HomeWHEREWhere To Find Horseradish In Grocery Store

Where To Find Horseradish In Grocery Store

Fresh, dug-out root horseradish with leaves on the pile

Horseradish is a versatile vegetable that is usually made into a sauce or dip.

It is often eaten as a condiment with other foods, especially meats.

It is sold fresh in the grocery stores or already prepared and packaged in the refrigerated section or the condiments section.

Every store is different, and its aisle location in one store may be different in another store.

Where Is Horseradish In The Grocery Store?

Fresh horseradish

Typically, the prepared condiment version is usually in the aisle with other condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise.

Fresh horseradish is usually located in the product section, often near the potatoes, carrots, and other root vegetables.

Most grocery stores carry horseradish as a fresh vegetable and as a condiment in a jar.

What Is Horseradish?

Horseradish root and grated horseradish

Horseradish is related to cabbage and is a root vegetable that grows in the ground.

It has long leaves or stock, but only the root is eaten.

Horseradish root is ground up and used to make horseradish sauces which are used for condiments.

Is Horseradish A Radish?

Horseradish and common radishes have similar flavors, but they are not the same vegetable.

They do both come from the Brassicaceae family, but they have different scientific names.

Horseradish is called Armoracia Rusticana, and the common radish is called Raphanus sativus.

Common radishes are usually eaten raw in salads or with dips, and horseradish is usually made into a sauce and used as a condiment.

Is Horseradish A Vegetable?

Horseradish is a vegetable.

It is a root vegetable from the Brassicaceae family.

Other vegetables in this family include the common radish, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and mustard plant.

Where Is Refrigerated Horseradish?

Crushed horseradish prepared on a traditional wooden plate

Refrigerated horseradish is usually located near the produce with dips and other refrigerated sauces.

It may be in the salad section or may be with other prepared dressings, sauces, dips, and toppings.

Once horseradish has been refrigerated, it will need to be refrigerated at all times.

Leaving it out, especially after opening it, could cause it to spoil quickly.

Can You Buy Fresh Horseradish?

Most grocery stores do offer horseradish all year long.

If you aren’t able to find it in your regular grocery store, you may be able to find it in a special market or an international grocery store.

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The best time to find horseradish is Spring.

Where Is Prepared Horseradish In The Store?

Prepared horseradish is horseradish that has already been made into a sauce and packaged in a bottle or jar.

Some types of prepared horseradish have to be refrigerated and are found in the refrigerated section with the salad dressings and dips.

Other prepared horseradish sauces do not have to be refrigerated, and they are usually found in the condiment section with salad dressing, ketchup, and mustard.

Where Is Horseradish In Walmart?

In Walmart, the prepared horseradish is located in the condiments aisle.

The fresh horseradish is located in the produce section, and the prepared and refrigerated horseradish is located in the salad and refrigerated dip section, which is near the produce section.

Where Is Horseradish In Kroger?

The horseradish at Kroger is located in the same aisle as other condiments, such as salad dressing and barbeque sauce.

Fresh horseradish is located in the produce section near the potatoes, yams, and onions.

Horseradish sauce that has been prepared and refrigerated is located in the refrigerated cases near the produce and next to the salad and refrigerated salad dressings and dips.

Where Is Horseradish In WholeFoods?

In WholeFoods, the fresh horseradish is located in bins in the produce section next to other root vegetables.

The refrigerated horseradish can be found near the produce in the coolers that hold salad dressing and dips.

The prepared horseradish that does not need to be refrigerated is found in the condiments aisle with other dressings and dipping sauces.

Does Horseradish Have To Be Refrigerated?

Grated horseradish root

It is best to store horseradish in a refrigerator, whether it is fresh or prepared.

Horseradish is a member of the mustard family, and when kept in a cool place, it will last much longer.

Horseradish that is prepared but not in the refrigerated section of the grocery store should be refrigerated as soon as it is opened.

