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Chapter 5 – An Angel’s Dream

Due to what happened after the last battle, Zack can meet Aerith for the first time. Aerith’s DMW is also unlocked.

Sector 5 Slums – Church

Chapter 5 - An Angel's Dream

Rotate your camera clockwise and you’ll see a chest with 2 Ethers in the corner of the church. Take it and then save your game. After fighting a hard battle, Zack shouldn’t be in a good condition, but don’t heal manually. Remember that you can die in any mission to get free heal. In this chapter you can finally raise your materia’s stat with items. The highly recommended missions are Mission 7-2-1 to obtain Item Fusion Tome item, Mission 7-2-2 to obtain Keychain item, and Mission 7-2-5 to obtain Backpack item. If Mission 7-2-4 is too hard, you may want to collect a Flame Armlet in Mission 6-3-5.

  • Item Fusion Tome opens up the item slot in Materia Fusion, granting the ability to add items when combining two materia. Now you can raise your stats even further. If you need to raise your HP, fuse HP Up with any Fire/Blizzard/Thunder and add 80 Potions, buyable from Shinra Building Shop, to increase its HP stat to become +60%, then fuse the result with Cure/Libra or another Fire/Blizzard/Thunder and add another 80 Potions to increase its HP stat to become +100%. Since you have 3 HP Up, repeat this method to all of them when needed and sell X-Potion if you need money. If you have done many of the optional missions, you should have much better materia at this point, so fuse whatever you want.
  • Keychain and Backpack opens up the third and fourth accessory slots. If you need to raise your VIT then equip all 3 Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamShinra Alphas. If you have done many of the optional missions, you should have many better accessories to be equipped at this point.

After clearing the recommended missions and other things you want to do, save your game and head outside.

Slums 5 Slums – Church Entrance

Chapter 5 - An Angel's Dream

You are supposed to follow Aerith, but you don’t need to since there is only one exit. Just move past her and continue to trigger a fixed encounter.

2x Hedgehog Pies

Hedgehog Pie/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP1,5128,270StealPotionChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamForce BraceletMP5555DropPotionFire

Hedgehog Pies can perform a delayed charge attack and cast Fire. Simply strike them head-on or land Critical strikes.

Once again just move past her directly to the next area

Sector 5 Slums – Street

Once again ignore Aerith and go straight until you see a girl near the border. Talk to her to unlock mission 2-1-4, then approach the gate in the south.

Sector 5 Slums – Market Upon your arrival, a boy will steal your wallet and you have to get it back through a minigame.

Minigame: Retrieve Wallet

Your main objective here is of course to get your wallet back (although if you open main menu your money is still there), but there is another purpose of this minigame, which is to increase Aerith’s affection towards Zack.

  1. Approach the south border to trigger a short event. This must be done first to unlock the other possibilities. The following number 2 to 6 can be done in any order, Aerith will show up after doing at least three of these, but to collect the maximum affection points you should talk with all people.
  2. Talk to a clerk in the southwest. This event increases 10 affection points and will give a reward later.
  3. Talk to a clerk in the west. This event increases 10 affection points and will give a reward later.
  4. Talk to a clerk in the northeast. This event increases 10 affection points and will give a reward later.
  5. Talk to a girl in the southeast and choose “Wait a little longer” 10 times. This event increases 1 affection point for each waiting period, so a total of 10 points can be accumulated.
  6. Talk to a boy in the northwest and give him Potion 5 times. This event increases 2 affection points for each given Potion, so a total of 10 points can be accumulated. Each potion also decreases the cost of his upcoming minigame entry fee by 10 Gil, for a total of 50 Gil reduction.
  7. Talk to Aerith in the north. She’ll only appear after you talk to at least three people. This event has no affection point but opens up the next one.
  8. Make a round trip to trigger a scene, then choose the second option “I’ll go buy the medicine for you.”. This choice increases 10 affection points. Actually the first option “I’ll get your wallet back from the monster” also increases the affection but only 5 points.

