HomeWHICHWhich Aggretsuko Character Are You

Which Aggretsuko Character Are You

Do you want to know which Aggretsuko character you are? This personality quiz reveals if you’re Retsuko, Fenneko, Haida, or else.

The Aggretsuko Character Quiz Explained

Comprised of 20 existential questions, the Aggretsuko Quiz is a personality analyzer. It identifies which of the anime’s main characters you are.

Short for Aggressive Retsuko, Aggretsuko is a Japanese animation about a hardworking girl, Retsuko, who feels trapped in existence, struggling with her career, relationships, and friendships.

Aggretsuko is a part of the Sanrio character’s universe. But it has a darker plot and is more adult-oriented.

With the current quiz, you find out which of the show’s main characters you represent in real life.

How to Know Which Aggretsuko Character You Are

An MBTI match is the best way to identify which Aggretsuko character you are. If you already know your type, use the following table to find your matching personality.

Character MBTI Retsuko ISFJ Fenneko INTP Haida ISFP Gori ESFJ Tadano INTP Tsunoda ESFJ Shikabane INTP Ton Buchou ESTJ Washimi INTJ


A timid, soft, and polite girl, Retsuko is dealing with a lot of demons. Personality-wise, she’s facing a duality: On one hand, she wants to be a lovable, friendly coworker to her friends. On the other hand, she hates her job and wants to rage.

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Despite being a quiet and introverted-looking girl, Fenneko is actually quite judgmental. She is usually in detective mode, stalking people on social media and trying to figure out what’s going on in their personal lives.


A reliable, loyal friend, Haida often struggles with general anxiety and seems to have OCD. But he’s a kind and considerate person who, despite his insecurities, tries to be a good friend to his coworkers.


Although a ladylike young woman, Gori is shy and emotional. And she finds it hard to find true love, thanks to her energy-draining career. As a friend, Gori is protective and caring, making sure her loved ones are doing fine no matter what.

Ready to Meet Your Aggretsuko Doppelganger?

Okay, the big question remains, which Aggretsuko character are you? Answer the following questions about your career and love life to find out if you’re Retsuko, Fenneko, Haida, Gori, Tadano, or else.


QuizExpo does not own the images on the Aggretsuko Character Quiz and intends no copyright infringement. Sanrio and Netflix own the said pictures.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    • I usually cry

    • I hide it

    • I vent about my emotions on social media

    • I take a deep breath and let go of my anger

    • I overthink my emotions and burst into a rage

    • I pretend I’m fine and plan my revenge

  • 2
    • Cute

    • Relatable

    • Insightful

    • Cool

    • Depressing

    • Silly

  • 3
    • I like it

    • I can’t say I like it

    • Meh, it’s fine

    • I hate it

    • I don’t need/have a job

    • I hate it, but I tell everyone I love it

  • 4
    • I like them

    • I can’t say I like them

    • Meh, they’re cool

    • I hate them

    • I don’t have a boss

    • I hate them, but I pretend I like them

  • 5
    • Friendly and fun

    • Hardworking and dutiful

    • Quiet and alert

    • Chill and lazy

    • Anxious and depressed

    • Pretending to be energetic while numb inside

  • 6
    • I often befriend my friends’ friends

    • I don’t do anything specific

    • I find new friends on social media

    • I befriend people at work or school

    • I don’t make new friends because I’m too shy

    • I don’t need friends

  • 7
    • Relaxing and inspiring

    • Dark and gloomy

    • Trendy and popular

    • Alternative and weird

    • Sad and slow

    • Upbeat and funky

  • 8
    • Love

    • Career

    • Friends

    • Education

    • Family

    • Money

  • 9
    • Fun

    • Brutal

    • Meh

    • Boring

    • Scary

    • Easy

  • 10
    • I go shopping or hang out with friends

    • I watch movies or listen to music

    • I spend most of my time on social media

    • I try to learn new stuff and do productive things

    • I either oversleep or overeat

    • I’d rather not answer

  • 11
    • I go home and cook

    • I go home and sleep

    • I go home and watch TV

    • I go out and have some fun

    • I take a walk or something like that

    • I hang out with my boss and coworkers

  • 12
    • Beautiful and inspiring

    • Supportive and loyal

    • Funny and dumb

    • Intelligent and wise

    • Kind and protective

    • I don’t have a best friend

  • 13
    • Classy or chic

    • Formal

    • Trendy

    • Casual

    • I don’t have a style

    • Sexy

  • 14
    • Soft with a lot of body language

    • Soft with no body language

    • Slow and quiet

    • Fast but also relaxed

    • Fast and loud

    • Loud with a lot of body language

  • 15
    • I’d quit

    • I’d just deal with it

    • I’d sue them

    • I’d say no and go home

    • I’d say okay out of the fear of losing my job

    • I’d pretend I’m excited about it

  • 16
    • Fashion

    • Music

    • Hollywood

    • Technology

    • Self-improvement

    • Business

  • 17
    • A well-paying 9-to-5

    • A freelance job with no coworkers around

    • A modern job with short work hours

    • A creative job with flexible hours

    • A secure job with insurance and everything

    • I hate all jobs. I want free money.

  • 18
    • Drink my coffee

    • Take a shower

    • Check my phone notifications

    • Stay in bed for a while

    • Get up and get ready for work

    • Makeup

  • 19
    • Dating

    • Marriage

    • Education

    • Career

    • Social interactions

    • None of them

  • 20
    • Having friends over

    • Laying on the bed and eating pizza

    • Staying at a luxurious hotel

    • Partying at a disco with random strangers

    • Drinking alone at a bar

    • Hanging out with your boss

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