HomeWHATWhat Is Wrong With Daylyt Feet

What Is Wrong With Daylyt Feet

Claim: A Californian-based battle rapper, Daylyt, claimed on Facebook that he has legs with unusually long toes shaped like fingers of the hands.

Verdict: FALSE. Though such a medical condition as Arachnodactyly exists, the controversial battle rapper does not have such a genetic disorder. Our findings reveal it was a prank that never got debunked.

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In the dynamic world of hip-hop, artists often captivate their audience with their unique personas and talents. Among these artists stands a Californian-based rapper, Daylyt, whose real name is Davone Campbell, born on Feburary 14, 1985.

Now 38 years old, he has participated in more than 77 battles and has been featured in VIBE Magazine, LA Weekly, LA Times and more.

New information about him is, however, trending. In the viral picture, he was seated on a staircase with money in his hands. His legs were the exception, as hand palms occupied the space that should have been toes.

In another image, he enjoys the serenity of the sea with his elbows resting on his raised knees as he sits on a beach. In place of his toes, the palms of some hands spread their fingers as they press into the sand. He first posted this in July 2021.

The caption reads, “For years, I used to hide my flaws because I was afraid of what people would say or I didn’t want to be bullied. But now I am completely ok with my flaws! I’m no longer afraid of this world! Love me for who I am! 2021 freedom! #love”

The Facebook post in 2021. Source: Facebook @Daylyt.

The post gained more than 7,600 reactions, 3,200 comments, and 10,000 reshares. One Nig24News quoted the rapper overcoming his identity fears.

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The caption reads, “I’m no longer afraid to show the real me- Rapper Daylyt shares [a] picture of unusually-shaped feet, admits fear of showing true self.”

As of the time of filing this report, the post had generated 233 reactions, 106 comments, and 19 reshares, where some expressed skepticism. Adeewolu Ayobami Olamilekansi said, “If you do not know this is [a] photoshop, then you need glasses.”

But Ken Obaro believed the rapper suffered from a disease after watching him go live on Facebook, where he allegedly showed his feet. She urged the followers to check his Facebook page and “see for yourself.”

She said,

“He’s suffering from a disease. I saw a video where he was live here on Facebook; he showed the feet. I felt pity for him [though]. At first, I thought it was fake but I went through his page and saw more for myself. This is not the first time he posted his feet but this one went viral.”

Kareem Abdul disagreed. He said, “I have [seen] it. It’s Photoshop. Look closer and observe. You’ll [see] it.”

Other posts revealing the condition have also generated divisive thoughts like here, here and here. The virality of counterthoughts to the supposedly clear pictures piqued our interest, and we proceeded to fact-check available claims using open-sourced information.

What is Arachnodactyly?

Arachnodactyly, also known as “spider fingers,” is a medical condition characterised by abnormally long and slender fingers or toes resembling the fingers of a spider. This condition is primarily associated with certain genetic disorders.

Marfan Syndrome is one genetic connective tissue disorder associated with arachnodactyly. It is caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene, which is responsible for producing a protein called fibrillin-1. The protein is critical in providing strength and elasticity to connective tissues. People with Marfan syndrome may have abnormally tall stature, long limbs, and a high-arched palate.

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Image showing where Marfan Syndrome can be diagnosed. Source: Invitra
Image of a Marfan Syndrome patient. Source: Bullet Health

Another genetic issue associated with Arachnodactyly is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a group of inherited connective tissue disorders caused by various genetic mutations. Different types of EDS may present with various symptoms, including joint hypermobility, skin hyperelasticity, and fragile blood vessels. In some cases of EDS, individuals may exhibit arachnodactyly as a prominent feature.

Image of an Elhers Danlos patient. Source: IRSA clinic.
Image showing how Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can be diagnosed. Source: Mass4D

Aside from the long and slender appearance of the fingers and toes, arachnodactyly does not usually cause significant functional problems. But according to the National Library of Medicine, it may be a sign of an underlying genetic disorder, especially if other related symptoms are present.

Contrary to the Daylyt videos and pictures, none of the syndromes detected showed a hand entirely replacing the foot. The changes are simply toes longer than usual.

Examples of patients with toe Arachnodactyly. Source: Journal of Medical Genetics

We proceeded to pick out some anomalies detected in the shared pictures.

Where the loopholes lie

Our first attempt to verify the claim was to search for media platforms that reported his medical condition after he first revealed the information in 2021. However, we found no credible media platform that reported it, nor did we find such an unusual disorder mentioned in his biographies found online.

Using Reveal Image Verification Assistant (an online tool that runs forensic analysis that detects still-image alterations), we analysed the image at the beach, which appeared cleaner in quality than others. We detected traces of Copy-Move Forgery (CMFD) conspicuous on his right leg.

When a copy-move forgery occurs in digital images, one part of the image is replicated within the same image, generally at different locations. A study carried out by Kunj Meena and Vipin Teague, published in the Journal of Information Security and Applications in 2020, revealed that such duplications are performed to “conceal some useful information or to replicate the things to mislead the people.”

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Daylyt’s picture was manually analysed. Credit: Phillip Anjorin.
Copy-Move forgery detected during analysis. Credit: Phillip Anjorin.

We also noticed no consistency in the shape of the legs while comparing the available pictures.

In the beach picture, it looked like the entire foot, starting from the ankle, was replaced by the palm of a hand.

Daylyt at a beach.

Only the toes were replaced by a palm in the one on the stairs. The sole was intact.

Daylyt on a stairs

We proceeded to find out any possible evidence about his actual condition. Using a Keyword search, we found a Facebook post he made in November 2014 after he lost at a battle rap with Pat Stay, the champion of the King of the Dot (KOTD) contest at the time. He appeared at the event wearing a slave costume with cuffs on his hands as he was led to the stage. He wore no footwear. His legs were bare. He had no such disorder as the spider fingers.

Daylyt (right) appearing at the scene. Source: Battle Rap.
Daylyt’s leg. Source: Facebook @Daylyt.
Closer view of his legs. Source: Battle Rap.

Mischievous reputation

Daylyt has made a name for himself in battle rap through his numerous antics and pranks. In October 2014, he was kicked off stage for trying to poop openly as a protest against racist slurs he got exposed to at the event.

A few months prior, he had announced his intention to have sex with 53-year-old American rapper, Sean Combs (P Diddy), raising speculations that he was gay. Rather than debunk it, he fuelled it with various antics to gain attention within the period.

When he posted the Arachnodactyly picture on Facebook in July 2021, he released a video displaying his spider-finger-shaped legs in the comment section to prove his point. However, he gave an F-word sign with his supposed toes at the early stage of the video. A week later, he shared the graphics of an upcoming duel with King Bau.

Daylyt against King Bau. Source: Facebook @Daylyt.


Forensic attempts to verify the picture revealed that he had no such condition. Also, we did not discover any interview he granted about his alleged genetic condition despite his prominence as a renowned, controversial battle rapper in America. Therefore, the shared visuals are altered and fake.


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