After hearing the boy’s reason, Zack decides to help him. Exit through the north door to trigger a short scene and then just move forward to to encounter the enemies.

3x Worms

Worm/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP3,30015,865StealPotionEtherMP3838DropPotionChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamAmulet

Worm can perform normal attack and Thread which inflicts stop. Sometimes its normal attack can also heal HP equals to the damage. Spam Gravity until you can’t cast it anymore, then simply land Critical strikes to defeat them.

You will automatically return to Sector 5 Slums – Market and then the boy finally returns your wallet. If you have done all of those, you should have collected a total 60 affection points at this point.

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Chapter 5 - An Angel's Dream

Talk to a girl in the southeast to unlock mission 2-1-3, then save your game. There are several minigames to increase Aerith’s affection towards Zack even further but they are completely optional. Those minigames are not that hard, so it’s better if you do all of them.

Talk to a clerk in the northeast to begin the first minigame.

Minigame: Perfume Blending


  • In the beginning, the clerk will say, “The amount of oil needed is XX drops.”. This points to the ideal amount of oil needed for the perfume. Blend in the exact number of drops specified to create a luxurious new fragrance.
  • When blending begins, the rose oil will drip in random amounts like this: “Drip Drip”, “Drip DripDrip”. You must count the number of drips that are blended in.
  • “Drip” counts as 1 drop of oil. “DripDrip” counts as 2 drops of oil. “Splash!” counts for 10 drops of oil! When you think you have reached the specified number of drops, press X to stop blending.

Simply count the right amount of drops and press the X button to stop it. For example, if you need to collect 25 drips, and you have already counted 22 drips, when the text “drip drip drip” is seen on the screen, you can press the X button to stop it anytime (you don’t need to wait until you hear the last drip)

If you correctly count the right amount, Aerith’s affection points will be increased by 5 points. If this is the first minigame you play and previously you have collected 60 affection points, you only need to replay this game twice to acquire a total of 15 points. Aerith’s response will be different after reaching more than 70 points. Whatever starting points you have, replay this game until Aerith says “You’re really amazing, Zack. It smells so great…I’ll cherish it.” as her best response. Actually you can replay the other minigame called Materia Collector but it’s not as easy as this one.

Talk to a boy in the northwest to begin another minigame.

Minigame: Counting Children


  • Okay now, what you have to do is pick a number from 1 to 6. Of the 6 people who walk by this store, you have to guess how many will be children. If the number you chose matches the number of children, then you win the big prize.

Simply guess how many children who will pass in front of you. Leave the numbers to Aerith. If her affection towards Zack is pretty high (more than 50 points), she will only pick 2 numbers, so you only need to choose between these numbers. If you guess correctly, you’ll get the previously-mentioned prize (this minigame doesn’t increase affection points), otherwise you’ll obtain Tissue as reward. This is the only way to get this item although it serves no purpose, so you need to lose the game intentionally in order to collect this item.

Anyway, the rewards offered here are pretty much useless stuff such as basic items (Potion, Hi-Potion, etc), materia (Fire, Blizzard, etc), or accessories such as Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamBronze Bangle. All of these can be obtained in another way and it’s not recommended to try to collect all of them here.

Talk to a clerk in the west to begin another minigame which probably the hardest among the three.

Minigame: Materia Collector


  • Make your way around the slums and pick up any materia you find on the streets. Press X when you are close to a materia to pick it up. There are 20 materia in total.
  • When all the materia have been collected, return to the front of the store to have your pay calculated. Your pay will vary according to how long you take. The faster you finish, the more money you will get.

Chapter 5 - An Angel's Dream

Simply run and collect all materia which are scattered on the field as fast as possible. Learn the pattern and you should be able to collect all of them in less than 23 seconds. If done correctly you’ll obtain 100 Gil and also increase affection points by 5. Aerith best response in this game will be “Wow, I didn’t expect you to come back this quickly!”. You can replay this game if you need to increase the affection points but I prefer to replay the other game called “Perfume Blending” because it’s easier than this one.

