HomeWHYWhy Is My Bird Of Paradise Leaves Curling

Why Is My Bird Of Paradise Leaves Curling

There is something beautiful and impressive about the leaves of the bird of paradise plant. Leaves with pointed tips have a nice appearance due to their small points.

There is only one problem with your bird of paradise plant – when you look at it from the side, the curled-up leaves are sitting on their sides or even upside down.

It would be best to take care of your bird of paradise leaves curling at all times, as many factors can affect its health and appearance. Many factors can contribute to leaves curling, including insufficient watering, dry air, and drastic temperature changes.

Lack of adequate lighting, improper fertilization, pest infestations, disease, rootbound issues, and transplant shock. Bird of paradise plant leaves curling is usually caused by either cold temperatures, overly fertile soil, or a high pH level of the soil.

Ensure that the plant is protected from cold winds, that the soil is healthy, and that its pH is between 6.5 and 7.0. Here is a list of issues that you may be facing.

Let’s get started.

What is the Reason That My Bird of Paradise Leaves Curl?

There are many reasons that your Strelitzia leaves curling, so here are some listed below.

1. Soil Cause

The soil is of poor quality. Many soils lack sufficient nutrients or are poorly drained. The leaves can curl as a result of this.

Alkaline soil is the second problem. Consequently, chlorosis develops when the soil cannot provide all essential microelements to plants. Yellowing and inward curling of the leaves are symptoms of chlorosis.

A loose substrate with plenty of compost is necessary for your Bird of Paradise to avoid deficiency of nutrients.

Compost has several benefits, such as increasing the soil’s fertility and reducing its acidity to some extent. There is much less chance of chlorosis occurring in soils with a slight acidity.

One of the easiest ways to provide your Bird of Paradise with nutrients is to fertilize it. When choosing a fertilizer for this purpose, it is important to consider a slow-release one. This way, you can ensure that your plant receives all the nourishment and water required to grow successfully.

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The Bird of Paradise should be planted in a pot with a compost layer and regularly fertilized.

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2. Infectious Diseases and Pests

It is always possible for fungi to infect the bird of paradise due to its preference for moisture. There are two common forms of this problem: root rot and leaf spot.

It is sometimes impossible to save a plant with root rot, but leaf spots can usually be treated and contained if detected early enough.

Possible Solution

Once root rot has been discovered on a plant, there are still parts that can be salvaged, disinfected with diluted hydrogen peroxide, and replanted into new soil and pots after disinfecting.

3. Underwatering

Dehydration is a major factor in Bird of Paradise leaves curling. The large leaves of this plant evaporate a lot of moisture every day. It will curl inward if you don’t provide it with enough water.

This reduces the number of moisture plants evaporate. As a result, all plants reduce the area of their leaves. Symptoms that may accompany this disease include leaf tips and edges that are dry and cracked.


Bird of Paradise needs to be properly watered to remedy the situation and prevent it from happening again. It is time for you to water your pot if the soil in it has dried out more than half of its volume.

As soon as the soil in the pot is completely moist, sprinkle plenty of water over the plant until it is completely submerged. If you want to grow pot plants, make sure they have drainage holes.

It is important to note that the drainage holes are designed to allow excess water to flow out when watering. Please ensure that no water drips down the saucer and into the pot from the saucer, as this can be detrimental to the plant’s health.

4. Repotting Issues

It would help if you repotted your bird of paradise every couple of years (at a minimum). The roots of plants in pots built on poor nutrient-depleted soil won’t be able to absorb or transport the necessary amounts of water and nutrients the plants require.

During repotting, your plant may experience a temporary water loss, resulting in the leaf curling.


When there are signs that your bird of paradise plant is rootbound, you should repot the plant by removing roots from the drainage holes or by repotting using a larger pot.

When transferring plants, try to disturb them as little as possible, so they do not suffer from transfer shock. Maintain the watering in Bird of Paradise and fertilization schedule while keeping the plant in the same location.

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5. Lighting Issues

The leaves of Bird of Paradise can also curl if they receive too much light. Several hours per day, this plant requires direct sunlight to thrive.

A sudden change in the amount of sun it is exposed to can cause burns and curling to the plant if it has always grown in diffuse sunlight.

