HomeWHOWho Is Behind 119 Ministries

Who Is Behind 119 Ministries

For some time, 119 Ministries, has been sliding toward compromising positions with their Downy soft approach to some tough Biblical stances. More than once, I have addressed them, both privately and publicly. This is the latter!

Like David Wilber, a contributor for 119 Ministries, the ministry has recently taken a public stance that Yeshua was in submission to the Church when He went to the stake/cross. Here is an image of a public comment recently made by 119Ministries on their facebook page demonstrating that they concur with Wilber (and JK McKee’s) absurd position on mutual submission.

My answer to Wilber, in the videos below, exactly apply to 119 Ministries’ error. In those videos, I even subtly referred to 119 because Wilber contributes to their research and production. Before the videos, though, an illustration demonstrating that Wilber, McKee, and 119 Ministries do not understand ‘submission’ or ‘servanthood.’

Last night, my wife and I had a pleasant dinner at a small local seafood restaurant. The glazed brussels sprouts and blackened Ahi Tuna were amazing, but I digress.. 😉 The waitress took our order then later brought our meal and served it. She was serving us, taking care of our needs. Was she in submission to us? Or… was she in submission to the owner of the restaurant who rewards her with a paycheck for following his order to care for his customers??

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Obviously! She is in submission to her boss, her authority, her head!

Yeshua, was in submission to the Father, every step of the way. Every instant of every minute of every hour of every day…. Always has been, always will be. He can’t have two heads any more that we can. He only did the will of the Father. It was the Father’s will to bruise Him. He prayed to the Father in Gethsemane when He said, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

Yeshua was in submission to the Father!!

Wilber and McKee, and apparently 119 Ministries, now, have to change the meaning of submission and who Yeshua was in submission to so they can slide in their egalitarian/feminist fallacy and Marxist agenda. Think I’m kidding?? The three are most certainly related!!

If they are not intentionally doing so, then they need to take a step back and reevaluate what they are promoting, because it is demonstrably UNscriptural.

My two part video response to Wilber, and now 119 Ministries, as well as a final note…

The final note, since we are talking about 119 Ministries error… Here’s another very challenging rebuttal where, as much as feminized western culture may not like the topic, I demonstrated that 119 Ministries took the ‘man pleasing’ (or, ‘woman pleasing’) way out instead of stiffening their spine and actually answering the topic from Scripture as they used to do… I guess they don’t ‘Test Everything’ anymore.

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