Most prepared horseradishes have an expiration date on the jar or bottle.

How Long Does Horseradish Last In The Refrigerator?

Prepared horseradish that has been opened can last in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Most jars or bottles have an expiration date that can help you keep track of the freshness.

Prepared horseradish that has not been opened can last in a refrigerator or pantry for up to a year.

Fresh horseradish can last for up to two months in a refrigerator.

Can Horseradish Be Frozen?

Horseradish can be frozen and kept in the freezer, where it can last for up to six months.

You can freeze horseradish whole, or grate it and freeze it.

You can also freeze prepared horseradish, but the texture may be mushy when thawed.

Prepared horseradish can last unopened in a pantry for up to 12 months, so there is really no need to freeze it.

How To Freeze Whole Horseradish

Fresh orgaanic horseradish or Horse-radish root on wooden cutting board

If you have purchased a whole horseradish from the produce section of your local grocery store and you want to freeze it, follow these steps to do so properly.

  • Step 1: Clean the horseradish by running it under cool water and wiping it with a soft brush or just wiping it with your hands.
  • Step 2: Dry the horseradish with a paper towel or a soft tea towel.
  • Step 3: Wrap the horseradish in plastic wrap.
  • Step 4: Wrap the horseradish in a layer of foil
  • Step 5: Place it in a freezer bag and label it with the name and date.
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How To Freeze Grated Horseradish

Grated horseradish

The easiest way to freeze horseradish is to grind it up.

Not only does this make the horseradish easy to use, but it also allows you to portion it out properly.

Grated horseradish that is frozen can last for up to six months in the freezer.

Follow these steps to freeze grated horseradish.

  • Step 1: Peel the skin off the horseradish and wash it.
  • Step 2: Grate the horseradish into a large bowl.
  • Step 3: Portion out your horseradish into serving sizes or however you prefer it for recipes.
  • Step 4: Soak the horseradish in vinegar to help keep it from browning while you are packaging it for the freezer. The vinegar will not change the texture or taste of the horseradish.
  • If you prefer not to use vinegar, you will need to work quickly to ensure it doesn’t turn brown before you package it.
  • Step 5: Wrap each portion of horseradish in foil and then place it in a freezer bag. You can portion out the bags as well or simply use a large bag to hold several foil-wrapped portions in one large bag. Add the date and label to your bag before putting it in the freezer.

Where Does Horseradish Come From?

horseradish with leaves

Horseradish is native to Asia and Europe.

It is grown in many countries, including the United States.

Most horseradish that is available in supermarkets is grown aboard and imported into the United States.

Most domestically-grown horseradish is sold at farmers’ markets.

What Is Horseradish Good On?

Bavarian snack with smoked country ham with freshly grated horseradish

Horseradish has a very strong and spicy flavor.

Many people enjoy it as a condiment on meat and vegetables.

It is also very good with sharp cheeses.

When it comes to deciding what foods horseradish is good on, it’s really a matter of preference.

Many people eat it with steak or prime rib.

It can also be mixed in with salad dressings and other condiments to add a unique texture and a spicy flavor.

Horseradish is an ingredient of most cocktail sauces.

What Is Horseradish Sauce?

horseradish sauce

Horseradish sauce is a condiment that combines horseradish and a creamy base such as sour cream, yogurt, or mayonnaise.

The creamy base helps cut the heat of the horseradish to make it mild and more tolerable for those who like the flavor but not necessarily all of the spice.

Horseradish sauce is easy to make at home and can be bought in the condiments section of many grocery stores.

What Is Creamy Horseradish Sauce?

Creamy horseradish sauce is a sauce made with a creamy base and horseradish added to it.

It tends to be more creamy and less spicy than regular horseradish sauce, and some kinds even have a sweet flavor or undertone.

It is designed to be added to sandwiches, meats, or even eaten as a dip for vegetables and pieces of bread.

