HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Is True Regarding Implicit Bias

Which Of The Following Is True Regarding Implicit Bias

People have a tendency and need to classify individuals into categories, allowing us to quickly process information and make sense of the world. This mostly occurs below the level of consciousness using information developed from our life experiences.

Processing information in this way is efficient, requiring few mental resources and little conscious thought. Although efficient, automatic processing can lead to implicit and explicit biases.

Answers: Questions 1 and 6 are False; all the others are True.

What is Implicit Bias?

Implicit bias is an attitude or internalized stereotype that affects an individual’s perception, action, or decision-making in an unconscious manner. It can contribute to unequal treatment based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, or disability (Michigan.gov, 2021, September 24).

Implicit biases influence our thinking and behaviors and can negatively affect clinical interactions and outcomes. Decades of research has demonstrated that discrimination, driven by implicit bias, impacts healthcare access, trust in clinicians, care quality, and patient outcomes (Dirks et al, 2022).

Implicit bias is widespread, even among individuals who explicitly reject prejudice. It persists through structural and historical inequalities that have been slow to change (Payne et al., 2019).

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Although everyone has implicit biases, negative biases toward a particular group can be reduced through positive contacts with members of that group. Once recognized, individuals can control the likelihood that these biases will affect their behavior (DOJ, Nd).

What is Explicit Bias?

Explicit or conscious bias occurs when we are aware of our prejudices and attitudes toward certain groups. Positive or negative preferences for a particular group are conscious. Overt racism and racist comments are examples of explicit biases.

Explicit forms of bias include preferences, beliefs, and attitudes of which people are generally consciously aware, personally endorse, and can identify and communicate. Discrimination, directly related to bias, is the unequal treatment of individuals and communities related to general policies, practices, and norms (Vela et al., 2022).

Implicit Stereotypes, Attitudes, and Prejudices

Stereotypes are fixed, oversimplified beliefs about a particular group or culture. They occur when we categorize people by age, gender, race, or other criteria.

Stereotypes develop early in life and once established, can shape a person’s attitudes and behaviors (Brusa et al., 2021). Stereotyping can lead to conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conceptions and opinions. In the healthcare setting, it allows providers to categorize someone in a certain way, making no further effort to learn whether the individual in question fits the stereotype (Galanti, 2019).

Unconscious stereotypes can lead to implicit bias. This highlights what can be troubling for healthcare professionals: the possibility of biased judgment and biased behavior can affect patient care (FitzGerald et al., 2019).

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Recognizing stereotypical thoughts can have a powerful impact on bias. Putting yourself in the shoes of the other person, creating a non-stereotypical alternative to a particular stereotype, and seeing the person as an individual help reduce bias.


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