HomeWHATWhat Does The Bible Say About Vibrations

What Does The Bible Say About Vibrations

The vibratory nature of matter is mentioned in the Bible. John’s Gospel starts with “In the beginning was the Word…” (John 1:1) and teaches us that this vibration is from God, and is God Himself. The ‘Word’ in this verse is the Greek word ‘logos’, which is in the Bible used to delineate speech and faculties of the mind like thinking and reasoning.

We know that speech means not just any kind of a vibration, but a vibration that carries information, is uttered by a living person and embodies a concept or an idea. In this case it means that the living Creator, our Father God, created an intelligent vibration which then created everything else.

The new theory named “The Geometric Concept of Matter“, as presented by Mr. Zoran Ozimec, confirms that matter is a vibratory structure and explains that what we know as gravity is a direct consequence of that particular vibration.

As the Bible is much older than science, the question arises; is science really the first to venture out and search for the secrets of Nature, or was that knowledge already coded millenniums ago into symbolical and often cryptic Bible passages? So far the Bible is ignored and not seriously regarded by the scientists, but here is a suggestion that this practice should be abandoned.

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From physics we know that the vibration always indicates the existence of a supporting medium. In this case, the ‘Word’ vibration actually creates matter, so that particular medium can’t be material (because matter is not yet created), but immaterial (or spiritual if you prefer). So, what is this substance that everything is made of? As explained by religion, it is God Himself. He is the Universal Substance out of which all forces and things are made, and this is why it is said that He is omnipresent throughout His creation.

But, it’s also interesting to note that the Word is by nature a sound vibration. Physics tells us that sound is transmitted through a medium in the form of a compression wave. As the compression waves of the Word travel through the underlying Universal Substance, that medium is periodically displaced and begins to oscillate. In other words, as the name of the wave suggests, Universal Substance is alternatively compressed and rarefied. If we label compressed Universal Substance as ‘things’ and rarefied Universal Substance as ‘space’, we could say, “All things were made by him [the Word]; and without him was not any thing made that was made “ (John 1:3, KJV, brackets mine).

Genesis 1 mentions another form of vibration—light, “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). In physics, light is sometimes used, in a broader sense, to depict the electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, whether visible or not. An electromagnetic radiation is characterized by a transverse wave, which has different nature than sound waves, but operates upon the same medium of the Universal Substance. So, what does this “light” do? It gives life to the things created by the sound vibration. For more details see this article.

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Thus we learn that the information about the Universal Substance was present and available to mankind for many years, though it’s not yet part of today’s mainstream science. You might ask yourself, how would that be possible; how could our “primitive” ancestors know something that we do not know today? Isn’t ours the most advanced civilization to have appeared so far on this little blue planet?

The truth is that even though Bible is comprised of 66 books, penned by over 40 different writers over several thousand years, it has an integrated design (mathematically provable), which points to its transcendental origin. This means that our “primitive” ancestors are not the authors of the Bible, but its origin is divine. Here is a concise and verifiable discourse, which gives evidence that the Author of the Bible is God.

Friend, if you are reading this it means you are on a journey and you would like to discover the truth. Like you, I was once looking for Truth and after a long search I’ve found Him. Or should I say Jesus found me? Friend, time for long searches is up. Every religious tradition speaks of the future end times, and the funny thing is that the end has to come someday. And the Bible is very detailed when it comes to the end time prophecy.

We are living in the time period that prophets spoke about. The world doesn’t have much more time. I’ve laid out some Bible prophecies in here, and according to the several signs we are at the very end. The time is near when Jesus will come back and you will have to face Him. Will it be on the good terms or bad terms? If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can be sure it will be on the good terms.

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If you want to become a disciple of Jesus (i.e. make Him your Lord) and you want to be sure of your salvation (i.e. get eternal life as a free gift) simply say the following words and mean them:

Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart, I make you my Lord and Savior.

Tags: science, vibration, Word, creation, God, religion

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