Why Do People Underestimate Me

Do you know that feeling when you feel invisible like a ghost trapped in a situation that makes you question if you even exist or even worse, when somebody has already made assumptions about you before you even had a chance to open your mouth. Is it because I am X, Y or Z? Or is it all of those? Is it because of the way I look, is it because of the way I speak, is it because of the way I exist?

If you have ever been there, you are not alone. That feeling can suck your soul out if you let it. Here are some strategies I use to help myself out whenever this happens.

Remember, it’s not you – it’s them. Trying to change your gender, skin, voice, age, place of birth or brain for other people might sound like a great idea but the problem is that you do not really know why a particular person is underestimating you. Most likely even they do not know it because their bias is subconscious. If you try to put yourself into their shoes for a moment and understand them, it might help you get an idea where is their subconscious bias coming from and why you are being underestimated by them. It is easy to get upset, but don’t let it. It’s not worth it. At the end of the day you are the one who is going to suffer if you let that affect you. Instead try to be curious and empathetic.

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The fact that you feel underestimated tells me that you are good at something and you know it. Do not let other people’s biases or behaviour become your inner voice. This is really difficult to do and requires conscious effort. Compliment yourself. Be kind to yourself. Celebrate your successes. And keep growing. You are a tree and your strength comes from within. The wind will try to break you but it will only make you stronger. Keep honing your craft and getting better.

Find your tribe. Surround yourself with like-minded people who understand you. This is gold. It takes time and commitment to build relationships that last a lifetime. And it is so worth it. When you have friends that know you, care about you and are there for you, other people’s opinions about you really do not matter that much. Some passer by with their bias and judgement can underestimate me all they want because they do not know me at all. However, if they are willing to get to know me, I would be happy to change their mind.

And finally, prove them wrong. It feels great. You can do it!

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