HomeWHICHWhich Little Miss Character Are You

Which Little Miss Character Are You

The Little Miss Quiz exposes your nice, naughty, or nonsense persona. Find out which character you are with a fun personality test.

The Little Miss Quiz Explained

It’s a 20-question personality test that reveals which of the 72 characters you are.

Little Misses are the fictional OCs of the 80s children’s book by Roger and Adam Hargreaves.

It’s a TikTok Trend

TikTok users look for the character that resembles them, although the Little Miss animated show dates back to 1994.

Thanks to recent challenges like “My Friends as Little Misses,” the nostalgic series has become an internet sensation. And Gen-Zers are even coming up with not-family-friendly versions of the characters.

The good news is that you can join the trend, too. Our quiz is the first of its kind in that it offers never-seen-before results.

Meet the ORIGINAL Little Miss (or Mr. Men) in You

The cool thing about this quiz is that it offers exceptional results.

Sunshine, Shy, Dotty, and all the other girls are memorable characters. But they’re boringly innocent.

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Your match on this page is realistic, though. We’ve tweaked the personalities of all the girls and boys to make them even more relatable.

Don’t expect cute comparisons like the ones on the Hello Kitty Quiz. Instead, prepare to face your true self—and get to know some of your toxic traits.

How to Discover Your Little Miss Counterpart

So, you want to know which Little Miss represents you. Here’s what to do:

  • Create a list of your top three positive traits.
  • Create another for your negative traits.
  • Go to the official Fandom.
  • Compare your persona to the girls’ to find your match.

The following is a list of popular characters’ traits to help with that.

Character Trait Sunshine Good, Nice, Kind Shy Beautiful, Reluctant, Modest Splendid Stylish, Chic, Elegant Trouble Disrespectful, Rude, Troublemaker Scary Spooky, Frightening, Strange

#1. Sunshine

Personality-wise, Little Ms. Sunshine is a perfect character: She’s friendly, kind, happy, and sparkling.

#2. Shy

As the name suggests, Shy is a timid, nervous, and frightened character. But she’s also pretty, unassuming, and modest.

#3. Wise.

Always thinking one step ahead, Little Ms. Wise is a role model. She’s intelligent, decent, and considerate.

Funny Questions; Accurate Results

Unlike other Little Miss Quizzes, our test is a total vibe. Although the original show inspires the questions, they all have that modern-day spice to keep them relevant.

Give it a try; you’ll enjoy the questions and get surprised by the results.

By the way, if you’re a nostalgia fan, check out our Care Bare Quiz next. It’ll take you back to the 90s for sure.

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QuizExpo does not own any of the images in the Little Miss Quiz, and we do not intend copyright infringement. UK entertainment group Chorion owns the said pictures.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    • I eat my breakfast in peace.

    • I get ready and head out to Starbucks.

    • I watch some TV or listen to music.

    • I call my significant other.

    • I lay in my bed for an extra hour or so.

    • I work out or play video games.

  • 2
    • WhatsApp

    • Instagram

    • TikTok

    • Snapchat

    • Twitter

    • Facebook or Reddit

  • 3
    • True crime.

    • Reality shows.

    • Teen drama.

    • Horror.

    • Sitcom.

    • Sci-fi.

  • 4
    • I wanted to feel nostalgic.

    • I just wanted to join the silly trends.

    • My crush did it, so I gave it a try.

    • Someone else asked me to do it.

    • I was bored.

    • I have no idea why I’m doing this.

  • 5
    • Calm

    • Cool

    • Playful

    • Sad

    • Tired

    • Energetic

  • 6
    • No one. I hate stalkers.

    • My rival

    • My crush

    • My ex

    • My boyfriend/girlfriend

    • I’d only stalk someone as a joke or prank.

  • 7
    • Reading books, watching TV, and eating healthy.

    • Shopping and going out for dinner.

    • Going to a bar or club and hooking up.

    • Cuddling up in bed and watching horror movies.

    • Eating a ton of food and sleeping all day.

    • Playing video games with friends all day long.

  • 8
    • Deep talks.

    • Shopping.

    • Doing naughty stuff.

    • Cuddling, kissing, and holding hands.

    • Binge-watching TV shows.

    • Going on a trip or doing adventurous stuff.

  • 9
    • Pretty angel.

    • Bad beeotch.

    • Medusa.

    • Savior.

    • Delicious cupcake.

    • True comrade.

  • 10
    • Casual

    • Chic

    • Sexy

    • Artsy

    • Baggy

    • Sporty.

  • 11
    • I pray or meditate

    • I party with my besties.

    • I cry alone in my room.

    • I ask a loved one to cheer me up.

    • I eat a ton of food and sleep.

    • I pretend I’m fine and keep my chin up.

  • 12
    • My house

    • Mall

    • Club

    • Their house

    • Restaurant

    • Amusement Park

  • 13
  • 14
    • My pet’s photos.

    • My outfits and makeup.

    • Life updates.

    • Photos with my significant other.

    • Random stuff.

    • I don’t have an IG account.

  • 15
    • Square

    • Triangle

    • Hourglass

    • Circle

    • Oval

    • Hexagon

  • 16
    • “You’re a nice person.”

    • “You look great.”

    • “You’re funny.”

    • “You’re cute.”

    • “You’re generous.”

    • “You’re strong.”

  • 17
    • Peaceful

    • Sad

    • Horny

    • Lonely

    • Exhausted

    • Happy

  • 18
    • I’m shy.

    • I’m too nice to people.

    • I’m impatient.

    • I’m depressed and unmotivated.

    • I’m lazy.

    • I’m easily bored.

  • 19
    • I don’t think I’ve ever blocked someone.

    • More than 50

    • 20-40

    • 10-15

    • 5 or so

    • Less than 5

  • 20
    • 2-7

    • 8-12

    • 13-14

    • 15-18

    • 19 or older

    • I’ve never watched it before

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