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When Is Iso Coming Out Valorant

Guide Games unveiled the new Agent ISO on October 19, 2023. Once released this will be the 24th new agent in the game, filling up the role of a Duelist. Marking him the seventh addition to the class, Valorant will see a swift shift in the game’s meta across the competitive and professional esports scene upon his release with Episode 7 Act 3.

The gaming community is finding ISO’s design very interesting. Featuring a hint of the Controller class and the perks of a Duelist, with the Season’s release, we should see a surge of new content showcasing different gameplay styles and mechanics associated with him.

ISO’s Release Date in India

ISO will make its debut in India upon the release of Episode 7 Act 3 on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. The Agent will be released in India’s Mumbai server on November 1, 2023. After the maintenance period, the game’s servers will go online again with Episode 7 Act 3 Patch live, along with all the content showcased for the upcoming update. This will include a new Battle Pass, new cosmetics, and the new Agent ISO.

What are ISO’s Abilities

As a duelist, ISO was speculated to be focused on gunplay and sharpshooting. With the reveal trailer, Riot has cemented that and declared him an assassin but instead of taking up arms like Chamber, he’s more focused on protecting you against enemy fire. Let’s check out all of ISO’s abilities here:

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Contingency (C)

You can equip this ability to assemble a prismatic energy. Once done, press fire to send forward an indestructible wall of energy. This wall blocks bullets and destroys itself after reaching the endpoint. Sounds overpowered? Well, not your guns, but you can still use your abilities through the wall. That makes it a little bearable, right?

Undercut (Q)

ISO equips a molecular bolt that you can throw in a direction. It travels in a straight line, and the bolt applies a brief fragile effect to all the enemies it touches. This fragile effect applied by ISO is similar to Valorant agent Killjoy’s alarm bot. You can throw this molecular bolt through any object. This includes boxes, structures, or even walls.

Double Tap(E)

Tapping the signature ability button will start a timer called the focus timer. During this timer, you enter a flow state wherein if you kill an enemy, they generate an orb similar to Reyna’s orb. If you shoot the orb, it grants you a purple shield. While you are in this shield state, you can evade any damage once, including Raze’s showstopper (shown above) or an instance of Sova’s hunter’s fury.

Kill Contract (X)

ISO creates an interdimensional arena in the Valorant battlefield using his ultimate. Once it is activated, you can launch a column of energy through the battlefield. This pulls you and the first enemy it hits into an arena. In this arena, you and your enemy stay until one of you wins the duel by combat. No other player can interfere until the duel is over. If no one wins, both vanish and die in the dimensional arena.

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