HomeHOWHow To Delete Glove Pie

How To Delete Glove Pie

Hello, fellow Technic forum user. Welcome to;

Now, what is this thread for, you ask?

This thread is a place for everything related to GlovePIE scripts.

What are GlovePIE scripts, and what is this “GlovePIE”, you ask?

GlovePIE is an amazing little free piece of software that allows you to do many things.

Many many many many amazing and wonderful things.

Very easily.

GlovePIE is mostly intended for use as a way to translate input from one device to another.

For example, using a joystick to control your mouse, or using a Wiimote to play touhou on your computer via Bluetooth, or using your keyboard as a midi controller, or using voice commands to launch your favorite programs, or using Kinect to turn off your computer when you jump more than a meter in the air, or even playing games with a neural headset…

GlovePIE has a pretty much infinite amount of different uses. I have found it useful in a plethora of ways, such as automation of repetitive tasks, macros that are far more complex and powerful than I can create otherwise, setting my own key bindings for games that are not configurable, and trolling the ever-loving heck out of my friends by making their computers behave oddly or chastise them via speech synthesis when they do/type/say certain things, (For example, using IE).

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Sweet! Can you make me a script to help me win at LoL/Dota2/<insert multiplayer game of choice here>?

Have a note from the author.

“You may not use this software to cheat at online or multiplayer games. What constitutes cheating depends on the game and the server. Just using a different input device shouldn’t be considered cheating, but complex scripted actions to make things easier may be considered cheating. Don’t get GlovePIE banned, or you will hurt everyone who wants to play with an unusual input device. But feel free to cheat at single player!”

I would ask you to follow this rule.

Please don’t be that one guy who ruins it for everyone else because he can’t follow a simple rule.

(Nobody likes that guy. Not even his mom.)

So what are GlovePIE scripts, you ask?

Wow. You ask a lot of questions.

A GlovePIE script is simply a little program that runs in GlovePIE.

I’ve made lots of them, and am going to share some with you/help you make some of your own!

How can you learn to make GlovePIE scripts?

Documentation is included in the .zip file. You can access this, (and other useful things), in the “help” dropdown menu of GlovePIE.

Does GlovePIE work on Mac or Linux?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Maybe. It is primarily designed for windows. (98 to Vista).

It has not been officially tested on windows 7, but I have never run into any problems using it.

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I have been told it also works on windows 8. -(Mooseman9)

But as for Mac and Linux, I have heard of people getting it to work using the WINE compatibility layer if you need this that badly. No guarantees everything will work though, and no, I will not help you set WINE up. There are many tutorials for how to do that already.

Where do I get this wonderful thing, you ask?


NOTE: I would highly recommend that you not type “glovepie.org” into your browser as an address. For whatever reason, the page at “www.glovepie.org” appears to have been defaced some time ago, and has never been fixed. You should use the address/link above to go directly to the part of the site that deals with GlovePIE.

Is this program going to, “give me a virus”?

As far as I can tell, no. I have run the .zip of the latest version’s download through VirusTotal, and it came up clean. Here is the SHA256 sum;

Do note that glovePIE runs with administrator privileges by default.

If you would like to disable GlovePIE running as admin by default, you can simply delete “PIEFree.exe.manifest” from the folder where GlovePIE is located. However, GlovePIE needs administrator privileges for some functions, like injecting input into full-screen games.

If at any point something is changed due to user input, (or I blatantly steal something from someone and add it to one of my posts/scripts in this thread), they will be mentioned by a “-(username)”

I hope you thank them for their contribution to science! -(lukeb28)

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TIPS on making your own scripts!

  • Read/search through the documentation! It has the solutions to most problems!
  • GlovePIE is not case-sensitive as far as I can tell. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • You can set the location of the mouse cursor and the status of keys on the keyboard artificially! This is great for macros! But if you want to type something, just use the type” ” command!
  • You can also “swallow” the keyboard and mouse, which will prevent everything but GlovePIE from receiving those inputs. Very useful for keeping your scripts clean when you want to change what a key does.
  • GlovePIE also has a “GUI” tab that will automatically detect what devices you want to emulate. This is useful if you are scared of manual scripting or do not know how to refer to a certain input in your script.


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