If you are going to keep your bird of paradise in direct sunlight or moderate amounts of indirect light, they should be in bright, indirect light.

Leaves can curl and burn if exposed to too much direct sunlight. However, when too little light enters the plant, the leaves will curl and wilt, which is not good for growth.


The best thing you can do to help eliminate this problem is to find the perfect place to grow your plant. It is best to face west or east windows and gradually increase its exposure to the sun.

Make sure your bird of paradise has access to bright, indirect light and a little direct light in a place within your home that receives bright, indirect light.

6. Too Much Water

Due to overwatering, the leaves of the Bird Of Paradise are curling. There is a common mistake people make when growing Bird of Paradise, which is overwatering it regularly.

A long time of soaking the roots in water will cause them to rot, and this will cause the plant to die. There will be curling outward and yellowing of the leaves.

If the leaves are not cared for properly, the plant may eventually die from losing them. It is important to inspect the roots of the Bird of Paradise if you suspect root rot is to blame for the curling leaves.


Repot the plant in sterile soil after cleaning out the root rot and repotting it in the same pot. Bird of Paradise plants should be planted in pots with drainage holes to drain quickly.

It is imperative that the soil is well drained and that no pathogens are present. Ensure the soil is only half dry before you water the plant.

7. Low Humidity Level

Bird of Paradise leaves can curl if they are exposed to dry air. If you live near an air conditioner or heater, you may experience a lack of humidity due to the heat during the winter. It is also possible that the leaves can develop large, dry spots as a result of the disease.


Heaters and other devices that produce intense air movement or heat should be kept away from Bird Of Paradise. A second method of maintaining healthy leaves is to mist them once or twice a week, but not more frequently, as fungus can develop on the leaves.

Alternatively, you can fill a container halfway with water and install a container with stones. In this case, a specific microclimate will be created around the plant because the water will slowly evaporate.

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How to Propagate Bird of Paradise: A Step-By-Step Guide?

Why is My Bird of Paradise Leaves Curling and Turning Brown?

The yellowing and curling of your Bird of Paradise’s leaves may not be the only leaf problems; many things to keep in mind. Here are some cases of a bird of Paradise’s Leaves Turning Brown.

Bird of Paradise Leaves Curling and Turning Yellow

Your brown edges should be yellow if you are overwatering your plant. Drooping is usually associated with these symptoms. Reduce the frequency of watering your plant. Root rot symptoms can be detected by inspecting your plant’s roots.

Bird of Paradise Leaf Edges is Curling Inward.

The tips of the leaves are crisp, and the bottom leaves are completely brown and shriveled, both indicators of underwatering, from which you can bounce back easily. Ensure that you water deeply each time you water, increasing the frequency of watering.

Why Are My Bird of Paradise Leaves Splitting?

There is a natural tendency for the birds of paradise to split their leaves horizontally. What causes them to do this? There are a lot of species of trees with leaves that look like parachutes, but they make their splits when wind gusts threaten them.

Consequently, the wind is no longer able to damage your plant in any way because it can easily pass through. Several ways can be used to slow down the process of splitting if these splits are disturbing your decor aesthetic, no matter what way you choose.

  • Make sure your humidity is high.
  • Maintain a regular health care routine.
  • You can remove the unattractive leaves from your plant as they grow 112 inches above the spot where they grow. A leaf is more likely to have multiple splits when it gets older since splits are more likely to occur as it ages.
  • Drafts and vents should be kept away from your Bird of Paradise.

Final Words

Bird of paradise plants are some of the most popular flowering plants in the world, and for a good reason. They’re beautiful, easy to care for, and relatively inexpensive.

The key is to figure out why a particular plant is having issues and why is “bird of paradise leaves curling” so that you can help it recover and thrive. But all plants have issues from time to time, no matter how popular or expensive they are.


How do I fix my bird of paradise curls?

Keeping the air humidity at 60-80% is the best way to fix curled leaves on Bird of paradise. Water when the soil is 1/2 dry, and clean the leaves after watering.

What does an overwatered bird of paradise look like?

The leaves of your plant may droop and split excessively, brown at the edges with a yellow line, and show signs of overwatering.

How often should you water a bird of paradise?

Ensure the soil is dry between waterings by watering every 1-2 weeks.

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