After clearing all minigames, approach a clerk in the southwest to receive Soma, Hi-Potion and Remedy as rewards. These three rewards can only be obtained if you talk to each of the clerk during the time when you lost your wallet before. Watch the following scene and choose “Let’s go right now!” to enter the park.

Sector 6 Slums – Park Enjoy the scene here, and then Zack needs to go back to Shinra Building. Remember the south border in the marketplace? That’s your destination.

Sector 5 Slums – Street

Random EncountersHedgehog Pie/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP1,5128,270StealPotionChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamForce BraceletMP5555DropPotionFireWorm/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP3,30015,865StealPotionEtherMP3838DropPotionChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamAmulet

Somehow this area and the area in front of the church are now filled with monsters. Anyway, follow the way to the marketplace.

Sector 5 Slums – Market Approach the south border and choose “I’m ready!” to obtain Steal Materia. Now you can steal from all of your opponents if you want.

Sector 0 – Highway

Heightened emotions have affected the DMW!Genesis’ sudden attack put an end to the romantic event. This time Aerith’s DMW has x5 which means you have more chance to activate Aerith’s DMW and perform her Limit Break. However, remember that the multiplier will vanish after Zack successfully performs her Limit Break.

This place also has no maps but you won’t need it as the path is pretty straightforward. Save your game because you need to fight 4 waves of continuous battles again. My setup was:

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MateriaStat BoostAccessoriesEffectsPoisonFlame ArmletNull Fire DamageSteal / GravityChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamCrystal GlovesATK & MAG +20HP UpHP +100%Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamShinra AlphaVIT +40HP UpHP +100%Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamShinra AlphaVIT +40HP UpHP +100% Barrier

  • You need to cast Poison in the third wave
  • If you don’t want to steal then switch Steal to Gravity
  • Barrier is required in the third and fourth wave
  • Flame Armlet is required to nullify Fire in the third wave and Fira in the fourth wave
  • Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamCrystal Gloves protects you against Silence in the fourth wave.

Of course if you have collected much better equipment from clearing many of the optional missions, equip those instead. When you are ready, move forward to fight the first wave.

3x G Assailants

G Assailant/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP2,04013,410StealMAG Mako StoneEtherMP102102DropSomaPotion

G Assailants is similar to G Avenger but this enemy can perform a special attack called Knife Toss which basically 2 hits combo. Cast poison to all of them, steal from all enemies if you want, and then land Critical strikes as many as possible. Keep your health as high as possible before defeating the last enemy.

2x Moth Slashers

Moth Slasher/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP3,5007,530StealATK Mako StoneVIT Mako StoneMP00DropPotionHi-Potion

Moth Slasher can perform normal claw attack and special attack called Drill Attacks which deals piercing damage. They are also immune to poison ailment. Steal from both enemies if you want, and keep landing Critical strikes. Dodge their Drill Attacks at the right time. Keep your health as high as possible before defeating the last enemy.

6x G Assailant

G Assailant/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP2,04013,410StealMAG Mako StoneEtherMP102102DropSomaPotion

Cast Barrier at the start of the battle, then cast poison to all of them, steal from all enemies if you want, then land Critical strikes or just run around until they die one by one. Keep your health as high as possible before defeating the last enemy.

G Warrior

G Warrior/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP8,29032,195StealVenom ShockMute ShockMP256256DropRegen

I consider this enemy as a boss because it gives a fixed reward.

It does a thrust and slash combo Stay away or dodge when necessary.

Twin Kick Dodge at the right time. The second hit can inflict Stun so remember to repeatedly tap the X button to recover quicker.

Fira Avoid by running around. However, if you have equipped Flame Armlet, you will immune to it. Use this chance to deal damage.

Silence It’s unavoidable but if you have equipped Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamCrystal Gloves, you will immune to it. Use this chance to deal damage.

Cast Barrier at the start of the battle, then try to steal until you succeed. Its normal steal is Venom Shock and its rare steal is Mute Shock if you care about it. Now dodge each move and cast Gravity or spam Critical strikes. Land 2 or 3 attacks and then back off to prepare against its next attack.

