Why Can’t Scootaloo Fly

Hello, everypony!

So I wanted to know an answer to a frequently discussed question in MLP FIM.

Why can’t Scootaloo fly?

I think I have an answer…

Over time, MLP FIM has shown its viewers the strengths of the different pony races. This consists of the classic, earth pony, unicorns, and pegasi. (Excluding alicorns )

However today, for the sake of relevance, we will only be looking at earth ponies and pegasi to make my point.

The first race, is earth ponies. The most remarkable trait of this pony race, is their strength. Through Rockhoof, Big Macintosh, and Applejack, the show displayed this trait often.

The second race, is the pegasi. Their most remarkable trait(s) are their flight capabilities (obviously), and their ability to stand on clouds.

Now, how does this pertain to Scootaloo? I’ve got two words for you.

Bone Density.

Let me explain.

Birds, in our world, have very thin, hollow-like bones because they need a lighter body mass so their wings are able to lift them off the ground.

I can only imagine this is the same for pegasi as they need to be light enough so they can lift themselves off the ground, and even stand on clouds.

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Meanwhile, working horses in the real world have very thick bones and a larger bone structure.

Earth ponies would share this trait as they need thicker, stronger bones for the labor they do.

This would prevent injury from activities like Apple bucking.

So here’s our answer, and it lies in Scootaloo’s infamous parents.

So what’s the problem?

The problem is that Scootaloo’s parents are a pegasus and an earth pony, the races we discussed above.

Now, everything can come together.

What I think happened, and why Scootaloo can’t fly, is because she inherited the bone density of both traits, leaving her wings useless, and flightless.

The first issue with her bone density is in her wings. Seeing as her wings stay small even as an adult, Scootaloo only inherited the light bone density of a pegasus in her wings.

The next issue, is that she inherited the thick bone density of an earth pony in the rest of her body.

This is why she struggled so much, and as far as the fandom saw, still cannot fly.

With the thick bone density of an earth pony, her body mass was too heavy to lift with the thin, hollow boned wings of a Pegasus.

Now, I believe this is a rare deficiency, but believable. After all, Pound Cake, the son of two earth ponies, has no trouble flying, while Scootaloo cannot fly and only has one earth pony parent.

Well, hope you enjoyed my theory! Why do you think Scootaloo can’t fly despite her best efforts?

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Hope to hear your ideas!




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