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When Things Go Wrong Quotes

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This week, I am doing a collaboration post with Amanda Thompson. She researched the inspiring quotes and wrote the content. I created the images with my flower images. I hope you enjoy it. If you are interested in doing a collaboration with me, please check out my policy page.

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  • 1. Albert Einstein Quote
  • 2. Muhammad Ali Quote
  • 3. Aristotle’s Quote
  • 4. Beyoncé Quote
  • 5. Abraham Hicks’s Quote
  • 6. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Quote
  • 7. C. S. Lewis Quote
  • 8. Lecrae Quote
  • 9. Thomas Paine’s Quote
  • 10. LeBron James Quote
  • 11. Samuel Beckett’s Quote
  • 12. Marilyn Monroe’s Quote
  • 13. Marianne Williamson’s Quote
  • 14. Confucius’s Quote
  • 15. Nelson Mandela’s Quote

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes, the right path goes in the wrong direction. You use all your power to control the situation, but life has its plans. At such times, when you are at the end of your rope, you should focus on the good things and not get depressed. These “never giving up” quotes (Affiliate Link) will help you to keep your head up when you feel stuck in life. Check them out, and we hope you realize that everything is not as bad as it seems.

1. Albert Einstein Quote

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein

If everything goes not so smoothly, remember that each difficulty is not an obstacle but an opportunity. This quote (Affiliate Link) will help you understand that challenges give you a chance to improve your life.

2. Muhammad Ali Quote

Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. – Muhammad Ali

If you feel that your emotional strength is running out, it means that the victory is close. This quote (Affiliate Link) shows that you should pull yourself together and fight to the end despite temporary suffering.

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3. Aristotle’s Quote

There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. – Aristotle

Every time you hear criticism, remember that people criticize only strong individuals but don’t even notice weak personalities. This quote (Affiliate Link) will cheer you up every time you feel bad.

4. Beyoncé Quote

Never let success go to your head. Never let failure get to your heart. – Beyoncé

This quote (Affiliate Link) teaches you never to get upset when you fail and never remain arrogant when you are successful. Failures, as well as accomplishments, make you the person you should be.

5. Abraham Hicks’s Quote

You don’t attract well-being. It’s continuously flowing. You are either letting it in or resisting – Abraham Hicks

Misfortune and happiness are always subjective. The quote (Affiliate Link) says that you should allow yourself to forget about the failures, and tune into the positive events in your life, and then you will become happy.

6. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Quote

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Living without mistakes is impossible, so if you are going through a terrible situation now, remember that even failures are part of your valuable experience. This quote (Affiliate Link) will help you to look at the situation from another perspective.

7. C. S. Lewis Quote

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. – C. S. Lewis

Read the saying and understand that when difficulties knock you sideways, it’s because an extraordinary fate has been prepared for you. And these trials are part of your destiny.

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8. Lecrae Quote

If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection. – Lecrae

If a public opinion makes you feel depressed, then read these lines. Allow yourself the luxury of living the way you want, despite the view of others.

9. Thomas Paine’s Quote

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. – Thomas Paine

If your path seems too heavy for you, remember that a big victory is always achieved through great trials. This quote (Affiliate Link) will help you not to despair.

10. LeBron James Quote

People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you. – LeBron James

Even if you feel broken, it will pass. Condemnation, betrayal, and criticism of other people only temper your character and make you stronger – that’s what the quote (Affiliate Link) is saying.

11. Samuel Beckett’s Quote

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. – Samuel Beckett

If you’ve failed, never give up; get your inspiration from this quote (Affiliate Link). Try again until you get what you want.

12. Marilyn Monroe’s Quote

Nothing lasts forever. So live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the drama, take chances and never have regrets because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted. – Marilyn Monroe

If it seems to you that the difficulties are eternal, read this quote (Affiliate Link). Change your attitude towards life, regret nothing, and you will feel better. And here is another inspiring quote (Affiliate Link).

13. Marianne Williamson’s Quote

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. – Marianne Williamson

If everything goes wrong in life, change your thinking before attempting to alter your life. Thoughts are material, so make them positive.

14. Confucius’s Quote

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius

Even if you go slowly, it’s ok; read the quote (Affiliate Link), restore energy, and move on. It is better to go to the goal slowly but surely.

15. Nelson Mandela’s Quote

It always seems impossible until it is done. – Nelson Mandela

These inspiring quotes (Affiliate Link) teach us not to be afraid that our plans are impracticable. Try, begin again, and you will achieve what seems impossible to you.

Well, there you have it. I hope all these quotes (Affiliate Link) help you through your personal situation.

Amanda Thompson is an editor of Sweet Text Messages. She likes to share her thoughts with the people around them. Her writing on motivation and love has appeared to make our lives better. She believes in fairness and human wisdom.

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