Watch the following scene and Zack will be “transported” into Shinra Building.

Shinra Building – 67th Floor

Semi Random EncountersBee Saucer I/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP1,0204,990StealNoneNoneMP00DropPotionPotionStatusNo MP CostMoth Slasher/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP3,5007,530StealATK Mako StoneVIT Mako StoneMP00DropPotionHi-PotionG Assailant/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP2,04013,410StealMAG Mako StoneEtherMP102102DropSomaPotion

Similar to what happened in Mako Reactor #5, random encounters in this area are fixed. You’ll always fight a random set of enemies at several spots, and they’ll disappear forever even if you flee from the battle. The enemies don’t even show up after going back and forth between screens.

Save your game at nearby save point. All of the cells in the room are locked at this point so ignore them. Simply go straight to the next area.

Sample Storage Chamber

There are no random encounters here. Open 2 chests with X-Potion and Remedy then ride the elevator.

Fusion Chamber

In this room talk to Hojo to open up the minigames. There are a total of four minigames that you can do, and you can clear them in any order. If you talk to Hojo again, there will be two options whether to continue the story or not. If you still want to play the minigames then choose the second option “Maybe not…”.

The first minigame is accessible by examining the west computer and choosing “You have to touch!”.

Minigame: Experimental Materia Test Unit

You’ll be teleported to another place similar to desert (you’ll recognize this place due to some missions) and you have to fight a battle.

3x Worms

Worm/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP3,30015,865StealPotionEtherMP3838DropPotionChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamAmulet

In this battle, your materia are temporarily replaced by this set: Proto Spellblade, Cura, HP Turbo, MP Turbo and AP Turbo. All materia except Cura are unique and can’t be obtained outside of this battle. Aside from that, Proto Spellblade isn’t that great, so you probably want to use it once to see the result and then revert to your normal attacks. Apply the previous Worm tactics.

In this minigame defeating enemies is not mandatory. If Zack fails and die the game will still continue. I don’t think there is penalty for not defeating the enemies here.

You will be teleported back to Fusion Chamber. Whether you success or fail the minigame your HP/MP/AP will be fully restored. The second minigame is accessible by examining the east computer and choose “Of course I will!”.

Minigame: Mako Recovery Unit (MAX 100) Prototype

Tutorial: WARNING REGARDING MANUAL TERMINATION. If termination is delayed, excess mako will be delivered, and cause damage to the biological host. 5 seconds after activation, you must use X to terminate the unit.

Simply count from five to zero and press the X button when you think it’s around zero. If you press the button exactly at zero, you will obtain 100 SP as reward, and the reward is decreased as the time gap gets wider. If you don’t press the X button, you will lose 50 SP. Personally, I only did this twice, having received 60 SP and 30 SP as rewards. This minigame is also the only minigame that can be repeated for an indeterminate time. However, there are many better way to collect SP so you don’t need to worry about collecting SP from this minigame.

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Now examine the sample tube to start the next minigame. Well, it’s not really a minigame I think.

Minigame: Zack’s Physical Enhancement

This is the easiest minigame because your job is to answer Hojo’s questions. There are three questions with two possible answers on them. There is no right or wrong answer, only which one is better than the other. The better answer will give more reward obviously.

QuestionAnswerRewardCurrently, which do you admire more?A SOLDIER operative like Sephiroth.300 SPA SOLDIER operative like Angeal.100 SPWhat do you think Shinra needs most right now?Many powerful SOLDIER operatives.200 SPState-of-the-art science and technology.400 SPWhich do you believe to be more befitting a SOLDIER member?A person who gives all to Shinra.200 SPA person unafraid to challenge Shinra.300 SP

If you choose all of the above answers, you’ll obtain 1,000 SP as reward and Zack will also feel closer to Sephiroth. I know it’s related with DMW but I don’t know what advantage it does give.

Save your game before doing the next minigame. Examine the central computer and select “Push a button.” to start it.

Minigame: Pursue the laboratory monsters!

