HomeWHYWhy Did Indiana Leave The Dropouts Podcast

Why Did Indiana Leave The Dropouts Podcast

The Dropout podcast is one of those internet content that many people like because of their everyday stories, relatable cast, and sincere approach. One of the participants in that podcast was Indiana Massara, who had a romantic relationship with another cast member, Zach Justice.

The Dropouts, a successful podcast with millions of downloads and followers, have Jared Bailey, Zach Justice, and Indiana Massara talking about what they consider to be the daily topic. They talk about their lives, they talk about the weather, and they can talk just about anything because it is an unscripted format. But in recent times, the disappearance of Indiana from the show came under public scrutiny amid the relationship status and potential cheating from Indiana. What’s up with that? Let’s try to get to the bottom of this!

Did Indiana Cheat on Zach?
Zach Justice on a podcast (Credit: Dropouts Podcast YouTube Channel)

When Did Indiana And Zach Start Dating?

We must start this from the beginning. Indiana Massara is an Aussie podcaster, model, actress, and singer; you might recall her acting work from that 2021 film called “Hero Mode”. Let’s move on to Zach; Zach Justice is a podcaster and internet personality whose rise to fame comes from his work in the Dropouts podcast and his popular TikTok account. The two have been friends as back as 2018, but in the last couple of years, they’ve had a romantic relationship that was very public and outspoken on social media. But in the last couple of months, Indiana hasn’t shown up in the podcast, and Zach seemed to vanish from Indiana’s social media profile posts.

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Did Indiana And Zach Break Up?

While the public and notorious relationship between Indiana and Zach was short-lived during its fire. That fire is gone, the spark is gone, and the two have gone their separate ways as of March 2022. No one knows for sure why they broke up, but it could be due to Zach focusing on his own career or Indiana’s busy schedule with her own affairs.

Whatever the reason may be, these two stars are no longer together, and many fans are sad about their breakup. However, both Indiana and Zach have expressed kind words for each other, even after their breakup. It’s unclear if the two will ever get back together, but for now, they are both single and focusing on their own separate paths in life.

Why Is Indiana No Longer In The Dropouts Podcast?

After the breakup, Indiana took a plane to her native Australia and has stayed there; that’s the reason why she’s no longer in the popular podcast The Dropouts. There’s been a couple of episodes where Zach has addressed Indiana’s absence, but all in all, it is evident she’s not there.

As for Indiana, she’s addressed the fact that she’s not on the podcast a few times and acknowledges that her sudden exit from the show might’ve caused a few production problems, but other than that, both parties seemed to have moved on.

Did Indiana Cheat on Zach?
Indiana Massara on the podcast (Credit: Dropouts Podcast YouTube Channel)

Did Indiana Cheat On Zach?

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During one of the Dropout podcasts featuring Indiana, she disclosed that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her while also confirming that they were on bad terms. The fans have speculated that Zach might have been the one who cheated on Indiana and caused their breakup.

In one of her TikTok videos, she hinted sarcastically that her ex kept her hostage for three years after breaking into her house. Although it’s unclear who that person was, fans are already trying to figure out who it might be. Indiana also shared that Jay Ulloa, another ex-boyfriend, was toxic and violent toward her. While there haven’t been many details shared by the actress about the relationship, it’s quite apparent that they had an unhealthy dynamic.

Still, up until the time of print, it’s not quite clear whether or not Indiana cheated on Zach. In any case, both have seemed to move on from their breakup; there’s no documented drama nor online jabs at each other. This is a good thing because the value we learn from that is that they’re both mature about it.

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