HomeWHYWhy Baseball Is The Best Sport

Why Baseball Is The Best Sport

Why Baseball Is The Best Sport Ever – Period

Without a doubt, baseball is the best sport ever. If you don’t believe it, by the end of this article you will. Throughout this article, we will give you 17 extremely compelling reasons supporting our claim that baseball is the greatest sport of all time.

Number Of Games

An advantage that baseball has, that no other sport can come close to, is the sheer number of games in a baseball season. Most of the popular sports are played on the weekend, and maybe once or twice during the week, whereas baseball is played every single day.

There is no other elite sport where you can turn on your TV, or attend in person, on any day of the week. A traditional MLB season has 162 games the regular season before you even get to the finals. Given they are all squeezed into the warmer months, that makes for very regular baseball games.

Relaxed and Carefree

Baseball is a very relaxed and relaxing sport. The tempo is steady with rhythmic anticipation that builds, with some occasional peaks when a big hit or strike out takes place. You can watch baseball games without too much stress or excitement. For many, it is a self-care activity given the meditative nature of the sport.

The Game Must Be Completed

When you go to a baseball game, you know they are going to play right until the end, regardless of how far in front one team gets. It is not like tennis where the game stops once the result is confirmed. You know that when you pay for your baseball ticket, you are going to see a full game of baseball. Even if one team completely thrashes the other.

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The Home Run

There is no other sport that has any type of event, that can match the excitement of a home run. When the hit takes place, and you know the batter is going to get around, the crowd roars and gets behind them as they sprint from base to base. It is even more enjoyable as there is a slight bit of anxiety about whether the ball will get back to home base and to the catcher before the batter arrives.

Opening Day

There is no better day of the year than baseball season’s opening day. Everyone is so excited to be at a game after a cold winter, and the feeling in the air is palpable. The crowd is big, the mood is fantastic and it is the most intoxicating atmosphere you can experience.

The Fans

The fans in baseball are the best fans that any sport could ask for. They are the most loyal fans.

Many teams have had very bad decades where very few games were won, but that did not stop their fan base. Everyone still came out and supported them, game after game, year after year, and eventually, these teams came into some success and the fans were rewarded. The baseball fans never give up.

Ball Parks

Baseball parks are some of the most beautiful sporting arenas in the whole world. Every ballpark is unique and has its distinct personality. From the famous parks including Fenway Park, or Wrigley Field, to the lesser known parks around the country, they have that distinct baseball feel and make you feel excited as soon as you walk in the gate.

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Connect With History

Baseball values history more than any other sport in America. There are records down to every pitch, innings, and match. And every season these records keep being broken. So as a baseball fan, as you watch and attend these history-defining games, you become part of that history

Best Uniforms

The ladies will agree with me here that there are few better treats for the eye than a baseball player in uniform. The way the guernseys hug their frame (especially the pitchers). Makes it not just a spectacle for the skill, but the eye as well. My lady friends also tell me they like the pants as well. In addition to the great uniforms, the helmets don’t cover up the faces of the players, so you get to see everything.

Baseball is a feast for the eyes.

No Cheerleaders Required

A lot of other sports need cheerleaders and other excitement to get people to attend the game and get people in the mood for the game. Not with baseball. The baseball game is so exciting and thrilling for those that attend, they don’t need anything else to motivate and excite them.

Anyone Can Play

As a sport and as a social pass time, baseball can be played by anyone. If they need a lighter bat you can get a lighter bat, if they need a softer ball, you can get a softer ball. If they can’t run, you can get a runner.

Baseball is one of the most inclusive and adaptive sports you can find. It caters to everyone.

Whether you are going to watch it live, watch it on tv, or play it outside with your family and friends, everyone can play baseball.

If you do want to get yourself in better condition to be able to enjoy baseball more than these baseball workout tips will help.

Brings The Family Together

While some sports tend to divide people. Baseball is a sport that brings people together. Even if a family supports different teams, the act of watching a game in person, or watching from home is a pass time that the family can engage in together. They can watch the game, chat, eat and drink and enjoy that time together

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Synonymous With Summer

Baseball means summer. While supporters of other sports have to brave the wind, rain, and even snow to support their team, the fans of baseball get to enjoy the fine summer weather and bask in the sun. Baseball is synonymous with growth and happiness.

The Opening Pitch

No other sport is as inclusive of its fans, and special people, as baseball and the opening pitch.

The opening pitch doesn’t count towards the score but is a great way to bring in famous and important people, showcase them in front of the baseball fans and shine a light on them and their achievements. Everyone is always excited to see who the opening pitcher will be for a special game.

Combination of Individual And Team Performance

Baseball is not a team sport or an individual sport, but a combination. It is unique in the way that it sets a team against individuals (fields versus the batter), and then the teams swap and experience the opposite. It provides ample opportunities both for individuals with a unique talent to shine, but also requires the team to work together if they want to achieve success.

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

There are few sports with as many traditions as baseball. Though we have already covered the historic nature of the sport, and the opening pitch, baseball is drenched in other traditions.

Including the playing of the song ‘Take Me Out To The Ball Game’ played at the same point in every game. The whole crowd gets involved and it brings the people together in a way that other things cannot do.

Mexican Wave

The Mexican Waves that you get to experience at a baseball game are legendary. People attend a baseball game just to be part of a Mexican Wave. They look amazing on TV, and feel amazing to get involved with.

If these 17 reasons haven’t convinced you that baseball is the best sport ever, then make sure you get yourself to a beautiful summer baseball game and experience it for yourself. You won’t regret it.


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