HomeWHICHWhich Millet Is Good For Weight Loss

Which Millet Is Good For Weight Loss

These days everyone wants to keep themselves fit, healthy and toned. Some people are struggling because of their body weight. Busy schedules and eating junk keep them occupied that they don’t get time for themselves to work out or exercise. So, what is the solution to this? Well, there is what you might have heard about millets.

In this blog, you are going to know about the 5 most effective types of millet for weight reduction. Firstly, know about millet. These millets are going to help you in losing weight.

What is Millet?

Millet is nutrients-packed whole grain belonging to the Poaceae family. These are a group of small, round whole grains grown in India, Nigeria, and other Asian and African countries. There are so many different types of millet. Although all millet varieties belong to the Poaceae family, they differ in colour, appearance, and species. This crop is also divided into two categories-large and small millets.

Nutritional Profile of Millets

Millet is rich in fibre and other vital nutrients. Let’s take a look at 174g of cooked millet nutrients including:

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* Note: DV- Daily Value

Different millet provides different nutrients. Though, millets provide more essential amino acids than other cereals. Policosanols, Tryptophan, and Dietary fibre are some specific contents found in millet for weight loss. Also, millet provides essential fatty acids that can help to boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss. With all these great benefits, millet is an ideal grain for those looking to lose weight and maintain good health.

5 Best Millets for Weight Loss:

1. Sorghum (Jowar):

Sorghum is commonly known as Jowar in India. You might have heard about this millet grain as it is quite popular in rural areas as rotis are made out of jowar flour. It is rich in iron, protein, fibre, vitamin B, magnesium, and antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acids, and tannins. This millet boosts metabolism, which in turn improves digestion and thus helps you lose weight. Policosanol content in sorghum helps in reducing the cholesterol level in the body. There are a lot of ways to consume it, in the form of jowar flour and jowar dalia. Additionally, jowar millet improves hair and skin health. The magnesium content in this millet is beneficial for bone and heart health.

2. Pearl millet (Bajra):

Pearl millet also known as Bajra, is one of the nutritious millets loaded with protein, fibre, magnesium, iron, and calcium. It also contains high zinc and folic acid. Pearl millet contains the highest amount of folic acid as compared to other cereals. These millets are rich in fibre which keeps you full for a longer time, so you don’t end up feeling hungry from time to time. More than reducing weight the daily consumption of bajra lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, and asthma. You can take the wholesome goodness of pearl millet flour and other pearl millet product and make a perfect snack for your morning and evening tea or coffee. 3. Barnyard Millet:

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For people who are looking to cut down on calories and lose weight, this millet is a great grain to incorporate into your diet. This ancient grain is low in calories and high in fibre, which helps keep you feeling full and satisfied after eating. This millet is high in antioxidants, which help in the treatment of a variety of diseases and health problems. These millets keep the body feeling full for a longer time. As a result, is reduces the desire to eat more food, which is how additional calories can eventually enter the system. You can use barnyard millet flour instead of Maida. 4. Foxtail Millet:

Foxtail millet is also known as Thenai rice. This millet is rich in dietary fibre, which keeps you feeling full after eating. It’s also a good source of protein and other nutrients, making it a better option to choose for the weight loss journey. It’s low in calories and has a low glycemic index, making it a good choice for those on a weight-loss diet. Add some foxtail millet to your diet now. 5. Finger Millet:

Finger millet also known as ragi is a rich source of iron. As you know, our body needs iron to produce haemoglobin in the red blood cells. This grain is the most common and popular in the household in India due to its ease of processing and making recipes. It is high in fibre, which helps promote fullness and makes it easier to stick to your diet. Finger millet acts like a natural appetite suppressant due to its slow digestive nature, making it an ideal food for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are many ways to incorporate ragi millet into your diet with a yummy taste and health. You can add ragi oats ladoo to your diet for a healthy twist.

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‘Which millet is good for weight loss?’ now you must have got the answer to this question. By adding these millets to your diet, you can help promote weight loss while enjoying a healthy and delicious meal. These millets play a vital role in the weight loss journey. You can replace the other food items with them and them into healthy ones. Like, you can replace Maida with ragi flour and fried chips with baked ragi chips. Hope this blog could convince you to select the best millet for weight loss and fuel you to start your weight loss journey.


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