You have accidentally released 6 enemies in Shinra Building – 67 Floor and Hojo wants you to defeat all of them. However, each enemy has Jail Cell Key which can be used to open each cell in the north room of this area. Hojo only gives you 3 minutes to defeat all enemies and collect all items in the jail cells before releasing tranquilizer gas in this area.

Bring Steal and equip Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamCrystal Gloves, then ride the elevator to Shinra Building – 67th Floor.

Experiment No. 97

Experiment No. 97/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP2,2039,960StealJail Cell KeyJail Cell KeyMP4848DropPoisonPoison

You need to fight a total of six Experiment No. 97 all over the place. This enemy is pretty much similar to Guard Hound, but it can perform Shock Whip which deals MP damage. Steal the Jail Cell Key, dodge its attack, then strike it 2 or 3 times and back off. Only heal outside of the battle because the timer still stops when you open main menu. Head east to fight a total of 3 enemies, return to the center to fight another 1, then enter the north room to fight the last 2 enemies. Unlock each jail cell and open 3 chests inside it, then return to the west border to finish the task.

Chest #1Chest #2Chest #3Cell 01SilenceATK UpEtherCell 02Cure2,000 Gil500 GilCell 03BlizzardHP UpPotionCell 042 GilHi-PotionRemedyCell 05FirePotionHi-PotionCell 06ThunderSoma3,000 Gil

HP Up materia is probably the only one worth mentioning. I still had around 50 seconds when I left this area.

Save your game before upcoming boss fight. If you need to raise your HP then upgrade the previously-obtained HP Up. Bring all HP and ATK booster equipment, and restock some Ethers and Somas when necessary. My setup was:

MateriaStat BoostAccessoriesEffectsBarrierChapter 5 - An Angel's DreamCrystal GlovesATK & MAG +20HP UpHP +100%Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamPower WristATK +10HP UpHP +100%Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamMuscle BeltATK & VIT +5HP UpHP +100%Chapter 5 - An Angel's DreamMythril GlovesATK & MAG +5HP UpHP +100% LibraATK +1

  • You don’t have to worry about your defense. After learning its attacks, you won’t take significant damages if you properly react against them.
  • If you have better ATK booster equipment, equip those instead.

Choose any mission beside 1-1-1 to die and get free heal, then talk to Hojo and choose “Of course I am!” to trigger the boss battle.

Heightened emotions have affected the DMW!Thanks to the call from Aerith, now Aerith’s DMW has x5 which means you have more chance to activate Aerith’s DMW and perform her Limit Break. However, remember that the multiplier will vanish after Zack successfully performs her Limit Break.

Bahamut Fury

Bahamut Fury/Normal ModeHard Mode/CommonRareHP18,00046,230StealHi-PotionHi-PotionMP312312DropThundara

Cast Barrier at the start of the battle. This battle actually follows a simple pattern.

It swipes and creates a shockwave nearby If you are still attacking it, you have to block immediately after doing the strike, otherwise go downstairs and wait there.

Hexafang Stay away from its feet (dodge when necessary) and block all of the attacks to mitigate the damage, then heal when necessary since this attack has post-action motions.

Cluster Sphere Stay at medium-far distance and avoid by moving between spheres.

Exaflare (Limit Break) It’s unavoidable and deals about 87.5% of your CURRENT HP, so it won’t be able to kill you even if you only have 1 HP. However, this attack also deals MP and AP damages. Immediately use Soma, Ether and Potion when needed, then recast Barrier if it already wears off.

Due to the massive size, it’s impossible to move behind the boss and land Critical strikes. On top of that, the boss has high SPR and takes half damage from all elemental attacks, rendering spells rather ineffective. Therefore, you can only strike it head-on and deplete its health bit by bit. However, fighting this boss is actually very easy. You can just perform normal attacks all the time and the boss will usually counter with swipe attack. Watch until his right fist in the left side is clenched before dodging the attack. Repeat this until it decides to perform another skill and act accordingly. Libra also helps to keep track of its HP.

This chapter is concluded with one question: Where is everybody…?


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