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What Is Community Development Council

Community Development Council Board Interest Form

The Community Development Council (CDC) is a distinguished and proud professional association for community and economic development practitioners in the United States. This rich history has been developed through strong leadership and commitment from our volunteer leaders and the framework of the Community Development Institutes (CDI) across the country. To ensure we continue this tradition of quality leadership we seek to identify potential Board Members through our Community Development Council (CDC) Board Interest Form.

Duties of CDC Board of Trustee Members

According to the CDC Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1, The Board of Trustees will assist with locating potential officers and Trustees and further serve as liaison between the Council and designated Profession Community and Economic Developers. Trustees shall also perform such other duties and have such authority as from time to time may be assigned by the Chair and the Trustees, including certification and re-certification of Profession Community and Economic Developer (PCED) applications. Any Trustee may be removed from office at the discretion of the Board of Trustees if he/she does not attend 50 percent of the meetings or teleconference calls within a calendar year.

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CDC Board of Trustee members will participate in hour-long board meetings every other month (via Zoom) and one in-person convening. Trustees may also serve on CDC committees to advance PCED support and strengthen Community Development Institute (CDI) interest.

The nomination committee for the CDC board is seeking seven (7) candidates to recommend for a two-year term for 2024 – 2025. If you are interested in submitting your name for consideration of a board position, please complete the following form by January 7, 2024.


If you have questions, please reach out to CDC Chair Shelby Fiegel at [email protected]

The Community Development Council (CDC) is the coordinating body for the CDI national network. It is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to establish professional standards through certification and training that will be recognized as valuable to both the community development practitioner and those who employ their services.

CDC was founded in 1995 to promote the advancement of standards of competence for community development professionals through accreditation of community development educational programs, professional certification, and the development of community leaders.

Support for the Council’s activities comes from private and public sector sponsors and from fees generated by certification and accreditation services. It is not a membership organization but does maintain a registry of Professional Community and Economic Developers in good standing.

The CDC oversees the certification process through its board of trustees and works collaboratively with the Community Development Institutes to deliver the full range of services leading to certification. The 16-member board is comprised of representatives from private industry, government, educational institutions, and non-profits. SEDC serves as the administrative home for CDC.

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CDI History

  • History of the CDI Program

CDC Board Officers

Board Trustees

Honorary Advisory Member


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