HomeWHICHWhich Is A Common Political Advocacy Strategy

Which Is A Common Political Advocacy Strategy

When taking on an advocacy campaign, or developing a plan to fight/pass legislation or regulations, it’s easy to become so engrossed in the detail of execution that the end goal can get fuzzy. This is why a strategic plan to kickstart and maintain momentum is vitally important to your future success. Right from the beginning, it’s critical to set forth a plan that establishes where you are, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there.

To help, we asked the experts to give us their top advocacy strategies that stand the test of time. Here are 13 advocacy strategies used by top government relations professionals to execute their campaigns.

1. Determine a Clear Objective

One thing leads to another, and as often happens, the more immersed you get into one issue, the more others surface. Don’t get distracted. An effective strategy must be clear, concise, and constant. Frequently shifting goals and objectives creates confusion and can ultimately lead to digression, disgruntlement, and possibly defections by members and volunteers who need to see progress to sustain interest.

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People join organizations based on what they are trying to achieve so make sure your campaign objectives are clearly tied to your overall organization’s goals. That is the recommendation from Gregory Blascovich, president at Keep It Public. Not only will you be able to keep your supporters engaged, but also avoid working in silos for each campaign, making your overall strategy more robust. That’s why it’s important to clarify priorities and maintain baselines or benchmarks in charting progress.

2. Do Your Research

Building a good campaign strategic plan means ensuring your team is clear not only on the objective but also on every and any nuance around the topic. Sloane Davidson, founder and CEO at Hello Neighbor, recommends paying particular attention to:

  • Any organizational and external constraints
  • Who the potential allies and opponents are
  • Who are the stakeholders and key decision-makers
  • What are the inflection points
  • Any important deadlines to meet

With all that research and data, you can then focus on the tactics that will get your campaign on a path to success.

3. Focus on Building Relationships

It’s no secret that personal relationships are the most effective way to reach influential lawmakers. Despite advances in advocacy technology, social media strategies, and data-driven outreach, sometimes it takes personal relationships to advance a cause.


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