HomeWHYWhy Was Taylor Schabusiness Wearing A Mask

Why Was Taylor Schabusiness Wearing A Mask

Taylor Schabusiness arrived in a Wisconsin courtroom 30 minutes late on Tuesday to be sentenced in her murder case.

It is unclear why Schabusiness was tardy, but when she did arrive, both her hands and feet were shackled in chains and she wore a spit hood over her head.

Spit hoods are given to individuals who pose a risk of spitting or biting others. In February, Schabusiness had to be restrained in court when she suddenly attacked her previous public defender.

It took the jury less than one hour to convict Schabusiness of murdering her longtime friend and occasional paramour Shad Thyrion in July, and the same amount of time to determine she was of sound mind when she committed that crime.

On Tuesday, she was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

There was testimony from some who knew Schabusiness, including her grandmother, as well as members of the victim’s family prior to the sentencing.

Schabusiness seemed to become emotional at times as her grandmother spoke about how close she and her granddaughter once were, and also spoke about the fact that she is raising Schabusiness’ 23-month-old son, Matteo.

Thyrion’s uncle also spoke in court on Tuesday, sayig that he hoped Schabusiness met the same fate as her idol Jeffrey Dahmer, who was killed in prison.

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That line received loud applause from those in the gallery.

Thyrion was decapitated, mutilated and sexually assaulted by Schabusiness, who police say then scattered his body parts, according to court documents filed by the prosecution.

Schabusiness willingly spoke with police after her arrest and told officers she decapitated Thyrion, 25, during sex, according to the criminal complaint.

“At one point during the interview, Schabusiness stated she could feel the Victim’s heart beating still as she was choking him, so she kept pulling and choking him harder, but the Victim would not die and that he just kept ‘rebuilding into muscle,’” the complaint said.

Thyrion’s “face turned purple, blood was coming out of his mouth, but she did not stop,” the complaint continued.

When speaking about how she allegedly choked the victim to death with a chain, Schabusiness allegedly commented, “Yeah, I liked it.”

At that point, Schabusiness allegedly dismembered Thyrion’s lifeless body with knives she found in his kitchen.

She also allegedly told officers that she sexually assaulted his corpse.

“Schabusiness stated the plan was for her to bring all of the body parts with her but she got lazy and only ended up putting the leg/foot in the van and she forgot the head,” the complaint said.

The Green Bay Police Department began searching for the victim’s body parts, a task that Schabusiness allegedly found very amusing.

“Schabusiness responded that the police were going to have fun trying to find all of the organs,” Brown County ADA Caleb Saunders wrote in the complaint.

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Parts of Thyrion were found “in a Jimmy Choo bag, alleged body parts in an Under Armour bag and in a Crock Pot box found in the Chrysler mini-van,” according to the complaint. “The defendant apparently blacked out as she reported to police.”

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