful bait you can use in your rodent traps right now.

The Best Bait for a Rat or Mouse Trap:

Rat with a clear background

  1. Peanut Butter – peanut butter is without a doubt the best bait for mice. Mice tend to love sweet and fatty foods, and peanut butter is a perfect example of this. Spread it carefully on the plate and the mouse will be unable to resist.
  2. Smelly Cheeses – the smellier the cheese the better! Strong cheeses like Stilton always tend to work very well in this regard. Depending on the type of trap that you have, you may wish to stick with a softer cheese that can spread and stick better, but really any cheese will do.
  3. Sliced Hot Dog – a cheap and easy alternative, though it will work all the same.
  4. Chocolate – you might not be one for sharing when it comes to chocolate, but if it’s all you have in the house, they’ll certainly go for it. Again mice love sweets, so chocolate is likely to draw even the choosiest mouse in.
  5. Cat & Dog Food – make sure you keep your pets well away from the traps if you’re going to insist on using their food to bait the traps. Many rodents find it easier to get to pet food than human food as it can be stored in a more accessible place. This has led many to develop a taste for it.
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There are many more baits that work well than those listed above. You can use much of the food you may have lying around. Just remember the sweet and fatty rule of thumb and we would recommend using these first. For the best bait for a mouse or a rat trap, peanut butter is the top choice.

You Don’t Have to Go it Alone

There’s no reason why you should have to deal with your rat or mouse infestation yourself. Many of the methods that most homeowners have at their disposal aren’t all that effective, or may only somewhat help with the problem. A professional and experienced rodent pest control company is far better equipped to properly handle your rodent infestation.

Time is of the essence with any pests, and the longer you have rats and mice, the more damage they can do to your home and your health. If you have any doubts or concerns then you should certainly call for help.

In the meantime, there are steps you can take yourself if you wish. Try to assess how many rodents you think you have and then place as many traps as you can in key locations around the house. For example, possible entry points, the rear of your refrigerator and so on.

Following that, make sure you clean up any food debris and ensure any accessible food is stored in sealed containers. You should seal any gaps and holes that the rodents had been using to navigate their way throughout your home. Any dog food or bird seed should be stored in a sealed container or steel bin.

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Stored goods and materials create ideal nesting sites. Rotate or reduce these stored goods to reduce potential nesting sites. If you want to keep your family safe and your home rodent free, sometimes you’ve got to work hard for it, or allow us to shoulder the burden for you.

Should you require assistance in the Sydney area, you can rest assured that our expert rat control team can handle any rodent issues that you might have. Contact us for a quote and more information on the services we can provide for you today.


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