Why Is Horseradish Hot?

Small bowl with Horseradish Sauce

Horseradish is a strong and spicy vegetable.

Many people enjoy the scent and flavor, but others find it too strong to tolerate.

The reason horseradish is hot is due to a compound called isothiocyanate that becomes spicy when oxidized by air and saliva.

It can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, runny nose, and red and watery eyes.

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The burning sensation usually only lasts a short time, and most people find it mild and enjoyable.

Why Is It Called Horseradish?

Fresh horseradish root

Horseradish is called meerrettich in German, which translates to sea radish.

The Germans gave it this name because it often grows by the sea.

The English misheard or mispronounced the meer portion of the word and began calling it mareradish.

The mare translated to a horse, and over time the root vegetable became known as horseradish.

Is Horseradish Mustard?


Horseradish is not mustard, but it does come from the mustard family.

Mustard oil is found in horseradish, which is what gives it a spicy and tangy flavor.

Some specialty mustards do have horseradish added to them to create a spicier flavor.

Is Horseradish Healthy?

Grated horseradish

Horseradish is very healthy and is packed with vitamins and nutrients that can help fight off disease and illnesses.

It is believed to help fight cancer and aid in digestion.

In some cultures, it is consumed medicinally.

It is also believed to help with respiratory problems and boost your immune system.

Can Horseradish Be Harmful?

Fresh grated Horseradish roots on wooden table

If consumed in reasonable amounts, horseradish is perfectly fine for most people to eat.

It does contain mustard oil, which can be too strong for some people with sensitive tastes or sensitive mouths.

It can burn or irritate the gums, tongue, and cheeks.

It can leave behind a bitter and spicy flavor for several minutes.

What Are The Benefits Of Horseradish?

Ground horseradish, hot sauce to the food in a white bowl

Horseradish has many health benefits, and because it can be eaten with so many foods and in so many different ways, it’s easy to add it to your diet and take advantage of these health benefits.

1. Immune System

Horseradish is packed with antioxidants and can help boost your body’s white blood cell supply to boost your immune system and help you fight off illnesses and diseases.

It is also a good source of vitamin V, which is known to fight off viruses and illnesses.

2. Fights Urinary Tract Infections

If you suffer from urinary tract infections, horseradish may help.

It is a natural diuretic which means it helps remove fluid from your body to flush out bacteria that may be growing.

It also removes toxins from your urinary tract and helps kill bacteria that may be lingering there and causing infection.

3. Improved Digestion

Horseradish is full of fiber which can help fight constipation and aid in digestion.

It can also help reduce bloating.

Not only does it help make digestion easier, but it also improves the absorption of nutrients.

4. Fights Cancer

A compound called glucosinolate is found in horseradish.

It goes through a chemical reaction that detoxifies the body and reduces the free radicals that are known to cause cancer.

Because horseradish contains so much glucosinolate, eating just a small amount can have a big impact on your health.

5. Lowers Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure eating horseradish can help reduce it and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Horseradish has a lot of potassium, which has been found to help reduce blood pressure naturally and improve heart health.

6. Aids In Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, horseradish can help by boosting your immune system.

Horseradish is also low in calories and contains healthy fats and plenty of dietary fiber to keep you fuller longer.

7. Bone Health

Calcium helps make bones stronger, and horseradish contains plenty of calcium.

It also allows calcium to be absorbed more easily, so you can get the full benefit.

It can fight osteoporosis and is a different way to add calcium to your diet aside from dairy products or supplements.

Can Horseradish Cause Any Health Problems?

horseradish root and grated horseradish

Horseradish is safe for most people to eat in small amounts.

It may not be suitable for anyone who has a mustard oil allergy.

It does contain a lot of sodium, and most of its calories come from sugar.

It has a strong flavor, so there is no need to consume a lot of it at once.

If you have dietary issues, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor to see if there are any reasons you shouldn’t make horseradish part of your diet.

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