HomeWHATWhat Heathers Character Am I

What Heathers Character Am I

Hey, which Heathers character are you? This musical personality test reveals if you’re Veronica, J.D., Chandler, Martha, Duke, or else.

An All-New Heathers Character Quiz Is Here!

Since Heathers: The Musical is back with a new tour, we decided to hit you with a refurbished character quiz that reveals which character from the chronicle you are. Don’t worry, though; the test includes prominent students and teachers from both the original and 2023 cast.

For those unfamiliar, Heathers is a satirical high school musical with a dark theme revolving around peer pressure, bullying, and trauma. The show resembles a much gloomier version of the Julie and the Phantoms’ plot in that it portrays a young girl’s coming-of-age using music and lyrics.

If you wonder which Heathers’ character looks like you, take the test on this page.

Which Westerburg High Student Are You?

With the colorful cast of Heathers, it might be challenging for fans to decide which one’s their comfort character. However, getting to know the main protagonists and antagonists can ease the process. Here’s what you need to know about Heathers’ characters to determine your counterpart—or soulmate, if you will.

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Veronica Sawyer

Known for her intelligence and wit, Veronica Sawyer is a kindhearted, intuitive, and empathetic young lady. Despite being in a popular clique with Heathers, Veronica decides to turn their back on them and care for bullied students instead. However, she struggles to distinguish right from wrong and makes lots of mistakes while trying to change for the better.

Martha Dunnstock

Veronica’s best friend, Martha Dunnstock, is a creative, artistic, and compassionate girl. Despite all the traumatic events that she’s endured, Martha remains a giving and considerate person who wants nothing but naïve and innocent love.

Heather Chandler

As the Heathers’ leader, Chandler is confident, decisive, and dominant. However, she’s also known for being manipulative and bossy with her peers, forcing them to obey her orders with no questions.

Heather Duke

A competitive Heathers member, Duke is ambitious, goal-orientated, and hardworking. In the movie and musical, her character is mainly focused on becoming the band’s new leader and has shown the potential to get out of her way to achieve that goal.

Heather McNamara

An insecure and sensitive girl, McNamara goes through complex emotions as a Heather member. On the one hand, she enjoys popularity and attention. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to be a part of the school bullies.

Jason “J.D.” Dean

J.D. is a depressed, dark, and mysterious young man with evil intentions. He serves as one of the plot’s main antagonists and causes most of the drama. However, deep inside, he’s just a poor kid struggling with his childhood traumas.

This Is the First MBTI-Based Heathers Test

Unlike old-school personality quizzes, the Heathers Character Test utilizes your MBTI to find a perfect match. After analyzing your primary traits, the quiz compares your type with that of the Heathers cast and reveals the most similar ones.

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If you’re too impatient to wait for the actual results, use the following table to discover your Heathers doppelganger.

Heathers Character MBTI Veronica Sawyer INFJ Heather Chandler ESTJ Heather Duke ESTP Heather McNamara ESFJ Martha Dunnstock INFP Jason “J.D.” Dean ENTP

The New Characters from Heathers: The Musical Are Included

For the hardcore Heathers cult members, the good news is that our character quiz includes both the OG cast from the 1988 film and the fresh ones from the musical. So, basically, you might match a well-known character like Veronica, the movie’s protagonist, or a lesser-known one like Miss Fleming, the school’s drama teacher.

Are You Ready to Reveal the Heather in You?

We have the answer to the big question: We know which Heathers character you are. But we need you to respond to some Heathers-themed questions first.

By the way, if you’re a fan of musicals, you should definitely try our Hamilton Character Quiz next. (It’s one of our most liked tests ever!)

Now, let’s review your high school story and find out which Heathers personality you resemble in real life.


QuizExpo does not own any of the images used in the Heathers Character Quiz and intends no copyright infringement.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    • I have trust issues

    • I’m a people pleaser

    • I’m irritable and jealous

    • I’m overprotective

    • I’m numb to emotions

  • 2
    • I’m not sure what to think of it

    • I don’t like it

    • Revenge is sometimes inevitable

    • It depends. I usually like plotting revenge

    • I love the idea of revenge

  • 3
    • Inspiring

    • Beautiful

    • Midcore

    • Overrated

    • Boring

  • 4
    • Mysterious and dark

    • Brave and kindhearted

    • Charismatic and confident

    • Successful and rich

    • Submissive and shy

  • 5
    • I’d give them a second chance

    • It would break my heart

    • I’d cut ties with them

    • I’d confront them

    • I’d plan my revenge

  • 6
    • Moderate and manageable

    • Internalized and self-destructive

    • Passive-aggressive

    • Slightly aggressive and confrontational

    • Explosive and dangerous

  • 7
    • Dry

    • Gentle

    • Self-deprecating

    • Sarcastic

    • Dark

  • 8
    • Complicated

    • Nostalgic

    • Stressful

    • Traumatic

    • Irritable

  • 9
    • Relationship trauma

    • Childhood trauma

    • Mental health trauma

    • Social pressure trauma

    • School trauma

  • 10
    • I talk about them

    • I write them down (or show them through art)

    • I imply them through my actions

    • I hide them

    • I don’t feel emotions anymore

  • 11
    • Quiet

    • Nervous

    • Competitive

    • Popular

    • Outcast

  • 12
    • Unconditional

    • Supportive

    • Passionate

    • Lustful

    • I don’t believe in love

  • 13
    • 5 or more

    • 3-4

    • 2

    • 1

    • 0

  • 14
    • Pump Up the Volume (1990)

    • The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)

    • The Breakfast Club (1985)

    • Mean Girls (2004)

    • Riverdale (2017-)

  • 15
    • Charisma

    • Style

    • Money

    • Confidence

    • Body

  • 16
    • Voice of reason

    • Baby

    • Older Sibling

    • Mommy/Daddy

    • The Freak

  • 17
    • Pretty easy

    • I’m shy. So, it’s usually a challenge

    • It depends on whom I want to befriend

    • I’m picky. So, it’s not that easy

    • It’s almost impossible

  • 18
    • I love everything about it

    • It’s a cute film

    • I can’t say I like it

    • It’s kind of lame

    • I hate everything about it

  • 19
    • Casual

    • Cute

    • Formal

    • Chic

    • Dark or gothic

  • 20
    • My relationships

    • My look

    • My achievements

    • My career

    • All of them

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